Is Jesus Actually In Record of Ragnarok?

As an avid Record of Ragnarok fan, this is a question I‘ve seen popping up more and more across the fandom recently. While Jesus doesn‘t directly take part in the over-the-top brawls between gods and humans, he does make a noteworthy appearance in the series as one of the legendary Four Sages.

Who Are the Four Sages & Why Jesus?

This distinguished group is comprised of four religious and philosophical paragons who observe the Tournament of Ragnarok:

  • Confucius – Founder of Confucian philosophy that spread through East Asia
  • Buddha – Enlightened being; founder of Buddhism
  • Socrates – Influential Greek philosopher; founding figure in Western philosophy
  • Jesus – Central icon of Christianity; the Son of God in the Bible

As this list shows, each sage represents the height of cultural/philosophical thought from different civilizations spanning history. They lend their wisdom and guidance as humanity clashes with the gods in no-holds-barred combat.

So why was Jesus selected to stand alongside such seminal figures as Buddha and Socrates? While often disassociated from mythological tales, Jesus‘ impact on modern culture, ethics, and theology made him a natural fit. As religion scholar Dr. Elaine Pagels explains:

"More specifically than any other figure, Jesus defines who Western culture and Western civilization is…"

His inclusion connects the epic Ragnarok tournament to our real-world culture and societal values.

What Does This Say About Jesus‘ Influence?

Jesus hovering in the ether of the arena as humanity battles for its future speaks volumes about his cultural importance.

Record of Ragnarok pulls fighters from across world mythologies – it has featured legendary Chinese warriors like Lu Bu, great Hindu heroes like Shiva, and fearsome Greek gods like Zeus himself.

For Jesus to stand toe-to-toe with mythological icons, as one of the sages no less, elevates him into a similar realm of legendary status. It indicates that despite a lack of grandiose exploits like Hercules or mystical abilities like Buddha, Jesus‘ role in shaping ethics and belief puts him on par with these giants of lore.

This is likely why some fans have speculated about Jesus taking a more active role in future Ragnarok bouts:

"Maybe they might include him as a fighter in the second season. His myths are not really action-packed like the other fighters‘ but the authors took some liberties when adapting other characters so who knows."

But could Jesus realistically step into the ring?

How Might Jesus Fare In Battle?

While often depicted as peaceful, the Bible does ascribe some formidable capabilities to the Son of God that could translate into fighting prowess:

  • Healing/curing illness
  • Manipulating nature and weather
  • Resurrecting the dead
  • Miraculous transformation (transfiguration)

Enhanced physical stats also seem plausible given traditions of Jesus physically overpowering death itself during his resurrection.

Let‘s theorize some battle specs Jesus could sport as a Ragnarok combatant:

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Special PowersEX – Miracles

With low godly ego but immense conviction in his beliefs, Jesus could prove a wild card fighter not unlike Buddha‘s surprise betrayal.

And with dominion over life and death itself, he would certainly push any opponent to their limit! With bated breath, I await the possibility of Jesus stepping into the fray in a future Ragnarok round.

So while he currently only fulfils an observer role, Jesus‘ very inclusion among the Four Sages signals tremendous significance on a global historical scale. Perhaps that alone makes him a fighter of a different sort – engaged in an eternal battle for moral and theological supremacy!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below! Do you think Jesus deserves a spot among history‘s heavyweight hitters? How do you imagine him faring against the gods of old?

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