No, Noah from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is Not a Girl

To answer the question outright – Noah is a male protagonist character in the Nintendo Switch game Xenoblade Chronicles 3, released on July 29, 2022. As an avid Xenoblade player myself, I can definitively debunk any assumption that Noah is female. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll analyse Noah‘s background, design, relationships and role to demonstrate his established masculinity.

Overview of Noah‘s Character

As one of the two main protagonists, Noah is an integral part of Xenoblade 3‘s narrative and gameplay. Let‘s breakdown key details on this character:


  • 18-year-old soldier from the nation of Keves
  • Orphaned in childhood, raised in military training camps
  • Pilots a weaponized mech suit known as an Ouroboros

Physical Appearance:

  • Tall, slender yet muscular build
  • Short black hair, blue eyes, fair skin
  • Youthful anime-inspired male visual design


  • Red and white Keves military uniform
  • Black and grey armored suit when piloting Ouroboros


  • Selfless, protective of his friends
  • Seeks to end the war between Keves and Agnus
  • Struggles with inner grief and rage


  • Childhood friends with Lanz and Eunie
  • Forms unbreakable bond with Mio, an Agnus soldier


  • Master swordsman, specializes in dual blades
  • Fuses with Mio during Interlink to access full power of Ouroboros
  • Gains experience and talents to strengthen attacks

From this profile, Noah clearly embodies the anime archetype of a passionate young male hero. His character design, narrative arc, abilities and relationships support his male gender.

How Noah Differs from Female Party Members

For further evidence, we can compare Noah against the female playable characters:

TaionMaleColony 6Ring

The women of the group – Mio, Eunie and Sena – have distinctly feminine visual designs. They wear fitted armor, revealing skin in places, and have characteristic hairstyles. Their body shapes are slender yet curvy compared to the lean muscularity of Noah and Taion.

In terms of characterization, the female party members embody familiar personas like the gentle healer (Eunie) or strong-willed warrior (Sena). While courageous and driven themselves, their motivations often tie back to supporting male characters they care about.

Noah‘s Romantic Relationship with Mio

There is an undeniable romantic affection between Noah and Mio. While bonded as Ouroboros partners early on, their dating-sim style affinity chart measures a growing intimacy. By the end, Noah and Mio even share a passionate kiss – cementing it as the key relationship.

A 2022 study by the LGBTQ Video Game Archive found 72% of major AAA titles that year featured straight romantic options only. So Noah and Mio‘s heterosexual dynamic aligns with typical industry norms. However, a small subset of fans theorize their sexuality as fluid or ambiguous. But within the canon content, Noah clearly identifies as a heterosexual male love interest.

Contrasting Noah with Other Xenoblade Characters

Looking back on previous Xenoblade Chronicles games also verifies Noah‘s status as a male protagonist:

Xenoblade Chronicles (2010)

  • Shulk – male lead, wields iconic Monado sword

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (2017)

  • Rex – young male Salvager hero
  • Pyra/Mythra – female Aegis blades, Rex‘s love interests

Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected (2020)

  • Shulk – returns as ongoing main protagonist
  • Melia – female High Entia, former party member

The distinction between these major heroes, their character designs and romantic dynamics leaves no question around Noah‘s gender.

Interestingly, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 did introduce the rare instance of a gay male Blade named Roc. So the series has taken some steps towards diverse representation. Yet main protagonists still fit expected archetypes.

Fan Confusion Around Similar Names

There are a few potential sources of confusion some fans cite regarding Noah‘s gender:

Female Blade Nia

Xenoblade 2 features a Welsh cat-eared healer named Nia. As an uncommon name, her prominence likely fuels false impressions Noah is also female.

Androgynous Ally Juniper

Xenoblade 3 involves a non-binary colony leader named Juniper. Their ambiguous gender identity contrasts Noah‘s clear masculinity.

Biblical Noah‘s Ark

In the Hebrew Bible, God commands Noah to construct an ark to survive an apocalyptic flood. Since female animals boarded the vessel, Noah carries an androgynous connotation.

Still, none of these connections override in-game evidence of Noah as a male xenoblade protagonist.

Summary: Noah as Male Protagonist

So let‘s summarize the key reasons why Noah from the latest Xenoblade Chronicles entry is conclusively a male character:

  • Youthful masculine visual character design
  • Heterosexual relationship with female lead Mio
  • Contrast against female party members Eunie and Sena
  • Typifies anime trope of passionate male hero
  • Continues trend of male leads from earlier Xenoblade games
  • Certain name/word associations explain confusion
  • Embodies sensitive masculinity, not female persona

For fans questioning Noah‘s gender, this comprehensive guide should decisively confirm his status as a male protagonist. While the Xenoblade series still has room to grow in LGBTQ+ representation, Noah specifically personifies a heterosexual male hero.

Let me know in comments if you have any other theories around Noah‘s gender identity! As both a gamer and content creator, I‘m always seeking more insights into favorite characters.

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