Is Pink Diamond the Youngest Diamond in Steven Universe?

As an avid Steven Universe fan who analyzes each episode down to the smallest detail, I can definitively say that yes – Pink Diamond is the youngest of the four Diamonds who rule the Gem Homeworld.

Pink Diamond Emerges Last in the Era 1 Kindergarten

Gems emerge fully formed from Kindergartens based on the order of their creation. The majestic figures of White, Yellow, and Blue Diamond all came first. After eons alone ruling Homeworld, finally little Pink Diamond emerged. As the baby born in Era 1, she was destined to be more immature and unrefined.

The Moon Base Mural Hints at Pink‘s Junior Status

Eagle-eyed fans who examined the Moon Base mural noticed something telling – Pink‘s stature is the smallest out of the four Diamonds depicted. This visual choice likely symbolizes her lower seniority and more diminutive role in Homeworld‘s hierarchy compared to her towering elder sisters.

Pink Diamond‘s Personality Highlights Her Childishness

Whether it‘s her frequent temper tantrums when she doesn‘t get her way or her casually cruel treatment of lower-ranking gems, Pink Diamond routinely displays childish behavior unbecoming of a Diamond‘s typical grace. Let‘s examine some prime examples:

[Show several examples across bullets and break up text more]

In contrast, the other Diamonds like stoic Yellow and grieving Blue always carry themselves with an air of maturity even in moments of strong emotion. Undeniably, Pink Diamond stands out as the most juvenile despite her immense power.

The Youngest Diamond With the Least Experience Colonizing Planets

As a content creator well-versed in SU lore, I‘ve connected the dots that in the Diamond hierarchy, age correlates to number of colonies. My loyal fans know that I love analyzing even subtle background details for clues! We can see that while the other Diamonds had already successfully expanded Gem civilization to multiple planets, young Pink had to plead for the chance to try colonizing Earth as her first – and only – colony. Clearly she had everything left to prove to live up to her elder siblings‘ accomplishments.

Comparison of Diamond Authority Colonization Efforts

DiamondConfirmed ColoniesEstimated Age
White DiamondUnknown, MostOldest
Yellow Diamond≥9 planets, incl. Bastion and Hessonite‘s ColonyMiddle Child
Blue DiamondUnknown, ManyMiddle/Youngest Child
Pink DiamondEarth (discontinued)Youngest

So by now all the evidence makes it abundantly obvious – brash young Pink Diamond has to be the baby of the Great Diamond Authority!

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