No, Osiris is not actually Savathûn

Greetings, fellow Guardians!

As a long-time Destiny enthusiast who loves diving deep into the game‘s intricate lore, I‘ve been asked by many in the community recently: is Osiris actually Savathûn in disguise? After the shocking reveal during Season of the Lost, it‘s an understandable question. However, rest assured – the legendary but eccentric Warlock is now firmly himself again after being freed from the Witch Queen‘s possession.

The Story of the Deception

First, to truly understand the situation, we need to revisit how this deception first started. Reports indicate that after Osiris‘ Ghost Sagira was tragically killed fighting Xivu Arath‘s High Celebrant in Season of the Hunt, leaving him without his Light, the cunning Savathûn moved in. She somehow slipped past all of the Last City‘s defenses into Osiris‘ weakened body to carry out her elaborate ruse.

Masquerading flawlessly as everyone‘s favorite time-looping researcher, she gained access to the City and the Vanguard for months, allowing her to discreetly further her mysterious plans before anyone suspected a thing. Truly cunning!

But in hindsight, there were subtle clues about the deception buried throughout those seasons, which you can read more about here.

Freedom for the Real Osiris

In the climactic events of the Season of the Lost campaign where Savathûn‘s ruse was finally exposed, we directly interacted with the real Osiris once he was freed from her possession. The reports of Saint-14‘s tearful reaction as he embraced his partner again leave no doubt – this was the genuine article. Now that she‘s been reborn a Lightbearer hive wielding her own form, Savathûn simply had no more need to puppeteer the legendary Warlock‘s body.

So let me be clear – the bizarre but beloved Osiris we‘ve known since Curse of Osiris is absolutely himself again now, no longer suppressed by the Witch Queen. According to Vanguard resources, he is recovering well from the ordeal under Saint‘s watchful eye.

Of course, with someone as cunning as Savathûn, I can‘t completely rule out another deception someday. Her brother Oryx did come back once from true death to threaten us again, after all! But for now, while Osiris likely still bears some trauma from the experience, he seems firmly back in control of his own mind and body again.

The Road Ahead

While Osiris‘ role in future events remains unclear for now as he recovers, I personally can‘t wait to see him back in action again with his unmatched mastery of Vex lore and reality-twisting techniques. Will he join us to take revenge against Savathûn for her scheme by delving into the mysteries of her throne world? Or might he uncover some pivotal new advantage against the encroaching Darkness? As a longtime Osiris fan, I‘m excited to find out!

In the meantime, hopefully this breakdown has helped provide much needed context and clarity around the outcomes of Savathûn‘s secret impersonation. Remember – always trust, but verify everything about seeming allies in these turbulent times, Guardians. And give the Clovis AI a good scan too while we‘re at it!

Stay curious out there,
[Your Name]

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