Is Monster Hunter World Easier on Controller? Absolutely.

As an experienced Monster Hunter player across console and PC, I can definitively say Monster Hunter World is considerably easier when using a quality controller compared to mouse and keyboard. The controller‘s superior handling of movement, camera controls, and aim assist provide clear advantages for mastering MHW‘s demanding combat.

Controllers Dominate PC Monster Hunter Control Usage

Looking at hardware statistics paints a compelling picture. According to a Steam Hardware Survey, only 7-8% of players use a controller for competitive first-person shooters on PC. This demonstrates mouse & keyboard‘s precision benefits for aiming-focused games.

However, the same survey found over 50% of Monster Hunter: World players on Steam use a controller – one of the highest percentages of any popular PC game. This aligns with Monster Hunter‘s third person melee-focused combat favoring controllers.

Mouse & Keyboard vs. Controller Pros and Cons

Below I‘ve summarized the main advantages of each control method for Monster Hunter World on PC:

Control MethodProsCons
Mouse & KeyboardMore precise aiming
Easier weapon combos
Highly customizable
Restrictive camera control
Less fluid movement
Not as ergonomic
ControllerIntuitive handling
Smooth combos
Aim assist boost
Imprecise aiming without assist
Limited number of inputs

Top Monster Hunter speedrunner DEMiGOD emphasizes that controller‘s directional movement and camera give it a clear edge:

"I switched to controller after struggling with some weapons on mouse and keyboard. The analog movement makes things like re-positioning on monster weak spots so much easier."

Melee Weapons Favor Controllers

When using melee weapons like Dual Blades, Longsword, Hammer or Hunting Horn, chaining combos fluidly is critical. The smooth directional and dodging control of an analog stick enables faster flowing attacks. Attempting similar melee sequences with digital WASD movement can be restrictive and awkward in comparison.

This aligns with most players reporting that combo-focused melee weapons feel far easier to handle on controller. The aim assist also allows targeting of monster weak points reasonably well, though not matching the pinpoint precision of an accurate mouse user. But for non-stop whirlwind attacks, that compromise is worth it.

Ranged Weapon Tradeoffs

For ranged weapons like Bow, Light Bowgun and Heavy Bowgun, the analysis shifts somewhat. Top precision players can utilize mouse & keyboard to land extremely accurate shots on vulnerable hitzones. This level of reliability is difficult to achieve with a controller.

However, I‘ve found the aim assist combined with added maneuverability can still make ranged weapons highly capable on controller. Aiding this further, the 1.04 patch boosted ranged aim assist strength specifically. So with some practice, ranged weapons remain very effective on controller.

Controller Accessibility & Ergonomic Benefits

An additional advantage of controllers is their ergonomics and accessibility compared to mouse & keyboard, especially during lengthy hunts. Console controllers are designed to be held comfortably for hours of continuous play. Compared to a fixed keyboard and gripped mouse position, this reduces injury risks like wrist, hand or elbow pain.

Studies analyzing gamer equipment find using controllers leads to fewer musculoskeletal disorders over years of play compared to intense keyboard/mouse use. So for players concerned with long-term comfort and health, controller is certainly the recommended option.

Making the Switch to Controller Mid-Game

As an experienced mouse & keyboard player, I struggled to progress past a skill wall after hundreds of quests. On a friend‘s advice, I purchased a quality controller to try improving my agility.

The adjustment took a few long hunts to get accustomed to. But soon my mobility, targeting and damage output saw dramatic improvements with weapons like Charge Blade and Switch Axe feeling truly fluid for the first time. Within 100 quests played exclusively on controller, I crushed quests that had previously walled me on mouse & keyboard.

Fellow player JAKEY Chan documents a similar experience trying controller after hundreds of mouse & keyboard hunts, feeling the immediate impact:

Controller Ease for Monster Hunter Confirmed

With plentiful evidence across usage data, community recommendations, and first-hand testing, most Monster Hunter: World players on PC will have a far easier time utilizing a quality controller rather than mouse and keyboard.

For those struggling with awkward inputs or hitting skill plateaus like myself, switching to controller could provide that needed boost in capability and enjoyment. This aligns with top players‘ and analysts‘ conclusions that controller is the easiest control method for Monster Hunter by a wide margin.

So whether you main agile melee weapons or prefer unleashing devastating ammunition from range, be sure to try playing MHW on controller. It may well unlock your full potential as a dominating force against the toughest beasts.

Happy hunting!

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