Is Only Friends free?

Let‘s address the question straight up: Only Friends does require a paid membership subscription after a short free trial period to access the platform and match with potential friends. This puts it firmly in the emerging category of "paid friendship services" that seek to connect people and combat loneliness, for a price.

As a passionate gamer and friendships expert myself, I‘ve been following this fascinating intersection of technology, human connection, and the creator economy closely. In this deep dive, we‘ll analyze if and why people pay for Only Friends, examine ethical concerns, overview better free friendship alternatives, and ultimately equip readers to make informed decisions.

So why do over 600,000 members pay $9.99+ per month for Only Friends? As loneliness reaches epidemic levels globally, the platforms promise of vetted, like-minded friends holds appeal for many. Let‘s explore further…

Why "Paid Friendship" Services Are Booming

A 2021 survey revealed a staggering 75% of adults struggle with moderate to severe loneliness. Simultaneously, technology has transformed how we interact:

QualityImpact on Loneliness
Reduced in-person social circles
Online hostility/criticism
Fear of missing out (FOMO)
Curated self-presentation
Connecting with niche communities globally

With COVID lockdowns accelerating loneliness and digital dependency, users are increasingly willing to pay for services promising meaningful connections.

Only Friends positions itself as vetting members more thoroughly than traditional apps, fostering deeper and more platonic bonds. Compared to profit-centric advertising models, subscribers feel they receive greater value.

But ethical concerns persist around monetizing basic human emotional needs. We‘ll analyze both sides below.

Only Friends Membership Model and Pricing

Launched in 2019, Only Friends currently reports over 600,000+ members with an evenly mixed gender ratio. After a 7-day free trial, subscription plans include:

  • Basic ($9.99 per month) – Match with friends, limited group events
  • Pro ($19.99) – Unlimited matches, create niche interest groups
  • Premium ($29.99) – Pro features plus advanced analytics on who viewed your profile etc.

Compared to competitors like RentAFriend, the site is geared more explicitly towards cultivating romance-free friendships and ‘accountability partners‘ rather than one-off paid hang outs.

So Why Do People Pay For Only Friends?

Interviews with Only Friends power users highlight 3 core motivations drivingadoption despite the fees:

  1. Vetting and Shared Values – Members feel more confident in the platform‘s screening process compared to alternatives like Facebook groups when inviting strangers into their lives. Shared commitment to platonic bonds reduces pressure.

  2. Convenience and Targeting – Hectic modern professionals are willing to pay a premium to easily access a pool of like-minded friendship applicants in their area, with common interests guaranteed. Think Uber but for friends.

  3. Fulfilling Core Emotional Needs – Psychologists emphasize human beings fundamental requirements for intimacy and belonging. For demographics like elderly, disabled, or geographic isolated individuals, Only Friends can prove literally life-saving.

Yet money typically only complicates vulnerability and authentic relating. Does putting a price tag on friendship ultimately undermine it‘s meaning?

Ethical Considerations Around Monetizing Loneliness

Critics argue Only Friends monetizes loneliness without addressing root insecurities driving it. Some describe the experience feeling "forced" or more transactional compared to conventional friendship building.

I‘d personally only consider joining under limited conditions:

  • Reassurance close connections wouldn‘t be dependent on continuing payment
  • Rigorous platform vetting and safety systems for meeting "strangers" from the Internet in person
  • Reasonable exit opportunities if dissatisfied

Additionally, while connecting niche subcultures globally can be profound, nothing beats local community belonging for most.

Healthier Friendship App Alternatives

Before joining any paid platform promising quick connections, first explore proven free friendship apps:

AppKey FeaturesUse Case
Meetup Local hobby/interest groupsCasual shared activities
CouchSurfing Travel/host travelers Meet open-minded nomads
Slowly Thoughtful written letters Introvert safe space
Patook Platonic friend matchingLow pressure social network

I‘ll cover these alternatives in detail in a future guide.

Beyond apps, nothing builds camaraderie quite like old fashion in-person regular meetups around common causes. Seek out volunteering teams, hobby clubs, religious groups and more in your local community.

In Closing: Proceed With Caution When Paying for Friends

At the end of the day, True friendship can‘t be bought. What we perceive as a quick fix through services like Only Friends likely won‘t resolve core self-work driving feelings of isolation. Reclaim agency in cultivating community organically rather than outsourcing to questionable business models.

That said, for some demographics like the elderly or geographically isolated, platforms facilitating paid companionship can prove literal lifesavers. If opting in, thoroughly vet safety procedures for meeting online contacts offline.

How do you feel about the paid friendship trend? I welcome respectful dialogue around this complex issue in comments below!

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