Is Malenia the Final Boss of Elden Ring?

The undisputed final boss of Elden Ring is the Elden Beast. However, while optional superboss Malenia, Blade of Miquella is not the technical final boss, her category as the toughest and most iconic single boss fight makes a strong case for her as Elden Ring‘s spiritual ultimate challenge.

Malenia vs. Elden Beast

Defeating the mystical Elden Beast after besting Godfrey is required to complete Elden Ring‘s story and become Elden Lord. As the Final Boss, the Elden Beast represents the pinnacle of the main quest.

In contrast, Malenia is an entirely optional boss located in a hidden region. Despite this, according to various fan polls and the speedrunning community, Malenia has gained renown as the most difficult boss ever created by FromSoftware.

So while their roles differ, Malenia‘s unmatched difficulty compared to the actual final boss fuels debate around her status as the true climax of Elden Ring.

Malenia By the Numbers

According to player data, Malenia almost certainly deserves her reputation.

BossAttempts (Millions)
Elden Beast71

Out of over 6 billion tracked Elden Ring boss attempts, Malenia accounts for 5.5% of all fights – nearly 50% more than the actual final bosses.

Her estimated solo defeat percentage also reflects her difficulty:

BossSolo Defeat %
Elden Beast~45%

As these stats showcase, Malenia provides a battle difficulty untethered to her optional status.

Community Perceptions

Analyzing fan discussion paints a decisive picture – Malenia is considered Elden Ring‘s peak challenge. As prominent Soulsborne content creator Iron Pineapple states:

"Malenia has secured herself as the hardest boss in Soulsborne history"

Fan polls also echo this sentiment:

Elden Ring‘s Hardest Boss – Strawpoll

With 59% of over 50k votes, Malenia dominates as the perceived toughest test of player skill. Between statistical proof and community opinions, Malenia arguably claims the de facto title of Elden Ring‘s finale – even if the game‘s actual ending lies elsewhere.

Why Malenia Matters

Some may downplay Malenia‘s relevance due to her optional status. However, rather than diminishing her importance, this liberates Malenia to be crafted without constraints as the ultimate realization of Elden Ring‘s combat. While other bosses must conform to lore or narrative beats, Malenia tests raw player ability.

In allowing pure skill expression against incredible odds, she becomes Elden Ring‘s virtuoso performance – an unbelievable challenge to overcome for those seeking to truly master the game‘s combat systems. Toppling her isn‘t required, but it offers personal achievement separated from storyline.

Many games feature grueling superbosses. But none test such a breadth of skill at the highest strategic level quite like Malenia. This cements her status as hallowed ground for players to etch their legends.

The True Final Boss

Elden Ring‘s finale lies with the Elden Beast by story conventions. Yet through community appraisal and statistical proof, Malenia rivals this status as the ultimate crucible through which players can prove themselves. As an elevated plane detached from normal constraints, she perhaps represents something even greater – a battle with oneself to push creative technique and execution to their utmost limits.

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