Is League of Legends Still Popular in 2024?

Without question, League of Legends remains massively popular in 2024. After over a decade, League continues seeing record-breaking numbers of monthly players, hours watched, and revenue earned.

Let‘s analyze the data and reasons that have kept League at the top of the gaming world for so long, while also seeing what new content is planned to keep fans engaged into 2024 and beyond.

By the Numbers: League Popularity Metrics

To measure League‘s popularity, there are a few key stats we can look at:

Monthly Active Users

As of January 2023, League hit all-time highs of over 150 million monthly players globally. For comparison, that is:

  • 3x more than Fortnite‘s 50M MAU
  • 15% larger userbase than Roblox
  • On par with Instagram‘s monthly users

To grow 3 million MAU in a single month shows the relentless pace at which new summoners continue joining the Rift.

Hours Watched (Twitch)

According to SullyGnome, League racked up over 297 million hours watched on Twitch in the last 365 days. This viewership outpaces the closest competitor (GTA V) by 90M hours and dwarfs newcomers like Fortnite and Valorant.


As per a SuperData report, Riot Games brought in $2.29 billion USD in revenue from League alone during 2021. For context, that is enough to fund over 115 Hollywood blockbuster films.

With figures like that, it‘s easy to see how and why League remains firmly rooted as one of the biggest games on the planet.

Key Drivers: Why is League Still So Popular?

While the numbers speak for themselves, what factors have caused such monumental and sustained success for League over more than a decade?

Frequent Content Catering to All Player Types

Riot‘s scattershot content approach means there is always something new for both casual and competitive League lovers alike:

  • 6+ new champions per year with diverse abilities/roles
  • 2-4 champion reworks annually to update visuals and skills
  • Over 150+ skins per year across varied themes and events
  • Patches every 2 weeks to improve balance, items, systems

Such a steady drip-feed of high-quality content keeps the player base engaged.

An Established Esport Worth Over $1 Billion

Key to League‘s cultural and financial growth is its mastery as an electronic sport.

Besides 100+ globally recognized pro-teams competing in over 15 leagues worldwide, the LoL esports scene drives tremendous audience interest through iconic moments like Faker‘s unbelievable Zed 1v1 outplay.

Overall, industry reports estimate League‘s esport ecosystem is worth $1.38 billion when considering sponsorships, broadcast rights, merchandise sales and more.

Accessibility Empowering Skilled Strategic Play

As a free-to-play game suitable for low and high spec machines alike, League‘s accessibility removes barriers of entry for players globally.

Once in the game, League offers immense replayability through difficult but fair gameplay that rewards strategic thinking. Unlike flashy contemporaries, mastering LoL champions takes hundreds of matches – leading to a very high skill ceiling.

The "Sunk Cost" of Existing Players

With over 150M active players already invested, many fans feel obligated to remain loyal to League because of the massive time (and money) they funnelled into unlocking skins, champions and achievements over multiple years.

This "sunk cost" fallacy distinguishes League from thinly-spread casual games that players drift in and out of more readily.

What Does the Road Ahead Look Like?

While 2022 was a banner year for LoL fans with the release of multiple new champions (Zeri, Renata, Nilah), 2023 promises even more game-changing updates:

  • 1-2 Brand New Games kicking off new Riot Franchises
  • A Beefed Up Patch Schedule from every 2 weeks to 5-6 weeks
  • Over 200 Collectible skins planned for release
  • Continued Regional League Investments especially in developing markets
  • A Spectacular Worlds Event broadcast across 150+ countries

Riot has committed to investing over $300 million into League esports alone for the next several years – signaling their confidence in riding LoL‘s momentum further.

Conclusion: Still Clearly The Most Dominant Game

Given the incredible success across metrics like monthly users, hours watched, and yearly revenues, League of Legends remains arguably the most popular game globally even 14 years post-launch.

And with more champions, more esports investment, and more ways to express creativity through collectibles planned – League will continue engaging new generations of players for years to come.

So if you‘ve ever asked "Is League of Legends dying?" or worried the game was past its prime, feel reassured that the numbers and content roadmap say otherwise.

League isn‘t just alive in 2024 – it‘s thriving more than ever!

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