Is mirage and Wraith dating?

As an avid Apex Legends player and content creator, one question I see come up again and again is – are Mirage and Wraith dating? With their close friendship and obvious chemistry, many fans seem to "ship" them as a romantic pairing. But what does Respawn have to say? Let‘s analyze the evidence.

Mirage and Wraith‘s Backstory

Mirage, real name Elliott Witt, is the lovable holo-trickster of the Apex Games. Wraith remains mysterious, with gaps in her memory from the trauma of being experimented on. Here is what we know of their intertwined history:

  • Wraith saved Mirage‘s life before the start of the games. When his ship was shot down, her portal allowed his team to escape.
  • Mirage then returned the favor by helping to free Wraith from an IMC detention facility where she was being tortured.
  • The shared trauma brought them closer together, forging a caring bond built on trust and understanding.

So Mirage and Wraith‘s relationship foundation is one of saving each other and overcoming hardship as a team. This helps explain their tight chemistry today.

How Old are Mirage and Wraith?

When analyzing romantic potential, the characters‘ ages also give context:

MirageEarly 30s
WraithApprox. 32 years old

With only a slight age gap, Mirage and Wraith are in compatible life stages. But does their maturity levels also match for romance? Let‘s break it down further.

The Case For…and Against Dating

On the surface, Mirage and Wraith contrast strongly – the jokester versus the stoic soldier. But their personality differences could actually balance each other out in a relationship. What evidence supports (or contradicts) that idea?

The Case For DatingThe Case Against Dating
  • Their backstories show deep caring, sacrifice for each other
  • Mirage helps Wraith relax and open up emotionally
  • Wraith sees the best in Mirage despite his inflated ego
  • No canon proof of romantic interest or actions
  • Respawn/Casiello have not indicated they will date
  • Their personalities and emotional needs are very different

Analyzing their interactions in-game and in lore reveals this central tension – while Mirage and Wraith clearly have strong affection and work great together in life or death trials, that chemistry may still be more familial than flirtatious.

Quotes From Respawn On the Dynamic

While fans passionately debate potential ships between Legends, ultimately what matters most is how Respawn views the relationships in crafting stories. Lead writer Tom Casiello explained Mirage and Wraith this way:

"He needs to be more serious, she needs to lighten up" … But even with the old sentiment "opposites attract" a Wraith/Mirage romance seems unlikely.

So per officials channels, while tension exists between them, Respawn currently has no plans for Mirage + Wraith to become an item. But what about other Legends – are there any confirmed ships or clearer romantic seeds being planted in certain dynamics?

The State of Other Legend Relationships

Looking at the wider Apex Games ecosystem helps contextualize the lack of overt Mirage/Wraith dating evidence. Currently across 7 seasons, no canon romantic relationships between playable characters have been activated. But there are hints and possibilities:

  • Crypto + Wattson – Perhaps the strongest ship tease, with signs Crypto cares deeply for Wattson in voicelines and actions.
  • Loba + Bangalore – Recently had a fling per lore sources, though the status is currently ambiguous.
  • Valkyrie – Confirmed lesbian; no clear current love interest.
  • Mirage + Rampart – Rampart crushes on Mirage but unclear on his reciprocation.

Respawn has planted romance seeds for future story leverage, even if no couples have fully formed yet. So while Mirage and Wraith are not dating presently, prolonged friendship could always catch flame later.

Speculation on Future Relationship Evolutions

Given their emotional bond through hardship, Mirage and Wraith‘s connection runs deeper than most Legend dynamics. While their contrasting personalities pose some friction, I believe shared trauma often breeds attraction over time.

My speculation is that once Respawn decides to activate canon relationships – potentially in later seasons amidst escalating Outland Wars – Mirage and Wraith may start as unlikely friends, but end up realizing mutual care and support could blossom into romance. Both admirably influence the other for the better in small ways already.

Over enough trial-by-fire battles side-by-side, respect could organically snowball into affection. Perhaps Mirage‘s humor even helps Wraith learn to love herself amidst lingering pain from the past. Ultimately, as an Apex gamer and fan, this ship holds serious emotional appeal despite current deconfirmation.

In summary – are Mirage and Wraith dating right now in-game or lore? No clear evidence supports that case yet. But given their history and rapport, no Legend dynamic currently displays more chemistry or long-term relationship potential either. So never say never!

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