No, Sony Has Not Discontinued the PS5 Digital Edition

Despite strong rumors of its demise, I can definitively state that the PS5 Digital Edition remains in production. Sony continues manufacturing both versions of its latest generation console. However extreme stock shortages persist, with no quick fixes in sight.

Why is Finding a PS5 Digital Edition So Hard?

Behind the scenes, Sony battles major supply chain breakdowns limiting access to critical components for PS5 production. The global chip shortage and Covid impacts to manufacturing have created a massive gap between ravenous demand from gamers and the trickle of consoles Sony can currently produce.

Sony has prioritized allocating available components to manufacture higher margin PS5 Disc Editions. This choice squeezes PS5 Digital Edition inventory even further. As this chart of 2022 sales shows, Disc Editions outpaced Digital Editions 3:1 last year:

PS5 Sales 2022

Reaching 30 million PS5s produced in 2024 as Sony hopes seems an uphill battle given these myriad challenges. Most industry experts project shortages dragging into 2024 based on demand trajectories and component access difficulties. Patience continues as a virtue for those still scoreboarding at home.

Evaluating Playstation 5 – Disc Edition vs Digital Edition

For gamers still awaiting their next-gen console, evaluating the PS5 edition that best fits their needs makes the excruciating wait a touch more bearable. Here‘s how the flagship PS5 and its discless sibling compare:

ComponentPS5PS5 Digital Edition
4K Blu-Ray Drive?YesNo
Hardware & PerformanceIdenticalIdentical
Digital-Only Gaming?NoYes

And players relying exclusively on digital game downloads should consider:

PSN Download Speeds

With hefty next-gen install sizes nearing 100GB per title, downloading via PSN can take hours without blazing broadband speeds. Those with mediocre bandwidth may suffer from digital frustration!

Will Production Improvements Resolve the Shortage?

Sony promises more supply this year with factories resuming full throttle production after years of Covid slowdowns. Their stated goal calls for 30 million PS5s manufactured in 2024 – a 50% improvement over 2022!

But many factors could upend these ambitions. China‘s recent Covid surge shuttered facilities. The war in Ukraine and rising inflation/energy costs may limit economic growth needed to support enhanced production.

Most industry analysts expect gradual supply chain improvements in late 2023 but project constraints and tightened inventory persisting into 2024. Absent an unlikely miracle, extreme patience remains vital for the PS5 hunt.

Tips for Finding a PS5 Digital Edition Unicorn

Short of bribing Sony executives, hungry gamers must meticulously monitor sporadic retailer inventory drops to capture the discless unicorn. Here are tips for (hopefully) securing a PS5 Digital Edition in the wild:

  • Sign up for Sony Direct virtual queue lottery entries
  • Follow Twitter trackers announcing inventory restocks
  • Prepare retailer accounts w/updated payment info
  • Target Best Buy and GameStop for in-store drops
  • Persistently refresh sites during drop windows
  • Beat the crowds and bots by purchasing bundles

This restock calendar charts typical retailer inventory release patterns:

PS5 Restock Calendar

With no magic bullets, the quest continues. Stay vigilant fellow gamers – your patience shall one day pay off!

The PS5 Digital Edition remains in production as Sony struggles mightily to increase supply. Major roadblocks extend the timeline before console shortages ease significantly. Yet opportunities emerge for devoted gamers to capture limited inventory if well prepared and patient. Keep eyes peeled!

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