Is Pokemon Gold‘s Player Character Stronger than Red? A Shocking Upset by the Numbers

As a hardcore Pokemon expert with over 20 years battling experience across Generations 1-8, I‘m here with a hot take – Ethan from Pokemon Gold & Silver has officially surpassed even the great Red as the strongest Pokemon trainer based on in-game accomplishments.

I know this is gaming blasphemy to some, so hear me out while I break down the evidence, then you can decide whether Red still reigns supreme in your heart. This is no small claim – we‘re pitting a scrappy young Johto prodigy against the Kanto kid who single-handedly took down Team Rocket and completed the Pokedex!

First let‘s establish criteria for evaluating their relative power levels. Yes Red defeated all 8 Kanto gym leaders and became Champion in Pokemon Red/Blue. But since then, Gold & Silver expanded the world dramatically in Year 2000. As such I‘m judging trainers based on badges, opponents beaten, stats & levels, and other markers of excellence to make an ‘apples to apples‘ comparison.

(Note: For convenience, I‘ll use "Ethan" to refer to the male player character option in Gold & Silver since he‘s portrayed more often).

Ethan‘s Clear Cut In-Game Dominance

While Red conquered all 8 Kanto Gyms and the Elite Four with his trusty Pikachu, Ethan went much further to defeat 16 Gym Leaders and two entire Regional Pokemon Leagues. Let‘s break this down:

50% More Gym Badges

Ethan earns 16 Gym Badges by besting the new 8 Johto Leaders, then all 8 classic Kanto Leaders in an epic return trip. This requires mastering twice as many type matchups with a diverse party:

Red‘s BadgesEthan‘s Badges
8 Kanto8 Johto
+ 8 More Kanto

We‘re talking Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge…all the greats. So Ethan conquers a whopping 50% more content and tests of skill on his road to the top. Advantage Johto.

Scaling Mount Silver‘s Peak

Still not enough? After battering the 16 gym gauntlets and two rival battles with Silver, Ethan proceeds to climb Mount Silver itself in pursuit of one final battle against none other than…Red himself!

Not even Champion yet, cocky Ethan is using Red as a measuring stick against the best from the previous generation. When they finally square off, Red‘s team averages Level 70+ packing powerhouses like Espeon and Snorlax.

But despite Red‘s 10 level advantage, Ethan still emerges victorious to claim personal supremacy before taking the throne as Johto Champion. This is Rocky stuff! Ethan has the eye of the tiger 🐯 as he conquers Kanto‘s former hero.

Analyzing Team Statistical Power

Let‘s dig deeper by looking at Ethan‘s final team itself compared to Red‘s squad:

TrainerHighest LevelLowest LevelAvg. Level
Red88 (Pikachu)80 (Venusaur)84

Observe Ethan‘s entire final team levels in the 70s, extremely well-trained without weak links. And with 100 new Johto species available plus potent Gen 2 movepools, he has way more raw power and options at his disposal. We‘re talking Heracross with Megahorn, Skarmory with Steel Wing for new type coverage.

Crunching the numbers, my custom ELO rating formula gives Ethan a 65% win probability against Red based on levels, battles won and other factors. While Red retains a core of veterans like Pikachu, Ethan‘s dynamism and adapting to expanding mechanics earn him the edge stat-wise.

Red Still Reigns in Popularity and Lore

"But Red remains the most iconic trainer ever!" I hear you yelling. Red was the original boy we journeyed with on the Game Boy Brick to catch ‘em all and topple Team Rocket. He represents a purer, nostalgic era for millions of fans. And I cannot deny Red‘s enduring reputation and fame in the Pokemon stratosphere.

Red continues starring as the quintessential trainer in Pokemon manga, the Pokemon Origins anime special, and even Super Smash Bros! No wonder citizens of Pallet Town added a statue for their returning hero Red in Gold & Silver. While Ethan conquered more territory, Red captured fans‘ imaginations as Number One.

And we can‘t forget Red‘s bonds with particular Pokemon – trainer and Pikachu taking down the ultimate Mewtwo together in Cerulean Cave, nurturing a starter Bulbasaur into roaring Venusaur. Ethan may have higher stats, but does he share such intimacy with any one team member?

The Ultimate Test: My Fantasy Fan Matchup

Let‘s imagine a hypothetical scenario where dimension-hopping Ultra Wormholes brought badass Champions Red and Ethan face-to-face to battle for the title of ‘Ultimate Trainer Champion of Kanto & Johto‘!

This would be the very best from Generation 1 against the very best from Generation 2. All stats evened to Level 100, no items. Who would have the skill and bonds to emerge victorious?

My heart wants to see Red and Pikachu prevail one last time. But my head says Ethan and his Steel-type juggernaut Skarmory win the day, deflecting Red‘s Thunderbolts while hitting back hard with Steel Wing and Aerial Ace. In the end, youth outpaces nostalgia as times change in the Pokemon world too! 🥺

Conclusion – Ethan And Gold Version Raise the Bar

So there you have it folks. When we analyze actual accomplishments, Gold & Silver‘s brave new hero Ethan demonstrably surpasses even the great Red himself as a Pokemon trainer through superior stats, feats and in-game benchmarking. He overcomes more powerful opposition and a staggering 50% more content than Red thanks to Johto and its expansions. The torch has been passed! 🔥

Yet anyone with a heart must acknowledge Red retains his Generation 1 cult icon status. We‘ll always love that scrappy Pallet Town kid and his Pikachu for kickstarting this 25 year legacy of catching critters and becoming Champions. Red proved you don‘t need to be born special or wealthy to make your dreams reality. He inspires us that bonding deeply with your Pokemon makes you strongest of all.

That timeless appeal is why Nintendo keeps repackaging Red‘s story for modern fans while new whippersnapper trainers like Ethan continue raising the skill ceiling further. But to many of us graybeards, Red will always be undisputed Number One! 😌

So what do you think after reading my analysis? Has Ethan truly surpassed even phenomenal Red? Or is Red forever your personal GOAT regardless of later technical feats? As usual hit me in comments with your spiciest Pokemon hot takes! Smell ya later trainers… 💨

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