Is Path of Exile Just Like Diablo?

No, Path of Exile is not just like Diablo despite sharing the same action RPG core gameplay. While PoE originally set out to capture the spirit of Diablo 2, it has grown over the past decade into a vastly deeper and more complex beast.

How Path of Exile Compares to the Diablo Series

As an avid ARPG gamer who has played thousands of hours across the Diablo and PoE franchises, I can highlight key differences:

Gameplay Speed and Combat Feel

Diablo‘s combat emphasizes fast-paced demon slaying with immediate feedback. Skills have impact and enemies die quickly from our hero‘s attacks. Path of Exile combat is slightly slower and methodical, with enemies taking longer to kill.

  • Diablo – Quick, visceral combat
  • PoE – Slower, tactical playstyle

This comes down to player preference. I tend to enjoy PoE‘s weightier feel but can see why some prefer Diablo‘s arcade-like hack and slash gameplay.

Character Progression and Customization

Here lies PoE‘s greatest strength over Diablo – the sheer depth of its character advancement systems.

Game# of BuildsSkill CustomizationUnique Gear
Diablo 3fewer than 20 competitive builds per classStreamlined runes modify skillsSets define builds
Path of Exileeffectively unlimitedExtensive skill tree and gem socketsThousands of interesting rare items

PoE has infinitely more character and build customization through its passive skill forest and skill gems. The complexity can seem daunting for new players but gives amazing creativity for those who enjoy experimentation.

Itemization and Loot Hunting

Loot drops are the lifeblood of any ARPG. Both PoE and Diablo incorporate procedural generation and random affixes on items to keep the loot hunt exciting. PoE items have more potential to enable builds on their own without relying solely on complete gear sets as in Diablo. This adds more excitement identifying rare drops – almost any base item type has potential in PoE.

Trading Economy

A major aspect separating PoE from Diablo is the vibrant player-driven economy arising from unfettered trading. The ability to freely trade gear gives new purpose to items and break up progression with economic goals. Diablo 3 originally had an Auction House which damaged the core item hunt, whereas PoE has organically nurtured a functional trading ecosystem that complements solo grinding.

Endgame Mapping System

PoE releases expansions on a strict 13 week cycle. This gives an unparalleled amount of new endgame content and challenges compared to Diablo. Adventure Mode Rifts in D3 since the Reaper of Souls expansion have improved endgame longevity but still pale in comparison to the depth of PoE‘s mapping system.

Why Does Path of Exile Remain So Popular?

originally launched in 2013. Nine years later, it persists as one of the top played ARPGs on PC and frequently breaks peak concurrency records after new league launches. What explains its longevity and appeal?

  • Best-in-class character build customization keeps theorycrafting interesting with regular balance changes
  • Pure cosmetic microtransactions fund ongoing developer support and updates
  • Trading interactions make the game feel alive and less single player focused
  • Expansions every 3 months provide major shakeups preventing stagnation
  • New league launches gives reason to start fresh and experiment

PoE checks marks for depth, variety, and replayability that keep players hooked year after year. The transparent development roadmap provides confidence that major improvements and content additions will continue marching forward.

Should You Play Path of Exile or Diablo?

For new ARPG players, I generally recommend trying out Diablo 3 first. The polished gameplay and streamlined systems make for an easier entry point. Veteran gamers seeking the ultimate character building sandbox with endless item possibilities will prefer Path of Exile.

If your goal is to slay demons with satisfying combat at the highestGreater Rifts, pick Diablo 3. For complex RPG systems theorycrafting powerful characters and accumulating currency, PoE can‘t be beat. One caters more to the casual audience while the other appeals predominantly to the hardcore PC gamer.

Both are excellent ARPG franchises in their own right. As the reigning king of complexity and depth however, I believe Path of Exile currently wears the genre crown overall. Grinding Gear Games‘ unrelenting content cadence shows no signs of letting up – we‘re sure to see PoE continue dominating the ARPG scene for years to come.

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