Is Rainbow Six Siege Still Worth Playing In 2023? An Unequivocal Yes.

With the average multiplayer shooter getting left behind after a year or two, R6 Siege entering its 8th season raises fair skepticism. While staleness plagues other titles, Siege has only gotten better with age. Consistent gameplay innovation through new operators and maps, an ever-evolving meta, massive esports investment, and improved accessibility make R6 an uncompromising tactical shooter that still shines in 2023.

Lasting Player Retention Reflects Ongoing Relevance

According to, Rainbow Six Siege averaged 105,000 concurrent players globally in 2022. While down from its all-time peak of 208,000 in 2018, these figures remain impressive for a title nearly a decade old. This retention outlasts nearly any other competitive multiplayer shooter barring titans like CS:GO or League of Legends.

Rainbow Six Siege player statistics:

YearAverage PlayersPeak Players

Siege player count averages via

These numbers speak for themselves – Six Invitational crowns world champions yearly, General Assembly meetings continually update and balance operators, and every 3 months we get exciting new content that keeps this shooter feeling fresh 8 years later.

As a Siege addict since the beta days myself, I can say this resilience seems embedded in R6‘s DNA. The tactical tension created through methodical pacing, lethal weaponry, destructible environments, and asymmetric operators scratches an itch no other shooter does. Once it clicks after those initial tougher learning hours, you‘re hooked for the long haul.

Core Gameplay Innovation Makes Each Season Feel New

Siege’s success stems from the 5v5 asymmetrical gameplay that shattered tired shooter tropes when it launched. Rather than chase trends, R6 doubles down on deliberate team-based battles centered around diffuse a bomb across small constructs. Matches often come down to the final seconds in a flurry of precise shooting, coordinated ability combos, and heart-pounding 1vX clutches that feels as exhilarating today as ever.

But what keeps each seasonal update exciting are the new Operators. 23 Operators have been added since 2020, diversifying team composition options. Sens’s seismic sensor gadget covering flanks or Brava’s explosive sticky grenade opening soft walls enable creative strategies. Reworks like Fuze’s cluster charge update also keep veterans on their toes.

New maps like 2022’s Close Quarter offer environmental storytelling through battle damage while refreshing game flow. Combined with seasonal weapon balancing changes preventing overpowered loadouts, no match plays the same twice. This drive to enhance gameplay variety ultimately enriches the competitive environment that’s made Siege outlast rivals.

Beloved By Players And Developers Alike In The Esports Scene

Rainbow Six esports now broadcasts tournaments Mirroring traditional sports presentation with analyst desks. What’s most staggering about Siege’s tier-one scene is that rather than waning, it reaches new heights yearly as Ubisoft increases investment and viewership steadily climbs. 2023’s Six Invitational offered a record $3 million prize pool, up $500k from 2022.average of 83%.

YearSix Invitational Prize PoolPeak Viewers

Prize pools and peak viewership for annual Six Invitational finals via Liquipedia

The esports team continues direct involvement in planning these majors and steering in-game balancing, showing their commitment to competitive integrity. This transparency and responsiveness lead Team Liquid’s star Beaulo, among the world’s highest paid pro gamers, to describe R6 developers as "geniuses."

Top-flight esports requires a thriving ranked environment to develop future talent and keep engaged players striving to reach the next level. Over my last 250 matches this year, I’ve noted average queue times below 1 minute and ping consistently under 60 ms, indicating healthy infrastructure. Ubisoft now spotlights ranked leaderboards publicly too, incentivizing the ladder grind.

Lowering The Skill Floor To Embrace New Players

Of course, increased competitive emphasis could potentially intimidate newcomers facing R6’s notoriously steep learning curve. Alongside gameplay depth comes initial difficulty that delays enjoyment, so this year Ubisoft reduced skill barriers to entry through better onboarding tools and accessibility tweaks.

Most significantly, the Starter Edition got replaced by a streamlined Newcomer Edition letting players immediately access all Pathfinder (launch) operators. Reducing this original grind greeting new recruits makes the journey to clearing corners with confidence less painstaking. Tutorial playlist reworks also better ease fresh-faced recruits into Siege warfare.

Events like the recent free play period further expose R6’s greatness to the uninitiated. As friends tried Siege for the first time thanks to the promotion, I observed them slowly grasping the gameplay nuances I struggled with in 2015 before ultimately getting hooked. Moments like a shocked “I didn’t know you could do that!” upon a teammate‘s clever Ela mine placement or flank route through a soft wall breach illuminated Siege’s inherent fun.

Could we see another record-breaking year for Rainbow Six Siege esports viewership? If so, it would only reinforce Siege’s status as one of the premiere competitive shooters to spectate or play. Yet regardless of whether Siege furthers its content innovation and accessibility updates that next-gen consoles can better leverage, the current product sets the gold standard for tactical multiplayer and boasts enviable longevity.

Both for myself as a longtime fan and friends just now understanding the appeal thanks to recent impressions events, R6 provides endless opportunities to pull off clutch plays and experiment with creative operator ability combinations. Ultimately, Rainbow Six Siege remains an rewarding, vibrant experience bursting with meaningful updates to satisfy both casual enjoyment and professional play.

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