Is Link over 100 years old?

The short answer is no – although Link chronologically experiences a 100-year sleep in Breath of the Wild, he remains biologically 17 years old after awakening. So while a century passed, the hero of Hyrule did not age.

As a passionate Zelda gamer myself, this revelation stunned me the first time I played through BotW. Seeing the resurrected Link retain his youthful vigor after 100 years was a testament to the mystical power of the Shrine of Resurrection‘s healing waters.

In this article, we‘ll analyze Link‘s relative age across Zelda history and explain why he‘s not as old as one might think in BotW:

Examining Link‘s Age in Major Zelda Games

GameLink‘s Age
Ocarina of Time9 years old (child); 16 (adult)
Majora‘s Mask16
Wind Waker12
Twilight Princess17
Breath of the Wild17 (biologically)

Reviewing this cross-section of entries reveals Link‘s age typically falling into a narrow range of 12-18 years old. The outlier is Breath of the Wild, where Link is chronologically over 100 years old.

But why does Link emerge from his deep sleep still fresh-faced and nimble as ever? Let‘s analyze the magic behind the Shrine of Resurrection next.

The Magical Stasis Effect of the Shrine of Resurrection

In BotW backstory, a grievously wounded Link is brought to this mystical shrine after defeating Guardians and protecting Zelda from calamity Ganon‘s forces.

When the hero goes limp, the princess orders him placed in the waters of the shrine. These waters halt the dying Link‘s aging process and fully heal his wounds while he slumbers for the next century.

Thus, the magical properties of the shrine keep Link biologically 17 despite not conscious for 100 years!

Closing Thoughts on Link‘s Welcome Time Warp

As a hardcore LOZ fan, I‘m delighted by Link‘s astonishing longevity in Breath of the Wild. It reinforces his role as the legendary hero – only such a mythic figure could cheat time itself after being cataclysmically injured.

And the designers‘ choice to have Link remain smooth-faced and agile makes complete sense; it lets players seamlessly embody the unaging Hylian champion to take on Calamity Ganon once again.

So while 100 years passed, Link persists as as the peerless young courageous hero we Zelda fans know and love!

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