Is Liam More Powerful Than Scott? A Teen Wolf Expert‘s In-Depth Analysis

As an avid Teen Wolf fan and gaming industry content creator focused on RPGs and power scaling, one of the most frequent questions I see debated is whether young beta Liam Dunbar has grown more powerful than his alpha, Scott McCall. So let‘s dive into some deep lore analysis of werewolf ranks, demonstrated feats, rivalries, and future speculation to settle this debate.

The True Alpha: Understanding Scott‘s Special Status

Before comparing Scott and Liam‘s combat capabilities, it‘s important to understand what makes a "True Alpha" so unique in the Teen Wolf universe. As fans know, Scott is one of the rarest werewolf types – a True Alpha.

Unlike a standard Alpha, Scott did not have to steal his power by killing another Alpha. Through sheer force of will and outstanding character, Scott ascended to Alpha status on his own, basically "leveling up" to lead pack status due to his determination and virtue.

According to expert lore, this makes Scott a high-tier Alpha rivaling any who gained their status through combat or scheming. In RPG terms, you could say Scott "power-leveled" the honorable way, not the easy backstab way.

As wiki documents describe…

"True Alphas are very rare, and they gain their status solely through strength of character and force of will, with no need to steal the power from another Alpha…This type of Alpha is gifted with a connection and understanding of their inner self that makes them stable, in harmony and able to control their powers."

So from a lore perspective, Scott has achieved max level through legitimate means, putting him easily in the top tier of Alphas worldwide.

Scott‘s Role & Highlighted Strength Feats

As the central hero of the Teen Wolf saga, Scott McCall has gone up against a laundry list of extremely powerful monsters and villains over the show‘s 100+ episode run from 2011 to 2017.

A True Alpha has to consistently perform heroic war feats to earn that status – and Scott has done so in spades. His strength, willpower, leadership, strategy, and tendency to put his pack and community above himself are all consistent traits of his "class."

Some examples of Scott‘s top power feats:

  • Went claw to claw against Deucalion, the feared "Demon Wolf" who was blindness by Gerard and clawed out his own eyes…and still nearly bested Scott. Deucalion is considered one of the most lethal Alphas in history with insane battle experience. The fact a young Scott could match him shows extreme potential.

  • Defeated The Beast of Gevaudan in one-on-one combat. The Beast was a mythical monster with godly power said to require the strength of an entire pack just to fight on equal terms. Yet Scott ultimately outmatched it solo with some help from Mason.

  • Can weaponize his roar into a offensive AOE force shockwave. Very advanced combat technique.

  • Survived mountain ash exposure to save Stiles from the Nogitsune void demon. Crossing mountain ash barriers takes immense magical might.

As the above examples illustrate, Scott has consistently overcome unimaginable odds thanks to quick thinking, expert tactics, raw power, and force of will – all traits that let True Alphas punch far above their weight class.

Liam Dunbar: Young Beta With High Potential

Now that we understand the excellence Scott exhibits as a True Alpha hero, how does his beta Liam Dunbar compare?

Liam is still a relative newcomer, having been bit in Season 4 as a freshman. But the aggressive young wolf makes up for experience with raw talent. In fact, many fans speculate Liam could surpass Scott someday.

As a fan favorite shape-shifter, Liam does demonstrate greater baseline strength than most teen wolves. Some of his top feats so far include:

  • Overpowered Scott in anger-fueled fights on more than one occasion. These bursts of fury tap Liam‘s true potential.

  • Went claw-to-claw against Brett Talbot, an evolved werewolf-coyote hybrid. Brett‘s sister described him as "stronger and faster" than typical werewolves. Yet sophomore Liam brought Brett to his knees.

  • Carries Scott‘s human body over a 1-mile distance faster than seasoned Weres. As Scott‘s campaign manager highlights in this epic speech clip: "My friend Liam can carry two kegs!…while running at super-speed over a mile!" Insane stamina!

So when rage kicks in, Liam can go into overdrive, pushing even Scott to the limits in a scrap. He may be the strongest teen beta around in terms of strike force and lifting potential. But…

Why Scott Still Reigns Supreme

While Liam has undoubtedly earned his stripes as Scott‘s right-hand wolf, he is still portrayed more as an unpredictable berserker compared to the wise True Alpha.

In D&D character alignment terms: Scott = Lawful Good Hero while Liam = Chaotic Good Fighter

Scott embraces the discipline and wisdom true Alphas require, while Liam struggles between fury and control.

Additionally, Scott has way more experience and mastery dealing with the chaotic supernatural threats lurking in Beacon Hills. His strategic mind and ability to inspire teamwork makes Scott far more capable as an Alpha.

For example, let‘s simulation a "Raid Boss" level threat – an Alpha Pack invasion on par with Deucalion‘s assault – attacking Beacon Hills with intent to destroy.

Based on all current evidence, who would fare better?

Pack LeaderBattle PrepDefense PlanningInspires Loyalty
Scott McCall4/55/55/5
Liam Dunbar2/51/53/5

As the above table illustrates, Scott outclasses Liam substantially when it comes to leadership, tactics, and coordinating town defenses to fend off invade forces.

Scott‘s experience and trust he‘s earned from his pack, allies like Chris Argent, sheriff Stilinski, and all residents of Beacon Hills means he can easily rally legions to his cause when the big threats come.

Liam simply hasn‘t earned that level of allegiance yet. And he lacks the leadership skills and hybrid fighting knowledge Scott employed so successfully against alphas, hunters, assassins, ghosts, demons, druids, chimeras, and more.

So while Liam may one day surpass Scott in brute strength and rage-fueled fury, he still has much to learn before he can fill the True Alpha‘s shoes.

The Verdict?

To wrap this in-depth analysis up…Is Liam currently more powerful than Scott?


As of 2023, Scott McCall remains the superior werewolf in terms of combat experience, mastery of abilities, leadership, strategy, and inspiring loyalty in allies. All traits that a True Alpha must excel in.

Liam Dunbar has definitely earned his keep as Scott‘s right-hand wolf and shows shocking potential for a beta so young. If Liam can learn greater control and leadership skills from Scott, plus survive Beacon Hills long enough to inherit Scott‘s mantle one day, he may have a shot at surpassing his mentor down the road.

But at this stage, Scott is Batman leading the Teen Wolf Justice League while Liam remains a volatile, semi-unpredictable Robin with room left to grow. And that‘s perfectly fine – Scott was in the exact same shoes as a young beta too.

So while Liam could defeat Scott temporarily in an anger-fueled fight, the True Alpha has far too much experience and well-rounded mastery to lose his crown yet. But it sure is exciting speculating what maximum level a prodigy like Liam could achieve once he unlocks his full potential!

Let me know what you think – do you agree Scott still outranks Liam for now? And who else could you see one day rivalling our True Alpha‘s power?

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