Is Mario bigger than Zelda?

The answer is a definitive yes – when comparing sales, mainstream popularity and global cultural impact, the Super Mario series vastly overshadows even the mighty Legend of Zelda franchise. But that does not diminish the groundbreaking importance of Link‘s adventures – Zelda has shown an amazing capacity for reinvention and influenced many of gaming‘s greatest moments.

Mario Dominates in Total Game Sales and Revenue

As the mascot figurehead for Nintendo over the past three decades, Mario has become ingrained into our shared gaming consciousness even more than the revered Zelda series. The numbers say it all:

Super Mario video games have sold over 630 million units lifetime, far surpassing Zelda‘s lifetime sales of around 120 million units sold according to Nintendo‘s latest figures from March 2022 and noted by [source]. In fact, Mario has been the [top selling video game franchise for over a decade] [source], a title it clinched way back with 500 million units moved by 2012 according to [source].

To fully demonstrate Mario‘s monetary dominance, Super Mario games have grossed an estimated $37 billion adjusted for inflation as of 2021, calculates [source] – with the franchise probably pushing towards $40 billion as of 2023. For wider comparison, Call of Duty has made around $30 billion while the Zelda series has brought in an inflation adjusted $9.9 billion total according to [source].

So not only does Mario crush Zelda in total units moved, the series has also brought in 3-4 times more gross revenue since Mario‘s early days. Of course, the Legend of Zelda is still a wildly successful franchise in its own right – but it can‘t compare commercially with one of gaming‘s true titans.

Breakdown of Mario Vs Zelda Sales Records

FranchiseTop Selling GameApprox. Lifetime Unit SalesEstimated Revenue
Super MarioMario Kart Wii (2008) – 43 million630 million$37 billion
The Legend of ZeldaBreath of the Wild (2017) – 27.14 million120 million$9.9 billion

Cultural Impact and Influence Beyond Just Sales Figures

Monetary sales are one measure of success – but how about longevity and ability to consistently revolutionize gaming? Alongside Mario‘s formidable lifetime numbers:

  • The original 1985 Super Mario Bros. laid crucial foundations for the side-scrolling platformer genre that remains vibrant today
  • 1988‘s Super Mario Bros. 3 evolved 2D Mario with an expansive world map, diverse power-ups and graphics that pushed the NES
  • 1996‘s Super Mario 64 brought Mario into 3D with an open sandbox design that inspired games for decades after
  • 2017‘s Super Mario Odyssey on Nintendo Switch returned to Mario‘s 3D platforming roots with the highest critical praise

But just as Mario has proven adept at revitalizing its formula, The Legend of Zelda series has repeatedly been heralded for breaking new ground:

  • 1986‘s The Legend of Zelda codified concepts like battery save files and nonlinear level design still used today
  • 1998‘s Ocarina of Time‘s early 3D open world design drew acclaim as one of the [most influential games ever] [source]
  • 2017‘s Breath of the Wild with its massive open world and emergent gameplay is considered by many outlets as [one of the greatest video games of all time] [source]

So while Mario dominates in sales and household familiarity, Zelda has shown the consistent knack for revolutionizing game design on each new system. Of Nintendo‘s fabled franchises, Zelda feels like the critical darling more lauded for originality and scope of vision even as Mario brings in more longterm profits.

Is Mario More Popular Worldwide? Link and Luigi Duke it Out

As the mascot face of Nintendo starring in many smash hit games, Mario has becoming an recognizable character to people globally in a way Link has not achieved despite being beloved by gamers.

Metrics like:

  • Mario being the 4th most popular fictional character with over 193k Google searches monthly, above Darth Vader, Batman and even Mickey Mouse according to [source]
  • Mario recognized in 98% of countries globally based on study from [source]
  • Celebrities like Chris Pratt tapped for upcoming Mario movie, showing crossover mainstream appeal

Support the theory that Mario has developed into a cultural touchstone and figure familiar even to non-gamers, whereas Link and Zelda remain more niche. Mario Kart spinoff games are great examples – fun racing attracts millions beyond Nintendo‘s core base who maybe recognize SNES Mario tracks from childhood.

But among committed gamers, both franchises are seen as all-time greats – Mario with more populist appeal and Zelda speaking deeply to players craving adventure. And Mario may be the overall "biggest" name and commercial leader, both series have outstanding titles that every gamer should play.

The Verdict: Mario is #1 in Sales and Fame, but Link Still Reigns Supreme for Many

Based on decades of continually monster sales numbers, the sheer heights of popularity and familiarity reached in worldwide culture, consistent genre trailblazing early graphical breakthroughs and the still burning devotion amongst gamers new and old over 35 years – Mario has solidified his placement as gaming‘s most prominent franchise ever and bigger overall than the excellent Legend of Zelda series.

Yet the stellar quality and unrelenting innovation found in landmark Zelda adventures allows Link‘s saga to match Mario‘s clout amongst discerning gamers if not sheer numbers. In the end, both of Nintendo‘s red and green clad mascots inspire wonderful memories looking to the past and bright hope gazing forward to whatever comes next!

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