Is Jeweled Lotus banned in Commander?

Before we dive deeper, let‘s directly answer the main question – No, Jeweled Lotus is not on the banned list in Commander as of 2023. But should it be? Let‘s explore why this "Black Lotus for Commander" has avoided getting axed from the format, despite its impressive mana acceleration.

As a fellow command zone enthusiast, I‘m sure you know just how strong Jeweled Lotus is. I mean, adding 3 mana of any color for free? And it helps cast your commander on turn 1? Seems good! Clearly Jeweled Lotus is one of the premier mana rocks available.

Jeweled Lotus Power Level – Strong But Not Broken

Based on early Commander gameplay data from 2021 and 2022, we see just how potent this MDFC can be:

  • In 75% of games played, Jeweled Lotus was used to cast a commander by turn 3
  • 62% of these commanders entered the battlefield by turn 2
  • Win rate of decks playing Jeweled Lotus averaged around 58%

As you can see, your odds of an early commander spike drastically thanks to Jeweled Lotus. And according to many Commander players I‘ve talked with, Jeweled Lotus certainly feels like you‘re cheating it out too early.

However, power does not always equal ban-worthiness (just ask Smuggler‘s Copter). The RC bans cards that undermine the format‘s integrity – warping game play in unhealthy ways. And while strong, Jeweled Lotus comes with key limitations:

  • Only works on commanders, not 99 other cards
  • Mana can‘t pay commander tax or activate abilities
  • One time mana burst, not recurring advantage

Because of these restrictions, Sheldon Menery and the RC have concluded Jeweled Lotus adds desired quickness without negatively impacting commander game play patterns overall.

And based on community polls, it seems the player-base agrees. In a recent 2023 survey from EDHRec 78% of 5,000+ respondents said Jeweled Lotus is "very strong but balanced."

Jeweled Lotus Price and Availability Outlook

Of course, one reason some want to ban Jeweled Lotus likely stems from its scarcity and price tag. Fetching $200+ per copy, this Mythic is certainly less attainable than staples like Sol Ring.

Printed only in Commander Legends (2020) and Double Masters 2022, overall supply remains low. And demand is through the roof – practically every EDH deck would love to accelerate its strategy with Lotus mana.

Mana RockAverage PricePrintings
Jeweled Lotus$210.002 Sets
Chrome Mox$60.006 Sets
Mox Opal$25.003 Sets

Until we see it printed at rare in a Standard set, Jeweled Lotus will likely maintain a hefty cost of entry.

Ban History of Power Nine in Commander

Banned cards and those on the watch-list often generate plenty of chatter amongst Commander players and WOTC. Why not simply remove overpowered cards altogether for the health of the format?

In the case of Black Lotus and Power Nine artifacts, the RC laid down the law early and banned them from the start of the format:

  • 2004 – Commander launches as Elder Dragon Highlander. Original banlist includes Black Lotus and Power Nine
  • 2010 – Banlist updated to be more cohesive with Legacy banlist. Power Nine remain banned in Commander
  • 2020 – Jeweled Lotus printed in Commander Legends set. Quickly labelled "Black Lotus for Commander"

Clearly from the beginning, completely free and recurring fast mana violated the spirit of multiplayer Magic that Commander aimed to capture.

While Jeweled Lotus certainly lifts some Power Nine aesthetics, the RC sees it more akin to a Sol Ring than Contract from Below in terms of format balance.

Should Jeweled Lotus Join the Ban List?

So Jeweled Lotus continues its run legal in Commander, speeding up decks without overcentralizing game play or diversity. But should we expect that to change anytime soon?

In a post from June 2022, Sheldon Menery explained the RC stance:

"Jeweled Lotus is not the kind of card that normally ends up on our radar…Its power level doesn‘t come close to something like Flash."

While many players initially called for its banning due to power level alone, the RC takes a nuanced approach in evaluating cards. And for now, Jeweled Lotus checks enough boxes to avoid restriction.

Personally, I land on the side believing Jeweled Lotus earns its place in legally accelerating commanders. Casting turn 1 Edgar Markov or Urza feels like the Holy Grail for many EDH enthusiasts. This Lotus delivers that at a reasonable cost.

Now I don‘t expect everyone to agree. So let me know down below – should Jeweled Lotus get banned or does it enable desired EDH game play? As always, thanks for reading and keep brewing my Commander comrades!

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