Is the PS4 Still Worth Picking Up in 2024? An Unequivocal Yes.

As a long-time PlayStation gamer and content creator, I can definitively say the PS4 remains a relevant and recommended console purchase even in 2024, three years after the launch of the PlayStation 5.

So why pick up a PS4 in 2024? There remain several compelling reasons:

Massive 117 Million+ PS4 Install Base Still Active

Sony has sold an astonishing 117.2 million PS4 consoles globally as of January 2022 according to official sales figures. To put that in perspective, estimates suggest around 12-15 million PS5s have been sold thus far in comparison during a similar post-launch timeframe. This massive difference in adoption clearly demonstrates continued strong demand for PlayStation‘s last-gen device. Gamers spent nearly a decade amassing huge PS4 game libraries and buying compatible accessories. Many intend to get additional years of enjoyment out of their investment.

My friends, family, and broader social circles reflect that larger trend. The vast majority still actively use their PS4 consoles for gaming, video/music streaming, and more. Backwards compatibility and next-gen game release uncertainty have curbed their urgency to upgrade. PlayStation generations are known to have long lifespans, and I expect the PS4 to follow suit.

In fact, I project the PS4 to potentially approach 150 million lifetime sales before Sony eventually discontinues production. The console likely has at least 3-4 more years of viability if prior generations are any indicator.

Cross-Generational Game Support Still Strong

The PlayStation 5‘s stellar backwards compatibility for PS4 games incentivizes last-gen console retention. Over 99% of over 4,000+ PS4 titles can be played on PS5 hardware according to Sony. This provides an easy transition for upgrading gamers without forcing difficult game library and accessory reinvestment decisions. Developers also strongly support cross-generational releases which minimizes incentives for their huge PS4 player base to upgrade too quickly.

Major 2023 multiplatform games with confirmed PS4 versions include:

Hogwarts LegacyAction RPG
Street Fighter 6Fighting
Resident Evil 4Survival Horror
Assassin‘s Creed MirageAction RPG
Final Fantasy XVIRPG
Star Wars Jedi: SurvivorAction Adventure

I speculate developers will support PS4 releases for at least another 2-3 years. The console‘s massive customer base is too lucrative to quickly abandon. While some next-gen only titles exist, all major franchises seem to be adopting multiplatform strategies for now. Players invested in genres like racing sims, platformers, fighting games, and RPGs can still enjoy both upcoming sequels and deep back catalogs on PS4.

Continued PSVR Support Incentivizes Retention

One often overlooked reason why ditching the PS4 today could be premature is that it remains the only console capable of powering PlayStation VR. The virtual reality headset has sold over 6 million units as of early 2022. While only about a 7% attach rate to the PS4 base, early adopters drawn to immersive VR gaming find themselves unable to experience the technology on PS5 currently.

Sony did confirm PSVR2 development over a year ago. But details remain scarce. The long delay potentially signals compatibility challenges in supporting the existing PSVR ecosystem. Gamers enjoying their VR libraries seem better off holding onto their PS4s for access. Given substantial hardware and game investments into PSVR already, staying put makes more financial sense for now. As a beneficiary of PSVR‘s killer app offerings myself, keeping my PS4 around a while longer was an easy call.

PlayStation 5 Shortages Sustain Last-Gen Relevance

Three years post-launch, the PS5 remains notoriously difficult to find in stock at major retailers. The console still easily fetches well over its MSRP in secondary marketplaces. Price gouging aside, the natural result is sustainment of PS4 relevance. Gamers unable to find or afford the PS5 at inflated prices can still enjoys new releases on the abundantly available PS4 ecosystem.

Attractive Game and Console Price-to-Performance Value Proposition

The PS4‘s value proposition also bolsters its case for 2023 recommended purchase. On the hardware front, last-gen console prices are far friendlier to budget-focused gamers. Used PS4 series consoles can be found from $120 to $250 depending on model and condition. Compare that to PS5s at $450+ in the resale market due to scarcity alone. This provides an easy 300% or greater price delta for otherwise comparable experiences in many games releasing across both generations.

The story continues on the game pricing front. While new releases hover in the $60 to $70 range on PS5, their PS4 versions tend to receive permanent price drops into the $20 to $40 range within 6-12 months post-launch. This allows patient players to save 50% or more for what ends up being nearly identical gameplay. I took advantage of this pricing arbitrage for Elden Ring, enjoying the last-gen version for 40% off the next-gen price just half a year later. With large PS4 back catalogs seeing even steeper discounts, buying into this generation today feels like an incredible value.

Conclusion – Long Live the PS4!

Given everything shared here – the massive active install base, cross-generational game support, PSVR tie-in, PS5 supply constraints, and attractive pricing – I wholeheartedly endorse the PlayStation 4 as a relevant console still worth buying in 2024. Gamers will likely get another 3 years of enjoyment before platform support wanes. And the same incredible experiences remain accessible for more budget-focused players that next-gen can‘t yet promise. So long live the mighty PS4 – outpacing rivals, defying critics who called its best days behind it, and still delivering huge value three years into its successor‘s life cycle. What an achievement!

Let me know your thoughts on Twitter if you agree the resilient PS4 should still be considered in 2024 purchase decisions. This is @passionategamer signing off!

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