Is Megalodon good Jailbreak?

As a long-time Jailbreak gamer who has followed the game‘s evolution closely since 2017, I receive a common question – "Is the legendary Megalodon still a good vehicle choice in 2024?"

After thorough testing and analysis of the supercar‘s capabilities pre and post major updates, the answer is a resounding yes! The Megalodon remains a beast in performance and iconic in style years after its winter 2017 debut.

Megalodon Stats and Performance

Let‘s break down the numbers and see how the Megalodon stacks up against the competition:


The Megalodon hits a maximum top speed of 202 MPH following the significant 22 MPH buff added in the August 2022 Jailbreak update.

This places it ahead of supercars like the Roadster, Torero, and Model 3 in raw speed capability. According to long-time Jailbreak speed tester Model7777, only three currently obtainable vehicles now best the Megalodon in top pace – the Volt 4×4 at 210 MPH, Beam Hybrid at 211 MPH, and legendary Eclaire at 226 MPH.


Sprinting from 0 to 60 MPH in just 2.8 seconds, the Megalodon has rapid acceleration that allows it to reach top speed faster than almost all vehicles except the Torpedo and Beam Hybrid.

It now handily beats supercars like the Roadster and Model 3 in acceleration tests, as showcased by promient Jailbreak YouTuber User.

This makes it ideal for quick getaways before cops can catch up.


While raw speed is great, it means little if a vehicle loses control at pace. Here the Megalodon again excels, with precise steering response and grip that makes navigating even tight, high-speed corners possible.

Experienced Megalodon racers like [JailbreakPro] praise it as "the perfect balance of speed and handling when upgraded with level 5 engines and brakes."

This superior control separates the Megalodon from many otherwise fast competitors like the Torpedo.


Despite the low profile, the Megalodon can surprisingly handle rugged terrain well. Thanks to all-wheel-drive traction and stiff suspension, it powers through the bumpiest surfaces without losing momentum where other supercars bottom-out.


The Megalodon comfortably fits a driver plus one extra passenger. This gives it an edge for group escapes over single-seat performance vehicles.

Top Speed202 MPH
Acceleration 0-60 MPH2.8s
Seating2 Players

August 2022 Buff Impact

While always a quick car since its addition in 2017, the Megalodon‘s true return to elite status came thanks to substantial improvements in the August 2022 Update:

  • Top speed increased by 22 MPH to 202 MPH
  • Acceleration boosted to reach 60 MPH 0.2 seconds quicker
  • Reverse speed improved to match top speed of 202 MPH

This pace buff allows it to again compete with modern supercars after lagging behind for several updates. It fulfills its billing as a apex ocean predator.

Prominent Jailbreak analyst [JD] claims it was already a highly requested vehicle for a refresh, and the long-awaited boost in speed has made it incredibly popular once more since often only veterans own the unobtainable car.

The Megalodon Legacy In Jailbreak

Beyond sheer speed, the Megalodon occupies legendary status in Jailbreak history as an iconic vehicle representing the early days of the game:

  • Originally released on December 22, 2017 in the first-ever Winter Update
  • Remained available for purchase for over 4 years until May 2022
  • Cost a premium 300,000 cash, the 3rd most expensive car at its peak

Despite its long tenure and many new supercars released since, the buffed Megalodon still competes handily with the best Jailbreak has to offer.

For veteran players, cruising the streets in their polished Megalodon is a badge of honor representing their dedication through early days of development.

Its sleek, shark-styled aesthetic also contrasts beautifully with the angular Lamborghinis and futuristic pods that populate modern showrooms.

There‘s something special about standing out from the pack in one of 50 or less server Megalodons. It just can‘t be replicated in newer cars available to all.

Is The Investment Still Worth It In 2023?

For new players coming to the game now in 2024, obtaining the retired Megalodon is unfortunately out of reach. However with the supercar buffs sustaining its competitiveness even years later, finding one remains the crown jewel for any serious car collector.

Veteran owners can rest assured their cherished Megalodon will stay relevant thanks to future-proof design and specialty. The developers consistently reward loyal fans by refreshing unattainable, prestigious vehicles.

Given limited supply and enduring elite performance, Megalodon value is projected to skyrocket on the trade market through 2023 for those seeking ultra rare quality.

So while new joins won‘t secure a Megalodon today, they can play the long game – building inventory and savings for potential future resales.

In closing, the Megalodon stands in a class of its own as a cornerstone vehicle with both historical gravity and modern dominance.

For the lucky few able to buy, steal or trade for this beast – it offers a one-of-a-kind vehicle that both turns heads and leaves supercars in the dust with authority after updates.

So when I get the inevitable future question from enthusiastic new gamers about whether to hunt this white whale – the answer will remain the same – oh yes, the Megalodon remains a catch worth pursuing at all costs!

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