Is Kilij better than Uchigatana? It depends on your build

As a long-time Demon‘s Souls expert and avid fan, I get asked this question a lot by new players looking to maximize their damage with curved greatswords. After extensively playing with both weapons across different builds, I can confidently say that the Kilij and Uchigatana each stand out in certain roles.

Strength Builds: Kilij is the clear winner

If you‘re running a high Strength build and want to leverage raw physical damage, the Kilij‘s innate stats and heavy-hitting moves make it superior to the Uchigatana.

Here‘s a breakdown of why it excels:

  • Higher base damage: 140 vs. the Uchigatana‘s 107
  • A Strength scaling: Compared to the Uchigatana‘s E rank
  • Wider swing arcs to smash groups of enemies
  • Strike damage is less commonly resisted

These advantages make the Kilij a top-tier choice for punishing foes with colossal criticals. I‘ve seen players consistently dish out 700-900 damage on ripostes after upgrades and stat investment.

Meanwhile, the Uchigatana struggles to keep up in Strength builds due to its average base damage and poor scaling. Most high-Strength weapons will outperform it.

Kilij‘s Vital Stats

ScalingStrength: A
EffectsStrike damage

So in summary, Strength builds should always favor the Kilij for its excellent synergy with heavy stats and hard-hitting moveset.

Dexterity Builds: Uchigatana pulls ahead

However, the tide turns in favor of the Uchigatana on Dexterity builds, especially as you advance to late game. Let‘s analyze why:

  • Bleed buildup absolutely melts bosses and tough enemies
  • A Dexterity scaling improves drastically with upgrades
  • Higher counter damage when you riposte or backstab foes
  • Can be buffed for even more damage potential

Bleed and high Dexterity is an incredibly deadly combo – I‘ve seen Uchigatanas dish out 1300+ damage on criticals. Meanwhile, the Kilij lacks utility in late-game Dexterity builds.

Uchigatana‘s Vital Stats

ScalingDexterity: A
EffectsBleed Buildup

So Dexterity builds have a clear winner in the Uchigatana thanks to fantastic scaling, bleed potential, and versatility.

While both curved greatswords boast S-tier performance, each excels best under different builds due to their stats, movesets, and weapon skills.

Kilij for raw Strength power or Uchigatana to unleash lethal Dexterity bleed – the choice ultimately comes down to your own playstyle and build preferences. But with the info above, you can make an informed decision between these two juggernaut weapons.

Let me know if you have any other questions! I‘m always happy to provide weapon insights to fellow Demon‘s Souls fans.

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