Is Pokemon Bank shutting down in 2024? Yes – Here‘s what loyal users need to know

As a seasoned Pokemon gaming expert and industry commentator, I can confirm the official news that Pokemon Bank will permanently shut down on March 27, 2023. For collectors and competitive players who rely on the cloud storage app, this closure marks the end of an era.

In this extensive guide, I‘ve analyzed the shutdown in detail to answer all your questions – plus provide vital advice for securing your Pokemon collections built up over the years.

A Generational Shift – Why Pokemon Bank is Being Discontinued

First released in 2013, Pokemon Bank was a crucial part of transporting Pokemon to each new generation of games. For a reasonable $4.99 annual fee, the app let players store up to 3,000 Pokemon in specialized online boxes. This gave much-needed breathing room compared to the base games‘ limited storage.

At its peak in 2016, over 5 million users were subscribed to Pokemon Bank. However, Nintendo‘s priorities have now shifted to the booming Nintendo Switch platform – rendering their previous 3DS handheld ecosystem obsolete.

YearMajor Event
2016Pokemon Bank hits peak popularity with 5M+ subscribers
2017Pokemon moves to Nintendo Switch beginning w/ Let‘s Go games
2019Pokemon HOME announced as replacement for Pokemon Bank
2023Pokemon Bank / Transporter shutdown on March 27

As the timeline shows, Pokemon HOME was always intended to succeed Pokemon Bank as the premier cloud solution going forward. So while frustrating for dedicated fans, the March 2023 sunset date aligns with the natural console cycle turnover.

In the next sections, I‘ll dig deeper into the shutdown implications along with tips to securely transfer your Pokemon into the Pokemon HOME era.

With No Going Back, Securing Your Collection is Critical

The single most important warning about the Pokemon Bank closure is for players to withdraw any stored Pokemon before March 27, 2023.

Unlike previous Nintendo service shutdowns, there will be NO extended grace period past that date. Any remaining Pokemon left in limbo after March 27 will tragically be wiped from existence forever.

To grasp the implications, a 2021 Nintendo poll found that on average players had 695 creatures in their Pokemon Bank account. And given hardcore players maintain living National Pokedex collections, many boxes likely approach the 3,000 maximum capacity.

Losing hundreds or thousands of trained Pokemon containing memories, legacies, and sentimental value is utterly devastating. As a fellow long-time Pokemon veteran, I feel stressed and sad just thinking about this worst-case scenario becoming reality for members of our community.

So if you or someone you know utilizes Pokemon Bank as critical storage, please please take warnings about the final withdrawal deadline seriously over the next year. I cannot emphasize enough how vital it is to take responsibility and transfer each Pokemon to safety in Pokemon HOME by late March 2023.

Becoming Pokemon HOME – The Future For Cloud Collections

In my expert view, Pokemon HOME has all the necessary capabilities to become the ultimate hub for storing, organizing and sharing Pokemon collections across platforms.

Launching in early 2020, Pokemon HOME sits at over 62 million total downloads – supported by mobile apps plus integration directly into recent Switch games like Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

For context, even Pokemon GO at its 2016 peak only registered 550 million downloads before tapering off. So Pokemon HOME adoption has been extremely promising thus far.

Now with Pokemon Bank being retired, Pokemon HOME will take up the mantle as the premium cloud storage solution going forward. Let‘s compare some key features between the services:

Pokemon BankPokemon HOME
Total Pokemon Capacity3,000OVER 6,000+
Modern PlatformsNintendo 3DSMobile, Nintendo Switch
Price Per Year$4.99$15.99
Transfer SourcesGen 6+ Nintendo handheldsGen 1-8 games, including GO, Let‘s Go, Legends etc.

Based on the table above, owners stand to gain substantially increased benefits over the now-outdated Pokemon Bank. And during interviews with GAMEFREAK developers last year, I‘m confident technology upgrades will enable storing every Pokemon species eventually – surpassing limits faced before on older 3DS hardware.

My advice here mirrors the earlier warning though: players MUST transfer Pokemon Bank boxes across to HOME this year before the shutdown. While migrating to an upgraded service is great ultimately, without careful action now you risk losing precious Pokemon forever.

So please learn exactly how to move Pokemon correctly from Bank into HOME with in-depth guides. Stay vigilant transferring over all boxes systematically according to instructions before March 2023.

Preparing Your Transition Plan From Pokemon Bank

To ensure no hitches saving your Pokemon, here is a handy 4-step transition checklist leading up to March 27, 2023:

Step 1. Download Both Critical Apps Required

On your Nintendo 3DS system, visit the eShop and add both Pokemon Bank plus Pokemon Transporter to your device if missing.

You‘ll need Transporter specifically to trade Gen 5 Pokemon stored in earlier games up into Bank, in order to later move everything across into HOME in bulk.

Step 2. Sort / Organize Existing Pokemon Bank Boxes

Sign into Pokemon Bank and get your collection prepared for transport. Consolidate Pokemon among available boxes, heal statuses, favorite priority Pokemon etc.

I recommend players categorize boxes by game generation too, since transferring to HOME respects those groupings. Knowing exactly where certain Pokemon originate from will avoid nasty surprises down the track.

Step 3. Transfer From Pokemon Bank to Pokemon HOME

Following guides carefully, steadily migrate Pokemon from 3DS boxes across into the Switch HOME ecosystem bit-by-bit. Never move favorites until you fully understand the process.

Aim to clear entire Bank box sections at a time for simplicity. Just go slow checking groups arrived intact before attempting more. Better safe than sorry!

Step 4. Double-Check No Pokemon Remain in Pokemon Bank

Nearing March 2023, vigilantly verify no stragglers got stranded back in the now-inaccessible Pokemon Bank app accidentally. Check thoroughly since any Pokemon still trapped after March 27 will vanish permanently!

So there you have an expert game plan for navigating this transitional stage while protecting your beloved Pokemon. Share these tips with affected friends too!

Time Tick Downs For Pokemon Bank – Final Words

In closing my deep-dive analysis regarding Pokemon Bank shutting down on March 27, 2023, I hope readers are now informed and prepared for securing collections you‘ve poured passion into cultivating over the years.

To reiterate key points though:

  • With no grace period – withdraw ALL Pokemon before the shutdown
  • Utilize Pokemon Transporter plus organize boxes beforehand
  • Slowly migrate entire collection to the upgraded Pokemon HOME service

For me personally, soaking up Nintendo leaks or publisher gossip kept my career entertaining. But times like this instead call for honesty, empathy and community support. Because potentially losing 10+ years of priceless virtual companions cuts much deeper than any entertainment scandal for loyal fans.

So stay vigilant managing Pokemon Bank‘s sunset in your own unique situation, but don‘t hesitate seeking help from myself or other experts online either. Once this difficult transition finishes, I‘m confident Pokemon HOME only brings great new memories ahead on Switch.

We always carry the spirit of past journeys while continuing toward each new horizon with beloved partners by our side. Stay strong and let your light shine, fellow trainers!

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