The Fate of Primis and Ultimis in Call of Duty Zombies

As a hardcore Zombies geek, few story outcomes shocked me more than seeing Primis and Ultimis – our beloved crews – seemingly destroyed across Black Ops 4‘s complex Easter Eggs. Many fans surely agree. But should we accept their demise at face value? Their deaths leave some intriguing uncertainties.

The Straight Facts on Primis and Ultimis

To start, let‘s establish the clear facts on our iconic heroes based on Black Ops:

  • Primis Richtofen initiates the cycle-breaking events, wiping himself from existence
  • The remaining Primis crew allows themselves to be erased after
  • Ultimis was systematically killed by Primis years earlier

So in no uncertain terms, yes – Treyarch wrote them off. But with the mysteries of the Dark Aether in play, few ends are permanent. Their sacrifices may have meaning beyond destruction.

My Theory as a Passionate Fan

Personally, I choose to believe both crews could come back somehow. The decisiveness of their vanquishing makes me think Treyarch wanted to shake things up through their deaths, while leaving subtle narrative openings through the cosmic Dark Aether realm introduced in Black Ops 4.

Maybe I‘m just in denial as a hardcore Primis supporter! But let‘s closely analyze the facts around their demise, as well as the hints pointing to a possible return.

Examining the Fall of Primis

As covered in various Easter Egg ending cutscenes, Primis Richtofen initiates a cycle-breaking quest that required self-sacrifice. His willing erasure from time/space symbolized Primis finally breaking Dr. Monty’s endless loop – a huge narrative milestone!

With Richtofen falling on this proverbial sword for the greater good, the stage was set for the remaining Primis crew to finish things soon after.

But Richtofen’s wipe from existence has an interesting side effect – the Richtofen we see emerge from cryo-sleep afterward possesses the memories and motivations of pre-cycle Primis. Almost a “soft reset” on his character.

So in essence, Primis lives on through this familiar Richtofen variant seamlessly re-integrating with the group.

One can presume the Richtofen leading Primis by the time they manifest in Ancient Rome (as depicted in Origins intro cutscene) is this very version.

In summary, Primis’ death might not be so finite after all!

Understanding the Calculated Demise of Ultimis

Ultimis falling at the hands of their Primis counterparts was a gripping moment for sure!

But similar to Richtofen’s self-sacrifice, their systematic execution served specific narrative purposes beyond shock value:

  • Removed unstable/dangerous variants to prevent further dimensional issues
  • Passed the proverbial Zombies torch from Ultimis to Primis as central heroes
  • Mirrors the Cycle being “reset” through Primis’ ascendence

With Ultimis having already played its narrative role through myriad maps and Easter Eggs, this changing of the guard made logical sense for continuing the Aether story in fresh directions. Primis carried less convoluted multiverse baggage.

However, in analyzing these calculated motives behind Ultimis’ demise, their deaths also represented tying up loose ends. And with the inclusion of Dark Aether paranormal phenomena in Black Ops 4, even these deaths could possibly unravel.

If nothing else, hero deaths have constantly proven impermanent in comic books and related media. Just saying!

Examining the Dark Aether and Its Implications

Speaking of cosmic consequences, the weird and mystical properties of Dark Aether introduced in Black Ops 4 cannot be understated in possibly undoing key events – including character deaths!

This otherworldly dimension has broken all established rules thus far. And with leaks pointing to the next Treyarch Call of Duty continuing the Dark Aether narrative, its reality-bending capabilities may facilitate Primis and Ultimis emerging once more.

Dimensional Travel Potential

For one, the Dark Aether has already enabled interdimensional and time travel antics changing the fates of many characters. Victis and Kronorium mysteries illustrate this well!

Who’s to say Primis and Ultimis didn’t have their consciousnesses similarly preserved somewhere within its energy? Or that the Shadowman isn’t scheming their return already?

After all, the Shadowman similarly broke Dark Aether’s constraint at the end of Black Ops 3’s cycle! This divine realm seemingly plays by no understandable rules.

Tantalizing Tag Der Toten Ending

Secondly, the ominous fade-to-black ending after Tag Der Toten’s Easter Egg could be hinting at larger dimensional consequences tied to our heroes.

Just as Primis and Dr. Monty alluded to “the war is over…for now” upon defeating the Shadowman in Revelations, Tag’s ending screams unfinished business around the Apothicons.

Perhaps Primis and Ultimis’ services will be required once more upon the Dark Aether realm making its next move. After all, wars never truly end – especially across dimensional bounds!

franchise trends

Finally, Call of Duty’s penchant for reviving deceased characters and retconning plot points makes me skeptical that Treyarch would permanently destroy two such beloved crews.

Maybe wishful thinking as a Call of Duty lifer, but I’ve seen this franchise pull one over on fans too many times! They might as well rename “death” to “hiatus” with how liberally it gets reversed!

The Waiting Game Continues

At the end of the day, everything stated here remains passionate speculation from a devoted Zombies buff. Only Treyarch holds the true fate of Primis, Ultimis and the Dark Aether story close to the chest.

But the blurred reality between life and death within Black Ops 4 makes me believe we haven’t seen the last of our beloved crews just yet. When dealing with dimensions, timelines and cosmic powers, death need not be finite.

Here’s hoping my theories prove true upon the next exciting chapter in the Dark Aether Saga releasing later this year. What an Easter Egg it would be to have Primis and Ultimis back in action!

In the meantime, may Monty have mercy on these fallen heroes. #PrayForPrimis

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