Is Millicent the daughter of Malenia?

As a long-time Elden Ring player and Soulsborne fanatic, I have dug deep into the lore and backstories of the game‘s enigmatic characters. Based on in-game clues and community theories, I believe Millicent is indeed the daughter of Malenia, Goddess of Rot.

Unraveling Millicent‘s Mysterious Origins

First, let‘s analyze what we know about Millicent‘s shadowy background:

  • Millicent shares Malenia‘s bloodline, indicating a direct familial relationship
  • Her adopted father, Gowry, claims to have found Millicent and her sisters near the Haligtree as babies
  • Malenia resides in the Haligtree, implying a connection
  • Millicent seeks answers about her past in Elphael and the Haligtree

This evidence suggests Malenia gave birth to Millicent in or near the Haligtree, and Gowry adopted her.

Decoding the Symbolism Behind Millicent‘s Buds

A key motif associated with Millicent is her spectral buds. These reference Malenia‘s Scarlet Aeonia attack where she blooms into a massive flower.

I believe the buds represent Millicent being an offshoot and ‘budding flower‘ of Malenia‘s power. This firmly ties the imagery between mother and supposed daughter.

Scarlet Aeonia attack where she ‘blooms‘Spectral flower buds hinting at her origin
Goddess of Rot epithetSeeks to understand her past and devotion to Malenia

As you can see in the table above, the thematic links between Malenia and Millicent underscore their deep connection.

What the Broader Elden Ring Community Believes

Delving into lore discussions among fans, there seems to be widespread belief that Millicent is intrinsically linked to Malenia:

  • Some argue she is literally Malenia‘s daughter by birth
  • Others claim she is an offshoot ‘bud‘ of Malenia‘s fungus-infected power
  • A few outlandish theories suggest time travel or spiritual possession at play!

Whatever the exact explanation, most agree Millicent shares the Rot Goddess‘ lineage.

My Insights as a Passionate Gamer

Having studied these characters closely across multiple playthroughs, I speculate that Millicent is either:

  1. Malenia‘s direct daughter – the most obvious explanation
  2. An incarnated ‘bud‘ that split off from Malenia‘s fungal rot infection and gained sentience
  3. A puppet imbued with Malenia‘s essence by outer god the Gloam-Eyed Queen

Personally, I favor the first option as it ties everything together neatly. But this is just my personal theory!

The Mystery Adds to Millicent‘s Intrigue

While concrete details remain unknown, the implied connection makes Millicent one of Elden Ring‘s most fascinating figures. Her origin story parallels her mother‘s, transformed by Scarlet Rot.

I hope DLC expansions can peel back more layers on this compelling character. The enigma only makes Millicent more alluring!

Let me know your own thoughts, theories and discoveries on Elden Ring lore in the comments. Together, we may inch closer to the truth behind Millicent‘s past!

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