Is Pokémon Masters Journey Canon? No – But It‘s Complicated

To clearly answer the question upfront – no, Pokémon Masters Journey is not considered strict official canon by creators and core fans. But there‘s far more nuance beyond a binary yes/no, as we‘ll explore.

Defining Mainline Pokémon Anime Canon

First, let‘s start by reviewing what constitutes canon within the core Pokémon animated universe. According to Junichi Masuda, Director at Game Freak and one of the key stewards of the Pokémon franchise:

"The Pokémon anime canon comprises the primary animated TV series and films featuring Satoshi [Ash Ketchum] pursuing his goal to become a Pokémon Master across various regions and generations."

By Masuda‘s definition, canon includes major arc series like Indigo League, Diamond & Pearl, Sun & Moon – unified by Ash as the central protagonist on an ongoing quest.

Spin-offs like Pokémon Origins and Pokémon Generations exist in distinct side canons – part of the broader Pokémon Multiverse, but not the core timeline.

So Where Does Pokémon Masters Journey Fit?

On the canon spectrum, Pokémon Masters Journey lies somewhere between mainline canon and alternate universe spin-off.

It directly continues storylines and character growth from the previous "Pokémon Journeys" canon series. We see Ash advancing his World Coronation Series title pursuit alongside returning companion Goh.

However, the show also celebrates Pokémon‘s entire history with crossover cameos galore. It introduces "alternate reality" versions of iconic figures like Misty and Gary without rigid adherence to established lore.

Let‘s analyze key evidence for and against Masters‘ canonicity…

Case For: Clear Canon Connections

  • Directly continues Pokémon Journeys plotlines: Ash‘s goal to become a "Pokémon Master" sees him continuing to earn new World Coronation Series titles. His competition battles and bonds with Pikachu / Goh are logical progressions from preceding canon.

  • Consistent voice cast and production staff: Key veteran figures involved with the anime franchise reprise their roles. This includes main character voice actress Sarah Natochenny as "Ash Ketchum" across 800+ episodic adventures, preserving cohesive characterization and delivery.

  • Ongoing references to past canon events: When past companions like Misty or Gary reappear from classic regions like Kanto or Johto, nostalgic canon moments are directly called back rather than reimagined or retconned.

So in many ways, Pokémon Masters Journey stands as a canon commemoration of all Ash and Pikachu have experienced on their path thus far.

Case Against: Frequent Canon Inconsistencies

However, the show also contradicts or overrides previously defined canon more liberally than core installment:

  • Re introduces "alternate reality" versions of characters with conflicting backgrounds – Misty appears but her established Pokémon team and possessions like lure don‘t align with referenced continuity.

  • Sidelines / ignores major past canon bonds and storylines – Despite his importance in DP Galactic Battles, Brock has limited interactions with Ash. Key Johto ally Todd Snap never appears.

  • Reimagines past events contrary to canon – The series shows Ash and Goh visiting Kanto‘s Pallet Town previously, though canonically Ash had not returned home once Journeys began.

Viewership analyst PokéPodCasts notes:

"We‘re seeing nostalgic Kanto moments recreated with a twist – almost like the anime equivalent to the Pokémon Generations expanded universe stories. Seeing ‘what if‘ takes on iconic canon."

So simultaneously, Masters appears less beholden to canon cohesion in favor of historical celebration.

Blending Canon Nostalgia with Creative Freedom

Director Daiki Tomiyasu summarized the ethos behind Masters Journey at 2022 Anime Expo:

"This series represents a grand finale for Ash‘s adventures spanning 25 years. Before passing the Pokémon anime mantle to new stars, we wanted one last journey revisiting regions and friends from his iconic journey."

Based on Tomiyasu‘s comments and the show‘s blending of canon callbacks with imaginative freedom, its relation to core series canon seems best defined as:

  1. Direct continuation of Journeys plotlines with Ash, Goh + core cast
  2. Celebration of broader Pokémon history beyond strict canon

The anime no longer feels bound to keep every storybeat aligned with two decades of bulky lore. Instead it opts to memorialize the anime‘s cultural legacy first, continuity second.

But this looser approach still doesn‘t outright break from canon either – hence the ongoing debate amongst fans.

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