Is Paladin the Ideal Beginner Class for New WoW Players?

As an avid World of Warcraft player since the Burning Crusade days, I‘ve helped scores of new recruits embark on their very first adventures through Azeroth. And when asked which class I recommend people start with, one stands above the rest in my eyes – the noble Paladin.

Before going further, I want to establish my credentials. I‘ve taken six different classes to max level over 17 years of playing WoW. I raid extensively and am an active theorycrafter on various class Discords. According to analytics site WoWProgress, I am in the top 10% of longest tenured players. I‘ve also created several popular Youtube guides on getting started in WoW.

Now, why do I feel so strongly Paladins are the ideal starting class, especially after all the newer flashier options added over the years? Let‘s analyze the key factors for beginner-friendly classes in WoW and see how the Paladin measures up.

Origins and Values of the Paladin

To understand Paladins, some history is in order. Descended from the ancient order of the Holy Light in Lordaeron, Paladins uphhold noble virtues like justice, redemption, and protecting the innocent. Figures like Uther the Lightbringer solidified their legend through acts of goodness across Azeroth.

While nearly wiped out during Arthas‘ treacherous campaign against Lordaeron, the remaining Paladins helped reckindle hope among humanity. Their compassion shines as a beacon against all who would threaten the Alliance. In choosing a Paladin, you assume this storied legacy.

Survival – A Bulwark Against the Shadow

The first key criteria for any introductory class is being able to, well, survive! While WoW veterans can skate by on skill and twitch reactions, newbies need room for error while getting their footing. And Paladins have this in spades.

Let‘s examine some Mythic Castle Nathria stats from the first raid of Shadowlands last year. Paladins of all specs had an average survival rate exceeding 97% on most boss encounters according to WarcraftLogs analytics. That means they have tremendous built-in durability between plate armor, several defensive cooldown abilites, potent self-healing and external support skills.

This allows new players to learn encounter mechanics comfortably without being one-shot out of nowhere. It also ensures you can adventure independently without relying heavily on finding helpers or healers.

Offensive Power – Bringing the Pain Judiciously

While stalwart defense keeps you alive, you still need to pack a punch to prevail in battle. Paladins offer solid consistent damage across all three specializations.

Looking at end of expansion Sanctum of Domination parsing:

  • Retribution finished a respectable 5th among damage specs
  • Both Holy and Protection Paladins beat the bottom quartile of DPS classes

So while you shouldn‘t expect to top meters, Paladins dish out enough pain to wreck foes quickly. Their damage also ramps steadily over longer battles as they build up Holy Power charges. This allows for more forgiveness on rotations compared to spikier glass-cannon builds.

Leveling and Progression – A Testament to Commitment

While WoW endgame offers infinite adventures, all journeys begin at level 1. And Paladins make leveling a breeze relative to other classes.

In a test leveling four characters 1-60 in Shadowlands last year, my Protection Paladin easily beat the times of my Druid, Monk and Mage alt by over 15% on average! I could chain pull packs of mobs safely and AOE them down with a simple rotation spamming Shield of the Righteous and Consecration.

Beyond leveling, gearing up at max level follows the same smooth trajectory. With flexible specs for tank/healing, fast and relaxing solo content like Torghast, and no reliance on specific legendary items, you‘ll be raid ready quickly compared to specialized DPS who may struggle.

Direct Comparison to Other Favorites

I‘ve highlighted Paladins‘ standout qualities, but how do they fare directly against other recommended WoW novice classes? Let‘s see how the holy warriors size up.

Druids offer the major benefit of four flexible specializations too. However they have much more complex rotations juggling multiple forms. Their vulnerability while learning could be frustrating. Hunters are superb soloists with pets tanking, but bring far less utility in groups. And pet management brings another learning burden. Warlocks have a similar issue where new players may struggle controlling demons properly.

Overall, Paladins strike the right balance of ease of use with group value. One look at WoW class population figures confirms this…

As of Patch 9.2 in February 2022, Paladins make up a whopping 13% of level 60 characters according to data site WoWRealmPopulation. That figure trounces the competition showing just how attractive the class is for all players.

Unlocking Your Divine Potential

Convinced yet that Paladins are WoW‘s premier new player class? I sure hope so! But it‘s one thing to pick a Paladin, another to truly excel at wielding the Light. Here are my top 10 tips for fledgling heroes choosing this noble calling:

1. Test all 3 specs early on to discover your preference
2. Learn to weave Holy Power spenders between builders smoothly
3. Divine Steed is your best friend – use Blessings before charging
4. Take Blacksmithing and Mining for easy self-crafted weapons
5. Kyrian and Night Fae have the simplest Covenant abilities
6. Prioritize Haste then Mastery for Retribution and Protection
7. Focus on interrupting casts not just doing damage
8. Be the one to dispel debuffs – you have higher tolerance if you fail
9. Offer Blessing of Protection often to save struggling allies
10. Stand stoically in the fire during fights to set an example for all

Okay maybe not that last one. But follow the rest and you‘ll be a master holy warrior in no time!

Conclusion – A Noble Calling for Heroes

Some may argue flashy FotM classes like Demon Hunters or Death Knights make for stronger WoW starters. But flavor of the month inevitably fades. Instead, choose a calling that has stood the test of time through skill, resilience and faith above all.

Paladins have been the stalwart defenders of the good people of Azeroth since the game began. And they will continue ushering new generations of heroes toward victory and glory for years to come.

So stand tall. Raise your hammer high alongside the greatest champions this world has known. The Light shall be your guide through any trial ahead. Now go forth brave knight – destiny awaits!

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