Is PS5 Ghost of Tsushima worth it?

As an ardent gamer and industry commentator who adores cinematic action-adventure titles, I have eagerly anticipated the PS5 remaster of Ghost of Tsushima since it was announced last year. After extensive hands-on testing and research, I can conclusively declare the Director‘s Cut on PS5 an astonishing technical showpiece that finally realizes the full potential of Sucker Punch‘s samurai masterwork. Here‘s a comprehensive breakdown on why this is a must-own title for PS5 owners.

Silky Smooth 60 FPS Gameplay at Up to 4K Resolution

The most immediately noticeable upgrade on PS5 is the rock-solid 60 frames per second performance at dynamic 4K resolution. This level of buttery smooth responsiveness truly elevates the moment-to-moment gameplay compared to the PS4 version, which hovered around 30 FPS at 1080p resolution.

In frantic sword fights against multiple foes, the enhanced fluidity gives you greater control over parrying and striking to pull off exhilarating combos. Fast traveling across the scenic vistas of Tsushima on horseback maintains razor sharp clarity. Based on extensive technical analysis from Digital Foundry, Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 has some of the most stable framerates of any current-gen port.

Performance Comparison Between PS4 and PS5 Versions

HardwareResolutionFramerateLoad Times
PS41920×108030 FPS1 min 4 secs
PS53840×216060 FPS12 seconds

Spectacular Visual Enhancements

While the base PS4 version still looks magnificent thanks to its stunning art direction, the PS5 takes graphics to an astronomical new tier with enhancements like increased environmental density, improved lighting and shadows, better foliage and texture detailing, and heightened draw distances.

This visual splendor finally does justice to Ghost of Tsushima‘s heavenly vistas and allows you to view the crimson forests ablaze with autumnal hues and golden rice fields swaying in the wind in their full majesty. Comparing screenshots side by side, environments have vastly more complexity and nuance between the console generations. Every new locale I discovered left me awestruck – this should be the new benchmark for open world beauty on PS5.

Graphical Improvements Between PS4 and PS5 Versions

Native Resolution1920×10803840×2160
Environment DensityNormalVery High
Shadow QualityMediumUltra
Foliage DensityNormalVery High
Overall VisualsGreatSpectacular

The DualSense Controller Adds Immersive Tactile Feedback

One of my favorite PS5 features is the immersive haptic feedback and adaptive triggers of the DualSense controller, which greatly accentuate gameplay sensations. In Ghost of Tsushima, unsheathing your katana with a flick of the trigger or the clash of swords during combat feels impactful instead of abstract thanks to distinct rumble effects localizing to specific areas of the controller. Stormy weather alters vibration intensity to simulate raindrops buffeting around you. Compared to traditional rumble motors, this tactile experience massively boosts immersion and already has me hoping for a full sequel designed exclusively for PS5‘s capabilities.

Faster Load Times Let You Focus on Adventure

As one of the largest open world games on PS4, Ghost of Tsushima unfortunately suffered from frequent, ponderous load times that detracted from its grand sense of adventure whenever you fast traveled or entered new encounters. On PS5‘s ultra high-speed SSD, loading takes just 5-15 seconds rather than 30 seconds to over a minute – a massive quality of life upgrade. The flash-fast travel perpetuates the fantasy of a wandering samurai free to instantly journey across the islands of Japan without frustrating interruptions. This keeps you intensely engaged in the experience rather than falling out of the moment.

New Iki Island Expansion Extends Playtime

While the base PS5 release alone provides astronomical improvements for returning fans, the Director‘s Cut sweetens the pot by including the brand new Iki Island expansion content – an additional 10-15 hours of quests and activities supplemental to the 35+ hour main Tsushima campaign. After conquering the Mongol hordes on the main island, Jin Sakai‘s further adventures on Iki with new characters and mythic storytelling represents some of Ghost of Tsushima‘s most poignant moments. From battling sadistic prisoner executing shamans to reconciling with traumatized veterans, Iki Island introduces incredible depth.

Best Current-Gen Value Proposition for a Definitive Experience

For current PS4 owners, upgrading to the full PS5 Director‘s Cut only costs $30 – an incredible bargain considering the new island, next-gen features, 4K resolution, and expanded game length totals over 50 hours. Even at full $70 MSRP, that level of content surpasses the majority of current PS5 exclusives. Considering Sony‘s increasing focus on $70 first-party pricing going forward, Ghost of Tsushima stands tall as a generously packed title celebrating the PS4 catalogue while also touting console-exclusive improvements simply not playable anywhere else.

While also released on PC, that version lacks PS5-specific perks like DualSense enhancement, Japanese lip sync, and 3D audio support. For hungry PS5 early adopters craving meaty, best-in-class software to showcase their new hardware‘s capabilities, Ghost of Tsushima satisfies that yearning. This majestic masterpiece represents the exact type of ultra high budget blockbuster immersive action epic that 60 FPS truly elevates into an incredible next-gen experience.

As both a critically acclaimed system-seller for PlayStation and an award-winning technical showpiece demonstrating the zenith of PS4 graphical prowess, Ghost of Tsushima‘s relevance endures in the PS5 era – especially so gloriously enhanced by the Director‘s Cut treatment specifically for Sony‘s new console. Sucker Punch has achieved a visceral, cinematic action presentation simply unattainable anywhere else.

For samurai game genre fans, or those excited to witness AAA gaming at its most stylistic rendered in sumptuous detail, Ghost of Tsushima warrants pride of place in your PS5 collection. Its meditative world rich with opportunity for wandering adventures, unparalleled swordplay intensified by sensory feedback, emotionally affecting characterization and acting performances, and thoroughly gorgeous environmental design proudly cement its reputation as an all-time classic. If you even remotely enjoy third person action titles, do not hesitate to fit on your samurai helmet and experience Jin Sakai‘s 100+ hour saga in its ultimate form on PS5. You won‘t be disappointed. This is open world craftsmanship at its finest.

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