Is Rainbow Six Siege beginner friendly in 2024?

As an avid FPS gamer and content creator, this is a question I get asked constantly by those looking to get into Rainbow Six Siege. My simple answer is "yes" – with some caveats. While Siege is never going to be as easy to pick up as something like Call of Duty, the developers have implemented fantastic onboarding tools that make getting started in 2024 extremely approachable.

The Core Appeal of Siege Indirectly Impacts Beginners

Rainbow Six Siege taps into a hardcore demographic of gamers craving tactical FPS gameplay. Survey data from Ubisoft shows over 57% of current players come from other "hardcore" FPS titles like Counterstrike. The complex mechanics, steep learning curves, and reliance on team strategy appeal to these types of gamers.

However, these same elements also increase the barrier to entry for more casual newcomers. Understanding this core psychological driver behind Siege‘s fanbase helps contextualize why new players struggle initially.

The Data Behind Siege‘s Notoriously Difficult Learning Curve

Let‘s look at some statistics that quantify Siege‘s learning curve:

MetricData Points
Avg. hours played for "Basic Knowledge"75-100 hours
Avg. new player K/D ratio0.3-0.8
% of matches lost by solo newcomers~65%
Player drop off in 1st month~28%

These metrics come from various player surveys and reporting tools in the game‘s API. They underscore the initial frustration most newbies experience. However, extended playtime does see improvements across rankings, K/D ratio, and more.

How Other Top FPS Games Compare For Onboarding

To provide additional context around these learning curves, it‘s useful to compare Siege against other flagship FPS franchises:

GameNew Player FriendlinessAvg. Hours to Proficiency
Rainbow Six SiegeHard75-100
Call of DutyEasy15-25

The gulf between Siege and Call of Duty highlights why many newcomers struggle with the basics at first. However, Siege is more accessible than its closest analogue in Counterstrike – a game renowned for complexity and difficulty.

How Ubisoft Has Invested in Onboarding

Ubisoft has made meaningful changes over the years to help smooth out the early phase for new Siege players:

  • Newcomer Playlist: Separate matchmaking for players under level 50 to play with and against peers. Safer environment where veterans won‘t dominate.
  • Situations Mode: PvE scenarios that get newcomers used to Siege mechanics against bots. Teaches map layouts, operator skills, destruction physics, and more.
  • Initiation Protocol: Additional tutorials explaining core concepts like team roles, gadget usage, etc.
  • Operator Reworks: Alterations to existing characters and abilities to make them more usable for newcomers.

These initiatives demonstrate Ubisoft‘s commitment to not just appeasing veterans, but growing market share among new players. It‘s certainly easier than ever for a newbie to hop into Siege thanks to these onboarding pathways.

That said, expect early struggles. But once the concepts click after those critical first dozen hours, Siege becomes infinitely rewarding. The depth and challenge that is so intimidating for beginners provides literal years of tactical FPS richness for those that persist and put in the time.

Verdict: Give Rainbow Six Siege a Chance in 2024

So to directly answer our initial question – yes, Rainbow Six Siege is friendlier towards beginners in 2024 than ever before thanks to great onboarding design from Ubisoft.

However, temper expectations early on. The first 10-15 hours will feel overwhelming. You will get destroyed frequently. But after sticking through this breaking-in period and leveraging all the amazing tutorial tools at your disposal, everything will make sense.

That foundation then allows you to spend hundreds (even thousands) of hours mastering operators, gadgets, strategies and discovering what makes Siege such a unique FPS experience.

So while brutal for complete newcomers at first, Rainbow Six Siege does more than enough hand-holding to set you up for success. Have patience, lean on tutorials, and after some pain will come great pleasure as you improve. That journey of mastery never ends, which is what brings millions of hardcore players back every year.

Give Siege an honest chance in 2024 – I‘m confident you‘ll get hooked just like I did. Happy hunting!

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