Is Kokomi a Human? No, But She‘s Not Simply Non-Human Either

As the Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island, Sangonomiya Kokomi has captured the imagination of many players ever since her first appearance in Genshin Impact. With her exotic apparel and mysterious hydro powers, fans often wonder – is Kokomi just as human as you and me underneath it all? Or is there something more preternatural fueling this military strategist and leader of her people?

Well, based on official lore and deductive analysis from studying her story closely since launch, I can conclusively say Kokomi is not a regular human being. However, it‘s complex – she‘s not strictly a mermaid as her design suggests either. Let‘s analyze the key evidence to unravel Kokomi‘s origins.

Kokomi‘s Connection to the Serpent God Sets Her Apart

Kokomi is the current mortal vessel for the soul of Watatsumi Omikami, the Serpent God that formerly protected Watatsumi Island before being slain eons ago. This connection imbues her with a degree of divinity and preternatural talents that cannot be achieved by ordinary people.

Some key indications of her spiritual patronage:

  • She can walk on water without normal hydro application, paying homage to serpents and sea creatures
  • Her leadership over Watatsumi‘s military comes from Omikami‘s ancient guidance
  • Visions are tied to the gods in Genshin Impact law – so Kokomi likely gained hers through this union rather than Ambition like others

This sets her apart from standard human Vision Bearers. But it still does not make her a pure serpent god either – she retains a human vessel after all.

Kokomi‘s Abilities Exceed Normal Human Limits

Aside from her divine link granting hydro abilities, Kokomi demonstrates battle talents and intelligence matching master strategists:

Master TacticianGuided Watatsumi to victory over far larger Bakufu armies
HydrokinesisWields powerful water healing magic for allies
Enhanced EnduranceCan fight long battles without tiring thanks to divine origin

No military academy or training could cultivate these superhuman traits. When combined with her mystical healing spells and stamina exceeded only by other gods like Raiden Shogun, Kokomi belongs in another echelon from humankind entirely.

Theories on What Race Kokomi Could Be Instead

Without definitive confirmation of her race, fans have plenty of speculation on what she might be instead:


Her sea-themed outfit and hydro power suggest she could be related to ancient mermaid races mentioned in lore. But there are key contradictions:

  • Mermaids must transform legs to enter land but Kokomi has no such limitation
  • As worshippers of other water deities, mermaids likely couldn‘t channel an ancient Serpent God‘s power


Some think she has parallels with part-adeptus characters like Ganyu or Yanfei. But Adepti have specific illuminated beast traits that Kokomi lacks. Not to mention her ancestors long predate Liyue‘s establishment.

Reincarnated Ancient Archon?

My personal theory is that her ancient connection with the Serpent God means she could be the reincarnation of the original Hydro Archon prior to the Archon War! But without concrete evidence, we cannot do more than speculate on this tantalizing possibility…

Verdict: Kokomi is Divine and Non-Human but Also Unexplained

So in summary – no, Kokomi is decidedly not human based on her superpowered talents and divine patron granting abilities far exceeding normal Vision wielders. She also does not fit clearly into any known race categories like mermaid or adeptus.

Ultimately, her true origin remains shrouded in some mystery. But perhaps that is the intention – to have this exotic Priestess stand apart as someone touched by divine forces older than the current seven nations. It certainly makes me even more curious to uncover more of her hidden secrets in future Genshin Impact updates!

What do you think of my breakdown? Does it help explain Kokomi‘s mystifying character? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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