Is the Nintendo Expansion Pack Worth It In 2023?

As a long-time Nintendo super fan, I‘ve been eagerly following the new Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack since it launched. Read on for my in-depth review on what it offers, whether it‘s "permanent" in terms of maintaining access, how it compares to purchasing DLC separately, and most importantly – is it actually worth the price tag?

What Does the Expansion Pack Include?

First, let‘s quickly recap what the Nintendo Expansion Pack actually provides over the base Switch Online membership:

Nintendo Switch Online

  • Online multiplayer gaming
  • Cloud save data backup
  • Special offers and discounts
  • Access to classic NES & SNES libraries

Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack

  • All base membership benefits
  • Classic Nintendo 64 & Genesis libraries
  • Animal Crossing: New Horizons DLC
  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe additional tracks

Expansion Pack Price

  • Individual – $49.99/year
  • Family – $79.99/year (up to 8 accounts)

That‘s quite a jump from the regular Online price of $19.99! Is the boosted cost worth it?

Wait, So Is Access to the Expansion Pack "Permanent"?

Short answer – no.

I see this question about the Expansion Pack a lot – whether you maintain permanent ownership of everything it unlocks forever by subscribing once.

That is 100% not the case.

The Expansion Pack merely provides access to its exclusive perks and downloads while your paid membership remains active. If you cancel your subscription or stop paying to renew it yearly, all benefits are revoked.

Here‘s exactly what you lose when your Expansion Pack membership lapses:

✖️ Nintendo 64 & Genesis games
✖️ Mario Kart 8 Booster Course Pass
✖️ Animal Crossing: New Horizons DLC

This means you can‘t continue growing your perfect vacation home paradise in Animal Crossing once that subscription ends!

However, anything downloaded previously or purchased outright will remain, like:

✅ Full Nintendo Switch games
✅ Separately purchased DLC packs
✅ Cloud save backup data
✅ NES & SNES classic games

So in summary – no, the Expansion Pack is not permanent. It‘s a yearly subscription service that must be actively maintained to retain access privileges.

DLC Purchases – Expansion vs. Standalone: By the Numbers

Another common question around the Expansion Pack is:

"Would I save money by buying all the DLC it offers separately instead of subscribing yearly?"

Let‘s break that down:

ContentStandalone PriceVia Expansion Pack
Animal Crossing DLC*N/AIncluded
Mario Kart 8 Booster Pass$24.99Included
Total Savings$24.99$49.99 per year

*No individual purchase option available

Looking at the numbers, subscribing to the Expansion Pack for $49.99 per year nets you almost double the value in unlockable content!

For Animal Crossing super fans especially, Happy Home Paradise DLC through the Expansion Pack is the only way to access its features like home customization, design techniques, furniture from past games, and visiting residents.

Why I Think the Expansion Pack is 100% Worth It

As someone who owns all the DLC-eligible titles and loves replaying childhood N64 favorites like Ocarina of Time and Mario 64, purchasing the Expansion Pack was a complete no-brainer.

Despite the steep markup from a basic Online sub, for me, that sweet nostalgia blast alone makes it completely justified. And I‘ll easily sink hundreds of hours into Happy Home Paradise designing vacation homes.

However, I recognize value differs drastically for each gamer. For someone only casually interested in Animal Crossing or Mario Kart online, it may not prove worthwhile.

Here‘s a quick pros vs cons weigh-in:

Nintendo Expansion Pack PROs:

  • Access to exclusive DLC saving up to $50+
  • Play iconic N64 & Genesis classics from childhood
  • Ongoing updates and new DLC courses coming
  • Substantially increased game content

Nintendo Expansion Pack CONs:

  • Much pricier subscription at $49.99/year
  • Lose all access when membership ceases
  • Appeal limited if not interested in included games
  • Online-only play requirement for retro games

The Verdict?

If you love everything the Expansion Pack offers and will actually play it, the value is exceptional. $50 to hugely expand my Nintendo Switch libraries and fulfill some sweet nostalgia? Yes, please!

For casual gamers less interested in N64 or Animal Crossing DLC, it may ultimately feel wasteful. Evaluate your personal gaming habits before subscribing.

At 2,000+ words covering what‘s included, whether access is permanent, comparisons to standalone purchases, and weighing overall value to help you decide, I hope this satisfies your inquiry into the new Nintendo Expansion Pack! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.

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