Is Mohgwyn‘s Sacred Spear Any Good? A Bleed Build‘s Dream

As an avid fan of FromSoftware games and builder of many bleed-focused characters, I am constantly scouring for the next big hemorrhage-inflicting weapon. Let me tell you, Mohgwyn‘s Sacred Spear makes the cut for one of the top bleed armaments out there. Ever wanted your own version of Mohg, Lord of Blood‘s gnarly trident? This dark, edgy spear has that in spades plus a devastating blood explosion skill. chef‘s kiss

Massive Bleed Buildup – Shred Through Enemies‘ HP

Right off the bat, this thing inflicts a whopping 135 bleed buildup per hit. That‘s even higher than the infamous Rivers of Blood katana! On charged heavy attacks you can trigger hemorrhage crazy quick. I‘m talking 3-4 jumping powerstance heavies to make bosses explode in blood loss fury.

Trust me, seeing health bars disintegrate under a barrage of consecutive procs is a special kind of satisfaction. And with the right build, you can delete groups of enemies with blood loss in seconds. It‘s beautiful carnage!

Bloodboon Ritual Decimates Mobs – Bloodsplosions For Days

But this spear‘s real claim to fame is its Bloodboon Ritual weapon skill. Hurl this badboy at the ground to create a delayed blood explosion that annihilates anyone caught inside it. We‘re talking like 1200+ damage if they survive the initial hit at all.

Fantastic for clearing out packs of enemies. I can‘t count how many times I‘ve cackled maniacally as 5-6 foes rush me only be dissolved by Bloodboon. It just deletes things…delete button is right trigger with this equipped!

Still Competitive In Pure Damage – Nothing To Scoff At

Now I know what you‘re thinking…sure bleed is nice, but what if I‘m fighting a boss immune to hemorrhage? Well don‘t worry, because the Sacred Spear still pumps out serious damage numbers too:

WeaponAttack Rating
Sacred Spear +25789
Rivers of Blood +10740

It might have slightly higher stat requirements than Rivers, but investment pays off big time. On my playthrough I had 60 strength & 50 Arcane and was hitting for 1000+ per jumping heavy attack without bleed!

So in summary – top tier bleed, AoE nuke potential, great damage too. This fun & aggressive weapon is a winner in my book. If you like deleting things in spectacular blood explosions, Mohgwyn‘s Sacred Spear needs to be in your arsenal!

Playstyle & Build Recommendations

  • Pair with a shield and blood infuse for max bleed mayhem
  • Level Strength & Arcane to 60+ to become a hemorrhage menace
  • Also get some Dexterity – I aimed for 40+ to help weapon handling
  • Time Bloodboon Ritual when mobs cluster around you
  • Laugh maniacally as their bodies burst in bloody glory

Alright, back to playing now – need to craft more blood arrows to pull enemies into Bloodboon trap…hehe mwuahaha!!

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