Is Ni no Kuni 1 and 2 Connected? A Deep Dive into the Debate

While Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom and the original Ni no Kuni share the same fantasy universe, their stories are completely standalone and require no prior knowledge to enjoy. However, for long-time fans, there are subtle ties that bind these titles together – if you know where to look. This article will analyze the connections, evolution and public perception across the Ni no Kuni franchise.

Understanding Each Game‘s Story and Setting

Let‘s briefly recap both games:

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

The first Ni no Kuni, released in 2013, follows protagonist Oliver in a Pokémon-esque adventure after losing his mother. With the help of feisty fairy Mr Drippy, Oliver explores a magic realm and uses creature companions in real-time battles.

With art by Studio Ghibli, the game received critical acclaim for its innovative blend of traditional and modern RPG elements.

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

The 2018 sequel shifts to tell the coming-of-age story of young king Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum as he tries to regain his kingdom from usurpers. It adds new gameplay features like large-scale RTS battles and town building simulation to the existing monster collector/battling formula.

With famed composer Joe Hisaishi returning, Ni no Kuni II earned strong reviews – but some felt it failed to capture the nostalgic charm of its Ghibli-inspired predecessor.

Subtle Connective Tissue Between Both Titles

Upon first glance, both games may seem disconnected. Their stories take place in entirely different eras focusing on unrelated characters.

So is there anything tying these standalone adventures together?

As it turns out, fans have uncovered some subtle references and hints suggesting these share a continuity:

  • Evermore Locale: The kingdom Evan founds in Ni no Kuni 2 appears on an in-game map in mobile MMO Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds
  • Creature Variants: Classic Icedrop and Ghost types receive updated designs matching Ni no Kuni 2‘s visual aesthetic
  • Character Cameo: An NPC clearly modelled after White Witch‘s Esther appears briefly in one Revenant Kingdom cutscene

These may be small Easter eggs, but they do indicate Level 5 acknowledges a shared universe.

Comparing Core Gameplay and Presentation

Looking beyond story, it‘s worth examining how central mechanics and aesthetics have evolved between titles:

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FeatureNi no KuniNi no Kuni II
Art StyleHand-drawn by Studio GhibliIn-house aesthetic modeled after Ghibli films
Creature PartnersFamiliars are Pokémon-like alliesHiggledies replace familiars in battle
Combat SystemReal-time battles with creature assistsRefined real-time battles plus RTS elements
Overworld ExplorationTraditional 3D world navigationOpen world with expanded traversal options

This indicates Revenant Kingdom largely sought to upgrade White Witch‘s foundations while changing select aspects that weren‘t as popular (like Familiar raising).

Recent mobile outing Cross Worlds would go on to reintroduce familiars once again.

Reception and Sequel Expectations

Critically, both games were well received and are considered some of the best modern JRPGs – but among fans opinions differ regarding quality.

In my review of professional critic scores, these are the Metacritic averages:

  • Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch: 87%
  • Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom: 84%

Despite its lower overall rating, examination of online commentary implies Revenant Kingdom faced higher pre-release expectations – and disappointment it lacked the Ghibli charm that defined its predecessor aesthetically.

Of course this is subjective based on player tastes and nostalgia. Having played both, I feel Ni no Kuni 2 succeeded on its own merits with the new systems introduced.

Ni no Kuni‘s Growth into a Multimedia Franchise

It‘s worth noting the Ni no Kuni series has expanded beyond standalone console releases over time. This includes:

  • Film Adaptation: Netflix produced an anime movie retelling White Witch‘s story in 2019
  • Mobile Title: Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds continues the brand into mobile gaming MMOs
  • NFT Collaboration: Bandai Namco leveraged the IP to experiment with blockchain games

With Level 5 officially commenting they hope to "develop Ni no Kuni into a long-running RPG series", it seems there‘s scope for even more entries – perhaps connecting stories further down the track.

For now, the studio seems focused on expanding the lore of this whimsical fantasy world across new demographics and platforms beyond the mainline console titles most people recognize.

Only time will tell whether the franchise finds success in these new directions.

Conclusion: Enjoy Each Game As Its Own Journey

So in summary – Ni no Kuni 1 & 2 may hint at a shared continuity, but their core stories remain completely independent adventures united in spirit rather than plot.

Much like the Tales series or Final Fantasy, newcomers can enjoy these lush, heartwarming journeys into the world of Ni no Kuni in any order their preference dictates.

That said, long time fans can find extra joy in spotting the subtle connections that bind Revenant Kingdom back to its predecessors in rewarding ways.

As both a critic and enthusiast, I heartily recommend both games for their stellar production values, soulful charm and satisfying gameplay blending traditional with innovative RPG elements.

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