No, Nintendo is Absolutely Not Discontinuing Mario Games

As one of the most iconic characters in video game history and Nintendo‘s undisputed mascot, Mario is crucial to the company‘s identity and business model. Nintendo discontinuing Mario games makes no financial or strategic sense whatsoever and there is no credible evidence to suggest the franchise as a whole is going away anytime soon.

Let‘s take a data-driven, in-depth look at why the Super Mario series will continue thriving for years to come on Nintendo platforms.

Mario Dominates Nintendo Game Sales

The Super Mario franchise has sold over 660 million games lifetime, generating over $30 billion in revenue for Nintendo. This makes it their highest-selling and most lucrative video game franchise by a massive margin.

Just looking at recent years, the top 5 best-selling Nintendo Switch games so far are all Mario titles:

GameCopies SoldRevenueRelease Year
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe52.28 million$3.3 billion+2017
Animal Crossing: New Horizons41.59 million$2.2 billion+2020
Super Mario Odyssey25.13 million$1.4 billion+2017
Super Smash Bros Ultimate25.71 million$1.7 billion+2018
Pokemon Sword/Shield25.37 million$1.3 billion+2019

Nintendo would have to be management suicide to ax their biggest cash cow. And we know from their recent earnings reports that Nintendo plans to develop more Mario games to continue monetizing this ultra lucrative IP.

Core Mario Games Still Going Strong

While the Mario franchise has numerous spin-offs and experimental titles under its umbrella, the core series that sells the best and keeps fans coming back are the 3D platformers and 2D side scrolling games.

Mainline 3D Mario Games

Super Mario Odyssey (2017) is the latest mainline 3D platformer. With nearly 25 million copies sold, it proves this genre remains very popular. Rumors indicate Nintendo‘s Tokyo EAD studio is already developing a Super Mario Odyssey 2 for potential release in late 2024. They aim to add new kingdoms, capture abilities, boss fights, etc.

Producer Shigeru Miyamoto has already confirmed they are "always working on Mario" and will "continue to connect Mario to consumers." So a flagship 4D Mario platformer sequel fits perfectly into this strategy.

2D Sidescrollers

It‘s been over 5 years since New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe back in 2019. Fans have waited patiently for a new classic 2D sidescrolling adventure keeping the spirit of the original Super Mario Bros alive.

Reliable leaks state the next brand new 2D Mario game will arrive in mid-to-late 2023. This gives the aging Nintendo Switch library a huge jolt during its last main years of life.

With 3D and 2D mainline games still selling gangbusters, both styles clearly remain pivotal to the Mario franchise.

Not All Spin-Offs Equally Vital

Of course the Mario franchise encompasses many spin-off series spanning RPGs, sports, racing, and more. However, it‘s key to make a distinction here.

While the Mario & Luigi RPG series has been put on hold since developer AlphaDream declared bankruptcy… This is not even close to being one of the best-selling Mario spin-off franchises.

Sub-SeriesLifetime Sales
Mario Kart176 million+ units
Mario Party80 million+ units
Mario Sports (Tennis, Golf, etc)60+ million units
Mario & Luigi RPGs13 million units

As the sales data shows, the Mario Kart racing games are really the only critical blockbuster spin-off series the overall Mario brand relies on. With over 200 million copies moved, Mario Kart is essentially an internal juggernaut franchise of its own.

Mario Kart 9 is inevitably coming to Nintendo Switch sometime in the next few years to succeed Mario Kart 8. Nintendo carefully staggers and spaces out releases to maximize profits.

When looking at the complete picture, it becomes crystal clear that Nintendo‘s management prioritizes continuing development of top-tier selling Mario series. Thetentpole 3D games, 2D sidescrollers, and cash cow Mario Kart racing games that each move over 50+ million units.

These juggernaut Mario titles clearly aren‘t going anywhere. While B-tier spin-offs like Mario Baseball or Mario & Luigi dip in and out of focus, the A-list main series continues marching on.

Upcoming Mario Games Timelines Confirms Longevity

If reports are to be believed, Nintendo already has the Mario series pipeline planned for years to come across various tentpole games:


  • New 2D Mario sidescroller drops selling tens of millions


  • Super Mario Odyssey 2 launches for holiday season


  • Mario‘s 40th birthday celebrations


  • Mario Kart 9 potentially releasing

Not to mention the inevitable Super Mario Odyssey 3, New Super Mario Bros Switch 2, etc further down the road.

Nintendo clearly has long-term roadmaps laid out for key Mario series. This level of planning does not happen if they aimed to discontinue Mario anytime soon.

Evaluating all evidence – financials, developer quotes, rumors, and release timelines – there is zero chance Nintendo discontinues the Super Mario franchise. Mario remains the face of Nintendo and their biggest source of profits.

Both major 3D and 2D Mario platformers remain in active development. Mario Kart continues selling phenomenally as a juggernaut sub-series. And Nintendo has Mario content mapped out for years to come.

While B-tier spin-offs may come and go, the one constant is Mario platforming games. Nintendo‘s mascot will keep entertaining fans for decades more.

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