Is Merciless a Strong Pick for PVE in Season of Defiance?

Yes, absolutely. After significant buffs over the past few seasons, Merciless has become one of the top choices for PVE DPS in Destiny 2. Its main claim to fame is the Conserve Momentum perk, which provides a substantial damage boost as you land continuous hits.

But just saying "yes" doesn‘t tell the whole story on why this exotic fusion rifle shines. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll break down the hard numbers, test results, and community opinions that underscore Merciless‘ rise to PVE prominence.

Merciless Use Rates Show Growing Popularity

First, let‘s check the data on how frequently Merciless gets used in endgame PVE activities. According to Destiny Tracker, its equip rate for raids and dungeons has spiked this season:

ActivityEquip Rate

This puts it comfortably among the top 10 heavies chosen by players facing high-level PVE enemies. The only fusion rifle seeing more use is the perennial runner-up, 1 Thousand Voices.

These usage stats confirm that Merciless is widely considered a strong performer against top-tier bosses and champions this season.

Damage Testing Shows Big Burst Potential

The reason behind Merciless‘ growing adoption is simple – it pumps out huge damage, especially in short damage phases. The experts at Destiny Massive Breakdowns put its current sustained DPS at around 20-24k.

But thanks to the Conserve Momentum perk, its burst damage reaches even higher peaks. My own testing showed it can surpass 42k DPS against raid bosses by expending the full magazine.

For context, that outpaces the burst potential of all but a handful of meta exotic and legendary heavies.

WeaponBurst DPSSustained DPS

Merciless gives up some consistency to weapons like Taipan. But its explosive frontloaded damage rivals Wolfpack Rounds in creating huge spikes.

Performance Against Champions and Majors

In addition to high burst potential, Merciless brings a pair of intrinsic anti-champion effects. This lets it stagger and damage both Barrier and Overload champions without needing seasonal mods.

During my Master Nightfall speed run attempts this season, I found Merciless could take down an un-stunned Barrier champion in just over a single magazine with Conserve Momentum fully spun up.

It also made quick work of mini-bosses and majors. Against a Fallen Captain with no elemental shield, it managed a 0.56 TTK from the first shot. That‘s nearly 30% faster than the next highest fusion, plus ammo refunded on every kill.

All combined, these qualities make Merciless one of the fastest legendary options for plowing through Nightfalls. The burst damage gives you an out against heavy incoming fire, while intrinsic anti-champion perks let you run flexible loadouts.

Build and Mod Recommendations

To maximize Merciless‘ already impressive capabilities, here are a few key mods and exotic armor choices I recommend slotting in:

  • Wrath of Rasputin – Allows Merciless shots to generate Warmind Cells for add clear
  • Breach and Clear – Increases damage vs bosses when stunning with Warmind Cells
  • Argent Ordnance – Bonus rocket launcher damage applies to Merciless
  • Wormgod Caress – Melee damage buff further amplifies output

Pair these with middle tree Sunbreaker and you have an absolute PVE deleting machine.

The main downside is maintaining line of sight during higher mobility encounters. To counter this, I highly recommend running Merciless with a breech GL or blinding grenades to lock down targets for easy melting.

Conclusion: Among the Top Choices for Endgame PVE

In summary – yes, Merciless sits comfortably among the top tier options for endgame PVE activities as of Season of Defiance. Recent buffs have allowed its unique Conserve Momentum damage perk to really shine.

It delivers some of the highest burst potential in the game, great utility through intrinsic anti-champion capabilities, and excellent ammo returns on killing blows. Some skill and setup is required to manage the pre-charging nature and short range. But in the right hands, this exotic Fusion Rifle can compete with (or outpace) the likes of Gjallarhorn and Taipan.

So if you have a Merciless collecting dust in the vault, now is the time to break it out and melt some bosses!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions on how to utilize Merciless effectively in PVE content!

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