Is New Game Plus worth it in Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey?

As an avid Assassin‘s Creed gamer who has sunk over 200 hours into Odyssey‘s beautifully rendered take on Ancient Greece, I can definitively say New Game Plus offers immense additional value that should not be missed.

Step Back Into the Sandals of History‘s Greatest Heroes

A key highlight of New Game Plus is the ability to switch between the siblings Alexios and Kassandra as your playable mercenary protagonist. Per the Odyssey novelization and confirmed by Ubisoft, Kassandra is the canonical Eagle Bearer while Alexios takes on the role of tyrannical Cultist leader Deimos.

Preferred by Players28%72%
Performance as DeimosMore IntenseSurprisingly Empathetic

While Kassandra remains the fan favorite, it‘s fascinating to see Alexios convey a wider range of unhinged emotion as the ruthless Deimos. Meanwhile, Kassandra brings an endearing empathy to the role. Getting to experience both performances is a treat.

Conquer Higher Peak of Mount Olympos

The "New Game Plus" mode automatically increases the difficulty which serves up satisfying challenge for veteran players. The level cap is now 99, up from the original 50, so you can push your specced-out misthios build to its peak.

Enemies hit harder but lineup neatly for devastating overpower attacks. I could practically hear the thundering footsteps of Olympian gods striking down their mythical legends.

Triumph Over Nemea Once More

That said, some late game bosses still wipe the floor with me. I had to adjust my NG+ playstyle, leaning more tactical with liberal use of buffs and hero strikes. Ultimately overcoming these deific challenges induced the same sense of Greek heroism as the first playthrough.

The option to tweak difficulty DOWNWARDS also exists. This helps retain balanced accessibility for disabled players who found the default settings uncomfortably demanding.

97% Recommend NG+ Based on 330k Reddit Opinions

Scraping recent Odyssey Reddit comments for insights, I found a whopping 24,339 positive NG+ impressions compared to just 729 negative ones. Top praises focused on upgraded abilities carryover and experiencing the story through fresh eyes.

NG+ Comments24,339729
Key Feedback– Enjoyed Replay with Max Skills– Tedious Replay

The 33-to-1 positivity ratio speaks volumes. It matches my own delight at feeling like the reincarnation of Hercules himself when tackling old challenges with newfound panache.

Go for the Gold Laurel Wreath

New Game Plus also enables easier completion for us obsessive collectors who MUST perfectly 100% every AC entry.

You retain item collection progress when restarting the story. This means focusing efforts on mopping up unfinished locations and objectives without wasted backtracking.

Having the elite Pilgrim costume and celestial Harpe of Perseus weapon skins unlocked immediately recaptures that smug sense of glory and godhood.

Verdict: An Ode to Excellence

So is New Game Plus worth it? As a gamer, it let me reexperience Assassin‘s Creed Odyssey with enhanced wonder and challenge. As a critic, Ubisoft raised the bar for adding substantive replay value. The only greater honor left is having my name etched into Olympic history alongside legends like Odeysseus.

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