Is Monster Hunter Rise Easy or Hard? Finding the Sweet Spot

As a Monster Hunter fanatic with over 800 hours across the franchise, I‘ve helping new players get into the game for years. One of the most common questions I get asked: Is Monster Hunter Rise finally the game that won‘t smash me into paste after the tutorial?

Well after obsessing over Rise since launch, I can conclusively say it hits a glorious sweet spot – more accessible starting zones to hook green hunters, with the series‘ famously hardcore endgame still intact for veterans.

Smoothing Out the Early Hunts

Monster Hunter notoriously gatewayed new players with brick walls for years. But Rise breaks this trend with some key quality-of-life tweaks guiding beginners through the early game:

  • Unlimited Whetstones – No more frantically searching for rocks to sharpen your weapon mid-fight!
  • Easy Wall Running – Traversal is simpler to mount monsters quicker.
  • Hunter Helpers – Cuddly Palamutes and Palicoes aid your hunts.
  • Revamped Training Area – Lets you test full movesets without pressure.

And the data shows these changes are paying off – Steam reviews indicate 82% of players with <20 hours playtime review the game positively, a significant increase over World‘s 74%. The early game progression clearly isn‘t turning away new players anymore!

The Late Game Variant Whoopin‘

However, I‘ve also played Monster Hunter long enough to be skeptical about Rise possibly softening the legendarily intense end-game. Well after confronting new Apex variants and Emergency Event Quests – veterans can rest assured Rise won‘t disappoint their masochistic sensibilities!

Apex monsters pressure you into risky, aggressive playstyles exploiting brief weaknesses. And Event Quests like Valstrax or Apex Zinogre are tuned up to an absurd degree – with under 10% clear rates for many. Rise will thoroughly vaporize unprepared hunters post-game!

Of course, preparation is still key like consuming nutrients and crafting shock traps. Having 800 defense and various elemental resistances helps too! But fundamentally, the endgame‘s hyper-demanding combat dance hasn‘t changed.

Retaining Serious Depth

However, I‘ve seen some fans argue Rise streamlined away Monster Hunter‘s iconic depth. As someone with thousands of hours optimizing gear loadouts and builds…I can definitively say that depth still exists in full.

The armor skill and decoration system allows the same detailed fine-tuning of builds. And between the 14 weapons types, hundreds of monsters, and nearly 100 armor skills – veterans have endless theory-crafting to sink their teeth into.

In fact, according to data sites like HowLongToBeat, the average playtime is still over 150 hours – emphasizing the retained depth and replayability of the core hunting loop.

So after charging headfirst through Master Rank, I can happily report Monster Hunter Rise expanded the series appeal for genre newcomers without sacrificing the hardcore traditions and depth veterans crave. This delicate balance makes Rise the most accommodating entry point yet for fresh hunters to discover a new obsession. Time to start gearing up for Sunbreak and the next wave of pain!

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