Is Malenia or Radahn stronger?

As a soulsborne expert who has played through Elden Ring multiple times, I believe Malenia is slightly stronger than Radahn due to her vitality, Scarlet Rot, and retaining her Great Rune after their legendary duel. However, Radahn‘s sheer strength and size are nearly unparalled.

Based on my analysis of their movesets, stats, weapons, and the battle aftermath, Malenia rates higher in most categories of power and prowess. However, these two demigods are practically godlike in status, so the difference is slim.

Malenia‘s Advantages

  • Higher health and endurance – Malenia has over 33,000 HP, Radahn around 9,000
  • Unleashed the devastating Scarlet Rot affliction that overcame Radahn‘s mind/body
  • Fought Radahn to a standstill then walked away intact
  • Retains the Great Rune providing a strength/stamina boost

Digging deeper, Malenia possesses faster attack speed, greater dexterity, and more potent successive attacks like her Waterfowl Dance. With 1000+ hours in Elden Ring, I‘ve found Malenia much harder to defeat in my own gameplay.

Radahn‘s Formidable Power

However, prior to succumbing to the Scarlet Rot, Radahn was potentially the mightiest demigod in raw power and tenacity. His gravity magic is uniquely devastating, and despite rotting growths, he remains imposing due to his larger size and physical strength.

Pre-rot Radahn likely had the advantage, which is why Malenia unleashed the Scarlet Rot as a last desperate attack according to community theories. While the rot may have given her the edge now, a healthy prime Radahn could have emerged victorious.

Their Relationship as Half-Siblings

As children of Queen Marika, Malenia and Radahn were half-siblings. But any familial bond did not prevent them from battling fiercely as their motivations aligned with different factions. Radahn fought for the Leyndell kingdom and the Erdtree while Malenia championed her brother Miquella.

Their duel was inevitable as these factions warred across the Lands Between. From soft-hearted youths to warring demigods, their relationship came full circle in violent fashion.

Play-by-Play of Their Legendary Duel

When Malenia marched into Caelid to oppose Radahn‘s forces, their climactic battle created shockwaves across the land. As half-siblings and two greatest warriors among the demigods, intense clashes were anticipated.

But few expected the sheer devastation as their duel raged endlessly. Radahn hammered away with his giant swords infused with gravity magic. Meanwhile, Malenia utilized her rot-imbued blade to slice through openings with inhuman speed.

The tables turned as Malenia triggered her Scarlet Rot affliction. Blooming wings and roots erupted out, unleashing a wave of rot that desiccated all it touched. Finally succumbing, Radahn was consumed by growths and madness – though his power was such that he remained standing.

Legends tell that the battle lasted multiple days and nights – but neither warrior would yield. Once the rot overcame Radahn‘s mind and body, Malenia could perhaps have ended it but instead opted to leave. Pursuing her original goal took precedence, even if it meant leaving Radahn dumbly wandering the wastelands.

In the aftermath, Caelid was left a festering, rotten wasteland. Radahn lost himself to madness until we defeat his form as a boss. And Malenia succeeded in her quest to stop Radahn pursuing Miquella, though the effort took immense sacrifice.

Measuring the Impact of Their Great Runes

DemigodGreat RuneEffects
MaleniaMiquella‘s RuneBoosts wearer‘s attributes. Greatly raises maximum HP, FP, stamina, and resistance to rot.
RadahnRadahn‘s RuneBoosts wearer‘s attributes. Greatly raises maximum HP, FP, stamina, and damage negation.

The Great Runes held by both Malenia and Radahn provide a general boost to health, mana, endurance, and defense/resistance. However, Malenia‘s Rune seems specialized to her advantage, massively increasing HP and resistance to rot rather than raw damage mitigation.

This synergy with her fighting style and Scarlet Rot affliction gives Malenia another slight edge. The Great Runes magnify their already godlike power to even more terrifying heights.

How Might the Rematch Go?

Without the interference of the Scarlet Rot, many Elden Ring experts speculate that Radahn would overcome Malenia if they were to duel again at full strength. His sheer physical size, strength, and gravitational powers could overpower her speed and technical skill.

However, Malenia remains unmatched in terms of healing, as no other boss recovers HP as effectively as she does. Combined with her Great Rune boosts, she has more ways to replenish vitality as the fight drags on.

It‘s likely their rematch would end in another stalemate as scores of warriors perish around them. Two unstoppable forces so evenly pitted cannot remain that way indefinitely. Like a pair of celestial bodies hurtling toward the same point in space, the inevitable destruction of another clash might cause even greater devastation than their first meeting. Would the Erdtree itself topple? Would the shatter be heard across all worlds?

Thankfully such an apocalyptic event remains only theoretical. But it speaks to the incredible, almost unquantifiable power these two demigods possess. Radahn and Malenia – gods in all but name and might.

The Final Verdict

Given the totality of evidence and interpretation, I would give Malenia the edge currently due her retained Great Rune, Scarlet Rot affliction, speed/dexterity, and far superior sustaining power.

Radahn boasts more brute strength and could outlast most foes through sheer vitality. But Maleania‘s healing and affinity for rot make her especially resilient against the HP tank approach. Her technique also helps her evade and punish slow swing recoveries and long casting times.

However, Radahn likely takes the edge in an imaginary rematch if the rot is not a factor. And debates will rage eternally about who was truly stronger in their legendary prime during the Shattering conflict. In Elden Ring lore, I believe them to be near equals with contrasting strengths. Two unstoppable juggernauts destined to battle forevermore.

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