Is Mega Beedrill Worth It in Pokémon GO?

With the hype around mega evolutions in Pokémon GO, trainers everywhere have wondered – is that iconic giant stinger worth the investment? As one of the very first mega evolutions introduced into the game, accessible Beedrillite makes mega Beedrill an tempting option. However, its fragility and the emergence of stronger bug and poison type mega evolved Pokémon render it a situational pick.

Mega Beedrill Boasts Deadly Attack But Lacks Bulk

As a bug and poison type, mega Beedrill powers through raids exploiting psychic, grass, and fairy type weaknesses. With an enormous attack stat of 303, it dishes out fearsome fast move damage. In Cresselia raids for example, mega Beedrill competes with the top counters in terms of estimator Pokemon GO damage output (DPS) and total damage output (TDO).

Its early availability provided accessibility for players still building their rosters. As players accumulate stronger legendaries and box staples however, this benefit wanes.

Unfortunately, mega Beedrill pays for its mighty attack with paper thin bulk. A defense stat of just 148 ensures even resisted charge moves will slash away its health. And with a stamina pool of 163, it faints faster than most optimized counters. Even in neutral matchups, its fragility limits its staying power.

Plentiful Weaknesses and Stronger Alternatives Outclass It

Despite a diverse moveset, common vulnerabilities dampen mega Beedrill‘s usefulness outside of a few matchups. As part bug type, it takes super effective damage from devastating rock type attacks. And its poison typing doubles its weakness to psychic moves.

Compare this to shadow Metagross and mega Gengar who resist these common threats. Or mega Aerodactyl who covers more legendaries. Even among other poison types, beasts like mega Venusaur eclipse it entirely in survivability and versatility.

Ideal Against Psychics But Outlasted By Rivals

Mega Beedrill truly shines against psychic and grass type raid bosses. The estimator below demonstrates it claiming a spot among the top counters to Cresselia.

However, as a glass cannon it fails to outlast bulkier picks in overall damage contribution. And unlocking mega evolution consumes scarce raid passes and mega energy.

Thus, only power up mega Beedrill if lacking top counters with greater longevity. Candidates like Rhyperior, Rampardos, and Terrakion surpass it in TDO while dealing competitive DPS.

Maximize Mega Beedrill in Favorable Weather and With Team Support

To optimize mega Beedrill, take advantage of partly cloudy weather boosting its bug attacks. Sunny weather amplifying fire weakness can lead to faster fainting though.

Pairing mega Beedrill with other poison types activates an additional same-type-attack-bonus (STAB). Consider comrades like Nidoking, Nidoqueen, and Roserade. Ground or water partners also shield its rock and fire flaws.

Saving shields for mega Beedrill‘s glassy lifeqspan further enhances its presence. With shields, mega Beedrill unleashes an extra Fell Stinger or X-Scissor.

Mega Evolution Carries a Steep Cost for a Temporary Boost

While base form Beedrill always accessible, permanently mega evolving one carries a continuous cost. To balance its power, boosted mega Beedrill only lasts up to 8 hours before reverting.

This strains trainer‘s limited mega energy. And with each evolution, the energy requirement escalates. Without careful energy budgeting, regularly re-mega evolving strains resources needed for stronger mega Pokemon.

However, mega evolution conveys powerful raid-wide bonuses during its duration. It provides a flat 10% damage boost to the entire raid party – a team-wide power up! Fellow bug types also benefit from an additional mega boost to their attacks.

A Strong Start but Outpaced By New Contenders

In the early mega evolution life cycle, low cost Beedrillite offered trainers an accessible powerhouse. With below average defense though, fragility forces cautious use to maximize its potential.

As stronger mega evolved bug and poison types emerged, mega Beedrill has become a more situational pick. Save mega energy and raid passes for more versatile megas with greater longevity. Or ones covering more meta-relevant legendary counters.

Yet nostalgic fans will still appreciate mega Beedrill‘s early game impact. And it still tears through the right matchups with blistering striker DPS! Just beware of falling to fast without support against its common counters.

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