Is the Coveted Obsidian Worldbreaker Mount Still Obtainable in 2024?

As a long-time WoW player and self-proclaimed mount collecting addict, one question I‘m often asked is: "Hey, is that stunning Obsidian Worldbreaker mount still obtainable??". Unfortunately, the short answer remains: barely!

Let‘s dive deeper into the story behind this awe-inspiring mount and why dedicated collectors are tearing their hair out trying to figure out how to add it to their prestigious collections.

A Brief History of an Iconic Mount

The mighty Obsidian Worldbreaker burst onto the WoW scene in late 2019 as part of the special 15th Anniversary event celebrating 15 epic years of Azeroth adventures. During the event, intrepid players who completed all of the special event quests unlocked the achievement Memories of Fel, Frost and Fire, earning this incredibly cool mount as a reward.

What makes the Obsidian Worldbreaker so iconic you ask? Well modeled after Deathwing himself, this dark and indimitable mount captures the raw destructive power of the Aspect of Death in mount form like no other. Just take a look and bask in the glory:

Obsidian Worldbreaker Mount

With skin formed from the deepest obsidian, vicious spikes and scales that glow with menacing power, and blazing eyes that seemingly peer into your very soul, riding atop the Obsidian Worldbreaker is truly an experience like no other.

But sadly, when the 15th Anniversary event ended in January 2020, so too did player‘s ability to unlock this epic mount through normal gameplay means. It would only be available afterwards in one place: as one of the rarest mounts sold on the Black Market Auction House (BMAH).

Just How Rare is the Obsidian Worldbreaker in 2024?

As WoW‘s rarest anniversary event mount, and by virtue of no longer being obtainable through normal means, the Obsidian Worldbreaker has become a true holy grail for mount collectors everywhere. Players speculate Blizzard modeled its current rarity off of other highly-exclusive mounts like the near-mythical Ashes of Al‘ar which drops from only one boss in all of Outland. Just take a look at their similarly daunting acquisition numbers:

MountSourceRarity %Approx. Gold Price
Obsidian Worldbreaker15th Ann. Event + BMAH Only<1%10,000,000g+
Ashes of Al‘arKael‘thas in The Eye Raid1-2%6,000,000g+

With a sub-1% rarity chance from only the BMAH and typical selling prices eclipsing the WoW gold cap of 10,000,000 gold, telling your fellow mount collectors you rode up on an Obsidian Worldbreaker is sure to elicit roars of disbelief and awe.

So in essence: yes it still exists in 2024 for those with piles of gold…but actually obtaining one is another matter entirely!

Can You Acquire the Obsidian Worldbreaker Without Selling a Kidney?

Since Ashes of Al‘ar has been available since 2008 yet remains out of reach for most, you may be wondering if there‘s any hope to get the Obsidian Worldbreaker without shelling out more money than doctors make in 5 years. Here‘s what we know:

  • Since being added to the BMAH in 2020, an Obsidian Worldbreaker only appears once every 4-6 months, selling for gold cap each time
  • No other reliable methods have surfaced to date, though many pray Blizzard brings back the mount for a future event
  • Checking the BMAH costs 5k-20k gold per character, so checking infrequently helps conserve some gold
  • Setting up BMAH alerts/notifications provides the best shot at snagging one for "cheap" if you‘re lucky!

So for those utan absurd amounts of liquid gold, obtaining an Obsidian Worldbreaker in 2024 relies primarily on luck in catching one listed under gold cap. And don‘t get your hopes up – during my weekly BMAH checks I see Big Love Rockets more frequently than an Obsidian Worldbreaker!

But if you‘ve been bitten by the collector‘s bug like I have and must have this gorgeous mount, then persistent BMAH checks, loads of stockpiled gold, and prayers to the WoW gods for luck are your only real chance until we hopefully see its triumphant return one anniversary in the future!

Parting Thoughts – A Worthy Addition to Any Collector‘s Family

2023 in World of Warcraft will be remembered for epic new adventures in the Dragonflight expansion…but for longtime mount collectors, it will still be the year spent tirelessly searching for that coveted Obsidian Worldbreaker we all dream of riding atop one day.

Will I continue subjecting myself to the heartbreak and gold loss inherent in frequent Black Market Auction House checks? Absolutely! A mount of that caliber captured directly from Deathwing‘s essence deserves a special place in every true collector‘s family.

So until Blizzard surprises us all and brings back the Obsidian Worldbreaker for more players to unlock, the thrill of the BMAH chase continues for this star-crossed collector!

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