Is Kaeya Actually Evil? A Closer Look at Genshin‘s Most Enigmatic Character

Despite his man of mystery past, the evidence currently suggests Kaeya is more morally ambiguous than outright evil. As captain of the Knights of Favonius Cavalry, he has certainly dedicated himself to protecting Mondstadt for years. However, his history as a spy from the destroyed nation of Khaenri‘ah and adoption into House Ragnvindr hints that he may harbor additional agendas.

Unraveling Kaeya‘s Origins: Abandoned Child to Spy

Kaeya Alberich began life abandoned on the doorstep of Dawn Winery according to in-game lore. His Khaenri‘ahn father left him with the ominous words "you are our last hope," though hope for what remains unclear. He was taken in by the famous Ragnvindr family soon after.

House Ragnvindr trained him to eventually spy on Mondstadt to destroy their wine industry according to leaked developer notes. However, he seemingly formed a close adoptive family bond instead, calling Crepus Ragnvindr his true father before the man‘s tragic death.

Kaeya Became an Orphan Again…Then a Knight

The exact sequence of events after Crepus Ragnvindr‘s passing stays murky. At some point Kaeya battled his adoptive brother Diluc in vicious combat. Diluc delivered the blow that cost Kaeya vision in his right eye.

YearKey Event
????Kaeya abandoned in Mondstadt
????Adopted into House Ragnvindr
????Fights Diluc violently after Crepus dies
Recent yearsServes faithfully as Cavalry Captain

Despite this violent history with his new family and spy upbringing, Kaeya devoted himself to joining and leading the Knights of Favonius in more recent years. Did he cast aside his mission from Khaenri‘ah to find true loyalty in Mondstadt? Or does deeper deception lurk beneath the surface?

What Are Kaeya‘s True Intentions in Mondstadt Currently?

Let‘s analyze Kaeya‘s present-day actions and relationships for clues on whether or not he harbors ill intent:

Evidence Against Kaeya Being "Evil"

  • Sworn Knight dedicated to protecting Mondstadt
  • Well-respected by senior Knights and Acting Grand Master Jean
  • Seems to show care for adoptive brother Diluc still
  • Popular among citizens for his charm and wit

Suspicious "Red Flags"

  • Backstory states he was planted to originally sabotage wine industry
  • Refers to Crepus Ragnvindr as his "true father" – not his Khaenri‘ahn biological parent
  • Can be manipulative in pursuit of secrets according to his Vision story
  • Keep in regular contact with intel sources outside Knights security apparatus

The community remains divided on interpreting his past remarks and actions. Is Kaeya an ally to the city or a master manipulator biding his time? House Ragnvindr took him in as an orphan, but did they truly become his found family – replacing his Khaenri‘ahn heritage? The jury stays out.

Theorized Motivations if Kaeya Did Have Sinister Plans

If Kaeya had turned against his adopted home, what goals might drive him?

  1. Revenge for Khaenri‘ah: As one of the last survivors of the destroyed flame-locked nation, he could be making plans to get retribution against The Seven for its downfall.
  2. Ambitions to Rule Mondstadt: Given his constellation name Pavo Oculus references nobilty and monarchical power, he could be subtly positioning himself as a future leader after weakening current trusted institutions.
  3. Reviving Ancient Machinations: Some fans speculate based on mistranslations of lore that Kaeya wants to free an evil ancient god sealed under Mondstadt to aid Khaenri‘ah.

Of course, these all stay fan theories for now. But they illustrate directions miHoYo could take a "secretly villainous" Kaeya storyline.

Evidence For and Against Kaeya Being Evil

Proof of EvilnessCountering Evidence
Sworn knight dedicated to protecting MondstadtBackstory states he was planted to originally sabotage wine industry
Well-respected by senior Knights like JeanCan be manipulative in pursuit of secrets according to his Vision story
Seems to show care for adoptive brother Diluc stillRefers to Crepus Ragnvindr as his "true father" – not his Khaenri‘ahn biological parent

Conclusion: A Man of Both Dark and Light

At this stage in the Genshin Impact story, pretending we can definitively label Kaeya "good" or "evil" lacks nuance about his complex character. He holds empathy for his Mondstadt comrades and dedicates himself fully to his Cavalry Captain duties from all current evidence.

However, his past as an abandoned Khaenri‘ahn child sent to infiltrate Mondstadt as a sleeper agent casts major doubt on where his ultimate loyalty lies. Is he plotting to eventually betray the city or tear down Celestia? Only time will tell Kaeya‘s true nature as the story continues in later regions like Snezhnaya.

For now, it seems most accurate to describe him as morally grey – harboring both light and dark within himself. But I will be keeping a close eye on Mr. Alberich‘s activities going forward all the same!

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