Is Miles Morales Worth Your Hard-Earned Cash in 2024?

Miles Morales is absolutely deserving of your gaming budget. This burst of Spider-Man brilliance packs a short-but-sweet superhero story filled with heart, soul and jaw-dropping next-gen visuals. Its value only continues to improve post-launch making now the perfect time to experience the rise of a new web-slinging icon.

Upon release in November 2020, Marvel‘s Spider-Man: Miles Morales shifted an impressive 628,000 units globally. With many dubbing it little more than a "glorified DLC pack", Miles Morales seemed initially overpriced. Yet two years later, this coming-of-age superhero blockbuster has only grown in value and esteem.

Is Miles Morales Just a Quick DLC Cash-In?

A common early criticism was that at 7 hours for main story completion, Miles Morales felt light on content compared to its predecessor:

GameMain Story DurationCompletionist Duration
Spider-Man (2018)17 hours38 hours
Miles Morales7 hours18 hours

At full price, $70 for what amounts to 1/3 the gameplay certainly stung some fans. However, writing off Miles Morales as an overpriced expansion ignores the production realities:

- Built from the ground up for PS5 during a pandemic with new engine tech
- Brand new map area, Manhattan setting and winter environmental effects
- High quality cinematics and performances from an A-list ensemble cast
- Some of the most graphically impressive visuals in any console game

For reference, here is how Miles Morales compares value-wise to similar sized high budget single player experiences:

GameLengthOriginal MSRP
Spider-Man: Miles Morales8 hours$70
Uncharted: Lost Legacy8 hours$40
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order DLC Expansions5 hours$15
Last of Us Left Behind DLC3 hours$15

Pound-for-pound, Miles Morales packs substantially more content than Lost Legacy and other AAA game expansions. The additional PS5 polish carries a next-gen tax, but the breadth of meaningful narrative, gameplay and technical upgrades justify the scope. This represents a new Spider-Man saga, not just bonus missions.

The Making of an Iconic Superhero

But Miles Morales‘ real value lies in the successful introduction of a new iconic superhero that reflects modern audiences.

In the comics, Miles Morales has grown from niche fan-favorite to ranking 28th most popular Marvel character, ahead of mainstays like Gambit and Venom. He connects with readers as a relatable teenager balancing school, family and super heroics:

"Miles is the Spider-Man of his generation, reflecting the world we live in. He resonates for the same reason Peter did back in 1962 but for today’s audience. He‘s grounded in the reality young people recognize — caught between their private lives and public responsibilities.” – Marvel’s SVP of Sales David Gabriel

Critics praised how this was adapted for the game, lauding the authentic characters and familial relationships:

Review Quote
"Charming characters you can‘t help but fall in love with"IGN
"Some of the most convincing characters I‘ve ever seen in a superhero game”The Guardian

Just as Into the Spiderverse won an Oscar celebrating diversity in animation, Miles Morales the video game similarly pushes representation further in gaming.

A True Showcase of PS5‘s Cutting-Edge Gaming Tech

While the human story of Miles Morales tugs the heart strings, the real jaw-droppers come courtesy of the PS5 enhancements. Powered by the custom SSD, GPU and Tempest engine, this is a demonstrable generational leap over 2018‘s Spider-Man:


  • Performance RT mode: Dynamic 4K upscaled resolution at 60 FPS
  • Fidelity mode: Native 4K locked at a constant 30 FPS

Loading Times

  • 50% faster loading than PS4 Pro
  • Fast travel across New York in under 5 seconds

Visual Upgrades

  • Increased pedestrian and traffic density bringing city to life
  • Additional weather effects like properly accumulating snow
  • Ray traced reflections, shadows and ambient occlusion for hyper-realistic lighting

See the upgrade in action courtesy of ElAnalistaDeBits‘ excellent tech analysis. Miles Morales sets a new high watermark for visual polish helping justify the original premium price.

The Value Only Gets Better Over Time

Launching at full RRP, Miles Morales represented a considerable investment. However, as platform exclusive first party titles do, generous discounts now abound:

Sale PeriodDiscount PercentageSale Price
Holiday Sales 202250%$35 / £25
Days of Play June 202225%$45 / £35
Black Friday 202133%$40 / £30

For comparison, Marvel‘s Spider-Man (2018) took over 2 years post-launch to reach ~$25 in sales. Miles Morales provides better dollar-to-hour value in half the time.

Prospective players can now regularly snag Miles Morales for under $40 / £30, delivering phenomenal value. Next-gen tech demo meets heartfelt superhero story – no better bang for your buck exists today.

Verdict: This Spider-Man Soars Above the Rest

Insomniac could have rushed out a quick expansion reusing the original game‘s assets. Instead in true PlayStation first party fashion, they delivered a caring crafted new adventure introducing gaming‘s next iconic superhero.

Between the further polished gameplay, next-gen brilliance and loveable characters, Miles Morales justifies its ticket price completely – even more so given subsequent discounts.

Its brevity is only matched by its beauty. Any Spidey fan owes it to themselves to experience the glorious rise of Miles Morales in stunning 4K 60FPS. Swing on by!

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