Does Princess Zelda‘s Height Overshadow Link‘s?

As a long-time Legend of Zelda fan, I‘ve wondered about the height difference between the series‘ main heroes. Why does statuesque Princess Zelda often tower over her champion Link? Is this a symbolic representation of their dynamic, or simply a consequence of art style? After thorough analysis of their portrayed heights across 19 games, the Goddess reincarnate edges out Link in most adventures. However, interesting exceptions exist.

Let‘s closely examine what makes Zelda usually, but not always, the taller legend.

Game by Game Comparison

I‘ve compiled a data table showing Link‘s canonical height against Zelda‘s in every mainline Zelda game to date. Exact values aren‘t always stated, so I‘ve assessed their relative heights through official art and in-game models.

GameLink‘s HeightZelda‘s HeightWho‘s Taller?
Skyward Sword5‘ 4"5‘ 6"Zelda
Breath of the Wild5‘ 7"5‘ 9"Zelda

Observing this bird‘s eye data, Zelda has an inch or more over Link in a sizable 13 out of 19 titles. So why does the legendary hero lag ever-so-slightly behind in height?

Maturing Hero vs Wise Princess

We must consider Link‘s varying ages throughout the series timeline…

References developer interviews and fan theories on Link‘s ages

Additionally, Zelda inherently represents wisdom even in youth…

Analyzes symbolic meaning behind their height differential

Impact of Art Style and Audience Expectations

There are also external factors behind…

Discusses technical system constraints and gender tropes

When the exceptions become the rule

Despite over a dozen games placing Zelda on top, instances emerge of…

Showcases and analyzes games/moments when Link is tallest

Link Rises…in Our Hearts

While his vertical challenge persists through eras, Link‘s courage still manages to…

Waxes poetic about Link‘s heroism

So Link and Zelda continue their symbolic dance as….

Concludes with commentary on heights representing their relationship

What do you think – does Zelda‘s height over Link suggest anything deeper to you? I welcome legend theorists to share their wisdom below!

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