Is PS4 current or last gen?

As a passionate gamer and industry analyst, the question I often get asked is: "Is the PlayStation 4 still a viable and supported console in 2024, or is it completely last-gen at this point?". It‘s an important question, given the PS4‘s incredible 107 million units sold and counting – no console easily walks away from that kind of install base.

Let‘s take a comprehensive look at where the iconic PS4 stands now and what the future holds in this unique extended console generation transition.

The Reign of the PS4: By The Numbers

First, let‘s quantify the absolutely staggering success of the PlayStation 4 generation:

Total PS4s Sold117.2 million (As of December 2022)
Game Sales1.6 billion (As of December 2021)
Monthly Active Users102 million (As of May 2022)
All-Time Best Selling GamesThe Last of Us (37 million), SpiderMan (24 million), God of War (23 million)

As these numbers show, the PS4 has the second highest sales ever for a console, trailing only the PS2. It continues to sport over 100 million monthly users nearly 3 years after the PS5 successor launched. And PS4 exclusives dominate the all-time gaming sales charts.

Simply put, the PlayStation 4‘s legacy and impact on the gaming industry will be felt or years to come even as we enter the PS5 generation. Which brings us to the next question…

Is the PS4 Still a Current/Supported Console in 2024?

With the PlayStation 5 in the spotlight since its November 2020 launch, where does that leave the mighty PS4? Let‘s look at the key factors:

PS4 Support & Software Pipeline

  • 116 million PS4 users is not a player base Sony or developers can just walk away from anytime soon. Demand still far outpaces supply for the PS5 globally.
  • Major 2023 releases like Hogwarts Legacy, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Assassin‘s Creed Mirage and dozens more are confirmed for both PS4 & PS5.
  • In fact, nearly every major PS5 release so far has been cross-gen including God of War Ragnarok (PlayStation‘s fastest selling game ever).
  • First party studios like Naughty Dog, Santa Monica etc will shift focus to PS5-only soon. But third parties will support cross-gen further out.

The software pipeline alone indicates the PS4 will continue to be a well-supported console through at least 2024.

console Lifecycles

Let‘s also look at previous console generation transitions for perspective:

  • PS2 manufacturing and sales continued for 4 years after PS3 launched until the PS2 hit the iconic 155 million sales figure.
  • PS3 received ongoing cross-gen support for 3 years after the PS3 launch.
  • Xbox One remains in production today and plays all key Xbox Series X releases.

Given the supply constraints uniquely impacting this generation shift, the PS4‘s supported lifespan could be pushed out even further – to 2025 or even 2026.

The Verdict

Given all the above factors, calling the PlayStation 4 a "last-gen" or "outgoing" console seems highly premature. In 2023 and the next couple of years, the PS4 remains a well-supported platform with:

  • Continued new cross-gen game releases
  • Teems of existing games and content to enjoy
  • An estimated 2026 timeframe before things start winding down

For comparison, that would give the PS4 a 13 year run – matching that of the legendary PS2.

So while PlayStation cosoles traditionally sunset around the 6 year mark, the unique economics of the gaming industry right now have extended the PS4‘s viability considerably. Well into the PS5 generation.

What Does This Extended Support Mean for PS4 Owners?

As a PS4 owner myself, what does this ongoing cross-gen support period mean? Here are a few implications:

Continue Enjoying New Games Without Upgrading

Probably the biggest takeaway – those still on PS4 can continue enjoying new major game releases for several more years without worrying about lacking features or support. Virtually every must-have new PS5 game also launches on PS4 simultaneously. God of War Ragnarok, Hogwarts Legacy and other new mega-hits will look and play great.

Take Advantage of PS4 Price Drops

With the PS5 taking over as Sony‘s flagship console, retailers are slashing PS4 prices with some bundles going for under $200. For budget conscious gamers, it‘s arguably the best dollar-to-content value proposition out there. Taking advantage of these low PS4 prices offsets having to buy a scarce PS5 at markup.

Ride Out the Supply Storm

The global semiconductor shortage won‘t resolve any time soon. That will continue impacting PS5 availability well into 2024 at least. Sticking with the readily available PS4 circumvents having to find where to buy ps5 stock at inflated prices. Once PS5 supplies stabilize in a few years, grabbing one will be an easy upgrade.

When Will The PS4 Be Phased Out?

As we‘ve covered, the PS4 seems positioned for strong ongoing support likely through 2025 or 2026. But a console generation can‘t last forever so what might the end phases look like? Here is an estimated roadmap based on historical console lifecycles:

Early 2024: Sony‘s first party studios wrap development of major PS4 titles and move exclusively to PS5 projects. External partners follow over the next 6-12 months.

2025: PS Store begins focusing segmentation to highlight PS5 content more prominently as PS4 releases decline.

2026: Manufacturing starts winding down as demand can finally be met mostly from existing stock. System production stops worldwide.

2027: The PS Store formally discontinues PS4 releases. PSN and existing games function indefinitely in support mode.

Following roughly a 13 year run mirroring that of the PS2, the PS4 says farewell sometime around 2027 as Sony focuses purely on supporting the now-mature PS5 platform.

But for PS4 owners the fun isn‘t over yet…far from it. Let‘s talk about transitioning.

Transitioning to the PS5 Generation

With several strong years still in the PS4 tank, the next major milestone down the road will be the PS5 upgrade. Hardware generations come and go, but PlayStation has promised to make transitioning our games collections and progress as seamless as possible. Here‘s how:

Backwards Compatibility

A vast majority of PS4 games – over 99% according to Sony – will play natively on PS5 hardware. Those releases carry forward, only taking advantage of faster load times and select visual enhancements depending on the title. Unlike the PS3 to PS4 shift, entire libraries stay intact.

Save Transfers

For an expanding number of Sony first-party games, saved game data can directly transfer from a PS4 copy to its PS5 native version.Examples include Death Stranding, Spiderman Miles Morales and Sackboy A Great Adventure. Supported third party games work this way too – like Borderlands 3 letting you pick up right where you left off.

PlayStation Network Transition

Our cherished PlayStation Network IDs remain consistent across generations, with our entire friends lists, trophies, purchase histories etc carrying over to PS5 automatically. Once signed in everything familiar picks up just where the PS4 left off.

Sony undoubtedly learned from criticisms over not supporting these kinds of transitions well during the PS3 to PS4 shift. That makes our upcoming move to PS5 when ready one of renewed games collections, nostalgia and convenience rather than starting from scratch.

In that sense, the PS4 will never truly leave us even once it‘s considered "retro".

The Last of the PS4 – But What a Run It Had

Reviewing the PS4‘s profound impact on gaming and the key role it still plays – even well into the PS5 generation – has been eye-opening. Few consoles can rival that sheer legacy. Yes, the PlayStation 4 era will eventually come to close. But with several more years of support likely, this last-gen workhorse still proudly soldiers on thanks to visionary design that made it built to last.

For those still holding off on upgrading, enjoy it while it lasts. The PS4 earned that extended run. Once you do decide to jump to PS5 down the road, your PS4 glory days will live on more seamlessly than ever thanks to Sony learning from the past.

But with an estimated 2027 retirement timeframe, worrying about that now seems pretty premature. After all, no matter what greatness the PlayStation 5 achieves, for over 100 million gamers worldwide the PS4 will always represent a console generation never to be forgotten.

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