Does Minecraft Use TCP or UDP? A Definitive Guide

As one of the most influential games in modern history, Minecraft‘s networking protocols have impacted millions of multiplayer servers over the past decade. After troubleshooting connectivity issues on my own Minecraft realms for years, I‘m going to definitively answer—does Minecraft use TCP or UDP?

The short answer:

  • Minecraft Java Edition utilizes TCP on port 25565
  • Minecraft Bedrock Edition uses UDP on port 19132

Now let‘s dive deeper on why Mojang went different routes for the two main Minecraft editions…

A Tale of Two Protocols: Java Edition‘s Use of TCP

Back when notch was crafting the original PC version in 2009, he chose TCP as Java Edition‘s core networking protocol. This provided crucial reliability in the nascent days of Minecraft server hosting.

As a connection-oriented protocol, TCP guaranteed delivery of packets in orderly sequence. Remember those early Minecraft nether tunnels when a single client glitch could corrupt chunks for all players? TCP‘s error-checking prevented massive rollbacks from client desyncs or dropped packets. It also ensured world state stayed in sync as players scattered across biomes.

Over time, TCP remained deeply embedded in Java Edition‘s client-server architecture. This allowed Minecraft‘s developers to keep building ambitious features like redstone circuitry without worrying about message ordering or reliability.

Of course, TCP isn‘t without downsides. All that rigorous transmission control comes at the cost of speed. Higher latency can definitely hurt the experience when creepers start sizzling!

Java Edition Networking Ports

The default networking port used by Java Edition is 25565 TCP. This open inbound port allows handshake packets to flow for multiplayer joins.

Here‘s a history of various network ports used by Minecraft over the past decade:

VersionRelease YearNetwork Port
Classic2009-201125565 TCP
Beta2010-201125565 TCP
1.0201125565 TCP
1.7+2013+25565 TCP

As you can see, Minecraft Java Edition has stuck with 25565 TCP for over 10 years now!

Bedrock Edition Optimized With UDP

In contrast, Minecraft Bedrock Edition favors blazing UDP packets instead of TCP‘s snail mail. This choice aligns with Bedrock‘s modern multi-platform architecture reaching mobiles and consoles.

The architects of Bedrock optimized first for lower latency across weaker networks. Many children play Pocket Edition on shaky 3G or train wifi. Losing a few packets here and there won‘t wreck gameplay like a major TCP lag spike. And for local connections like LAN parties in the dorm lounge? UDP absolutely shreds.

Understanding Bedrock Edition‘s Use of UDP

Unlike TCP‘s methodical workflow, UDP just flings packets willy-nilly with no error-checking whatsoever. This fire-and-forget approach translates to vastly reduced lag—packets get shoved through the wire at lightspeed!

The downside of UDP is potential packet loss or out-of-order delivery. But for real-time positional tracking in multiplayer Spleef? I‘ll take the occasional glitch to win the game!

Now Bedrock Edition doesn‘t rely exclusively on UDP. TCP connections handle authentication plus backups for certain game messages. But blasting terrain data via UDP keeps the framerate buttery smooth.

Default Ports for Bedrock Edition

The primary port used for the Minecraft Bedrock Edition is 19132 UDP. As with Java‘s port, you‘ll need to forward this correctly on your home router for the best multiplayer experience.

Here is the full list of outbound connections required for Minecraft on various console platforms:

Nintendo Switch1-65535 UDPUDPGameplay traffic
Nintendo Switch1935 TCPTCPServer listing
Xbox One3074 UDPUDPGameplay traffic
Xbox One443 TCPTCPServer listing
Playstation3478-3479 UDPUDPGameplay traffic
Playstation443,1935 TCPTCPServer listing
iOS19132-19133 UDPUDPGameplay traffic
Windows 1019132-19133 UDPUDPGameplay traffic

Now before we move on, let‘s recap the key differences between TCP and UDP relevant to gaming.

TCP vs UDP: Key Differences for Multiplayer Games

Here‘s a high-level overview on the TCP vs UDP choice:

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

  • Reliable: Packets arrive intact every time
  • Ordered: Packets received in correct sequence
  • Error-checked: Data validated via checksums
  • Higher lag from guarantees and congestion control

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

  • Unreliable: Packets may drop or shuffle order
  • Lightweight: No overhead guarantees
  • Lower lag for real-time interaction

So in essence, TCP ensures perfect accuracy while UDP optimizes for speed.

For turn-based games like online chess, TCP is no issue. But fast-twitch genres like competitive shooters often leverage UDP. Trading a tiny risk of packet loss for way lower latency improves the experience.

In Minecraft‘s case, Java Edition‘s TCP backstop ensures huge cardboard castles won‘t crumble from a bad packet. But for Hunger Games style PvP on mobile devices, Mojang wisely chose UDP for Bedrock.

Now let‘s move on to best practices for hosting and connecting…

Port Forwarding for Inbound Minecraft Connections

To allow external clients to join your server, forwarding the default port through your router‘s firewall is key. Here are four quick troubleshooting tips:

  • Double check protocol – Java TCP 25565, Bedrock UDP 19132!
  • Test locally first before opening firewall access
  • Reboot everything – client devices, routers, the works!
  • Disable VPNs as they can block ports

For parents unsure about security risks, whitelisting authorized friends via MAC address is an option. But do not expose SSH administration ports just for Minecraft!

Optimizing Firewalls, Anti-Virus and Network Configs

Beyond port forwarding, Windows firewalls and other security layers can sneakily block connections:

  • Add explicit firewall exceptions for Java.exe and Minecraft.Windows.exe
  • Disable active virus scans during gameplay to reduce lag
  • Tweak router QoS settings to prioritize gaming traffic
  • Try gaming-optimized Ethernet cables over busy WiFi

If battling system firewall woes, disabling security temporarily can prove Minecraft itself isn‘t the culprit. But only demo that briefly!

Eliminating Latency and Jitter For Buttery Gameplay

Once all ports check out and you‘ve confirmed inbound connections, reducing general lag should be your next priority:

  • Consider choosing physical servers closer to your location
  • Experiment with UDP modes if available
  • Rule out bandwidth bottlenecks from siblings torrenting
  • Set server view-distance to 4 chunks absolute max
  • Disable client chat mods and resource packs

With the right networking stack configured, I‘ve seen pings drop from 250ms seabound exchanges to mere milliseconds on LAN. Let the PvP domination begin!

Closing Thoughts: Let the Port Forwarding Begin!

We‘ve covered a ton of ground explaining Minecraft‘s usage of TCP vs UDP across editions, dug into ports and firewall analysis, plus unlocked optimization techniques.

Now it‘s time apply that knowledge to your own multiplayer server adventures. Chart a course through the port forwarding seas until you‘ve slew the Kraken of NAT errors!

As usual, hit me up over on the admin Discord if connectivity gremlins persist. We‘llTeamViewer right in and exorcise those gigabit demons once and for all!

Game on, my block busting friends 😎

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