Is Vladimir Makarov from Call of Duty a Russian?

Yes, without a doubt, Vladimir Makarov is Russian. As the ruthless leader of an Ultranationalist terrorist group in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and 3, Makarov is a Russian citizen who wishes to restore Russia‘s power on the global stage through violent false flag attacks designed to ignite war with the West.

Makarov‘s Background Shows His Russian Nationality

According to intel files within Modern Warfare 2, Vladimir Makarov has the following biographical details:

  • Full Name: Vladimir Makarov
  • Born: Russia
  • Age: 33 (as of 2016)
  • Nationality: Russian
  • Affiliations:
    • Inner Circle terrorist group
    • Ultranationalist Party

This clearly identifies Makarov as an ethnic Russian citizen who becomes a radical terrorist later in life.

As a young man, Makarov serves in the Russian Army during the First Chechen War. He develops a burning hatred for the West after seeing the devastation caused by their support for Chechen rebels. This drives Makarov to join the growing Ultranationalist Party, who vow to restore Russia‘s power by any means necessary.

Makarov‘s Path to Terrorism

After serving in the Army, Makarov becomes involved in criminal networks including human trafficking rings and the Russian Mafia. He uses profits from illegal activity to fund his revolutionary Ultranationalist goals.

1996Joins Ultranationalist Party
Early 2000sRises to leader of terrorist group "Inner Circle"
2011Masterminds Zakhaev International Airport massacre
2016Sparks global war between Russia and the West

This timeline clearly tracks Makarov‘s path from soldier to terrorist leader over a 20 year period as he becomes increasingly extreme in his views. His only goal is destabilizing global powers to bring back a Soviet-style Russian empire – no matter the human cost.

The Shocking "No Russian" Attack Defines Makarov‘s Brutality

As a Russia citizen himself, Makarov has no qualms about targeting his own people to advance his personal war against Western civilization. This is most evidenced by his lead role in the notorious "No Russian" mission.

Disguised as an American CIA agent alongside other Russian terrorists, Makarov massacres hundreds of innocent travelers in Zakhaev International Airport. His only instructions to his team are "No Russian" – don‘t speak any Russian language so they appear to be American.

This brutal, calculated attack is designed solely to frame the U.S., incite outrage among the Russian people, and force Russia‘s hand towards war. By killing his own civilians, Makarov plans to spark a global conflict where Russia can emerge victorious and regain superpower status amidst the instability.

The "No Russian" attack cements Makarov as a ruthless terrorist leader who manipulates geopolitics for his own extremist ends, no matter the ethical costs to human life.

Makarov Meets a Deserved End in Modern Warfare 3

Despite sparking a new World War in Modern Warfare 2, Makarov continues his personal vendetta undaunted. He attempts more attacks on European cities in MW3 while being hunted by Task Force 141.

After discovering Makarov‘s location, Task Force 141 launches a daring raid on his safehouse in the Hotel Oasis. Cornered on the hotel roof, the world‘s most dangerous terrorist tries pleading for his life before Captain Price executes him with a hanging.

Makarov‘s death ends the threat he posed to global security, but the damage was already done – he succeeded in shifting global power towards Russia, even if just for a moment amidst the chaos of war.

The Post-Makarov Power Vacuum

Despite Makarov‘s elimination, the Ultranationalist movement persists within Russia in the later 2010s. Splinter groups and additional leaders vie to fill the power vacuum left by Makarov‘s demise.

Security experts warn that more extremists may follow Makarov‘s playbook of inciting conflict between East and West for their own ends. This means the threat of terrorism is likely to continue as new dangerous factions evolve within Russia‘s borders.

Vigilance and cooperation between all nations remains critical to counter the next Makarov before they can ignite more violence.

So in summary – Vladimir Makarov, the central villain of Modern Warfare 2 & 3, has a definitive Russian nationality based on all provided biographical records. His vision of a revived Soviet empire comes directly from his Russian nationalist views. By starting World War 3, Makarov sought to create global instability that would return his homeland to its former glory, but thankfully he was stopped before realizing this dangerous dream.

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