Does Oblivion Have a Larger Map Than Skyrim?

Yes, according to available data, Oblivion‘s explorable game world is estimated to be about 12% bigger than Skyrim‘s in terms of total square mileage. However, Oblivion‘s cyrodilic province of Cyrodiil is actually smaller than Skyrim in official Elder Scrolls lore. This means Oblivion‘s physical map size surpasses Skyrim‘s, but Skyrim‘s in-universe region is larger.

Let‘s break down the numbers:

Map Sizes Compared

GameExplorable World Size
Oblivion24.5 square miles (41 km2)
Skyrim21.7 square miles (37 km2)
  • As shown above, measurements put Oblivion‘s total playable map area at around 12% bigger than Skyrim‘s.

Of course, visually showing the difference helps put it perspective:


Image showing overlay of Oblivion‘s Cyrodiil and Skyrim maps to scale (Credit:

So Oblivion does win out in terms of physical map acreage. But why does Skyrim feel larger to some players out there?

It‘s Not Just Size That Matters

Despite the actual sizes, Oblivion‘s open fields, dense forests, and rolling hillsides make travelling feel more epic than Skyrim‘s rocky and mountainous terrain. Let‘s compare some key world stats:

Statistical ComparisonOblivionSkyrim
Regions / Biomes95
Major Towns/Settlements65
Populated Minor Settlements1633
Daedric Ruins / Caves / Mines55173
Randomly Generated Misc. Dungeons"Infinite"Over 100

Breaking Down the Differences

Even though Oblivion has a bigger land area, Skyrim has more defined subregions and unique biomes packed together. And while Cyrodil has vast forests and fields, Skyrim fills more space with detailed landmarks and locations for players to discover – from isolated Orc strongholds to mysterious barrows hiding powerful draugr warriors.

Developer Todd Howard has talked about this shift intentionally toward a more dense world filled with more dungeons, activities and custom content for every player. So it‘s not just the size of the map, but how detailed and interactive every inch of that game space is!

What do you think after seeing the numbers? I‘m curious which game world feels more immersive to explore in fans‘ experience…

In my next article, we‘ll analyze the effort required to pack so much content within technical limitations – and where Bethesda might take things next!

Let me know what insights you found most interesting. And as always, keep sending your Elder Scrolls questions my way!

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