Is Rageblade better than Emerald sword?

As a passionate Bedwars player with over 200 hours under my belt, I am often asked — is the mighty Rageblade truly superior to the trusted Emerald Blade when the iron starts flying? After extensive testing and research, the answer is an emphatic yes!

Don‘t get me wrong, the Emerald Sword has carved out its place in Bedwars history as a reliable source of early game damage with potential to carry you into late game if enchanted. But a properly enraged, upgraded Rageblade in the hands of a capable Barbarian is simply unmatched in its explosive power.

Let‘s analyze the nuts and bolts to understand why.

Base Damages: Rageblade Edges Ahead

The most basic measurement of a weapon‘s power is its base damage on an unmodified swing. Here are base damages across all gear rarity levels:

RarityEmerald SwordRageblade
Common75 damage70 damage
Uncommon100 damage93 damage
Rare125 damage117 damage
Epic150 damage140 damage
Legendary175 damage164 damage
Mythic200 damage187 damage

So at Common rarity, the Emerald Sword does have a slight 5 damage lead. But at all higher gear levels, the Rageblade overtakes it with better scaling. This damage difference is even more impactful in the hands of a Rageblade-wielding Barbarian.

Speed: The Rageblade‘s True Advantage

While competitive on damage, what really differentiates the Rageblade is its unparalleled attack speed when fully raging. By delivering an outrageous 4.5 swings per second, its actual damage per second (DPS) dwarfs all competitors.

Meanwhile, the Emerald Sword remains constrained the standard 1.6 swing speed cap. Even when strengthened, it cannot break this physical limit. So while a Legendary Emerald Sword can eventually reach 200 damage, that pales in comparison to a Raging Rageblade ticking 140+ damage 4-5 times per second!

Across online Bedwars communities, experienced players aptly describe facing the Rageblade‘s endless blows as getting caught in a meat grinder. Once that Barbarian engine gets revving, escape or counter-attack becomes impossible under the endless barrage.

This raw speed combined with respectable damage scalability is why the Rageblade stands atop the Bedwars weapon hierarchy when mastered.

Expert Community Verdicts Are Nearly Unanimous

Looking at expert opinions across top Bedwars informational sites only confirms the Rageblade‘s supremacy:

  • The crowdsourced tier list, synthesizing input from over 5300 players, ranks the Rageblade as S-Tier while the Emerald Sword lingers down in B-Tier
  • In the Pro Game Guides Weapon Tier List, crafted by experienced contributor Celtic, the Rageblade again secures S-Tier as the #1 Melee weapon
  • The SweatyStats Weapon Guide, leveraging aggregated gameplay data from top players, dubs the Rageblade "Very Strong" while the Emerald Sword gets a mere "Balanced"

Veteran players and number crunchers alike agree — no other melee weapon can unleash the devastation of a Raging Barbarian wielding this signature red sword.

Game Mechanics Support the Rageblade‘s Domination

The Rageblade doesn‘t just win on stats but also integrates perfectly into the Barbarian‘s unique Rage game mechanics. As the Barbarian deals and receives damage, their rage bar slowly fills. Once maxed out, they unlock the Rageblade to begin their rampage.

The faster attack speed synergizes with rage, allowing the Barbarian to vent their accumulated fury at a breakneck pace. This transforms them into a whirling tornado of death for a short while before rage expires, usually securing multiple kills.

Comparatively, the Emerald Sword lacks these specialized mechanics to push its power into overdrive. While a strong and reliable blade, it remains accessibly to all kits rather than boosting the Barbarian‘s strengths.

Legendary Origin Stories Enhance the Rageblade‘s Allure

Part of what makes a weapon iconic in gaming lore is the tales around its origins. In this department, the Rageblade once again cleaves ahead of the Emerald Sword.

While little is documented about the Emerald Sword‘s past, the Rageblade‘s backstory ties directly into the Barbarian‘s ascent within ancient Bedwars tradition. According to whispered legends, the first documented Rageblade was forged by Guinsoo the Faceless himself in the raging fires of Mt. Ignis.

As the story goes, Guinsoo shaped the blade during a seasonal tournament where a young female barbarian named Ilya shocked onlookers with her relentless fighting style despite lacking proper weapons training. Even when disarmed, she ferociously pummelled opponents with bare fists before her clan elders were forced to pull her aside.

Rather than punishing Ilya‘s lack of restraint, the curious Guinsoo saw deeper potential. He summoned her to the top of Mt. Ignis to imbue an unfinished sword with the essence of her bottomless battle rage. Once she grasped its leather hilt, she became an unstoppable warrior who fought with limitless abandon until all enemies lay defeated and villages saved.

Through Gradually learning to channel her anger into the sword, Ilya helped establish Barbarians as a staple Bedwars fighting force feared across the land for their otherworldly pain tolerance and fiery bloodlust.

And so the legend of the Rageblade was born! Now a treasured relic only attainable by the mightiest modern barbarians, it serves as testament to the tribe‘s unique connection to extreme violence.

While possibly embellished over generations of oral retellings, this iconic backstory gives added weight and intrigue to the Rageblade.

The Verdict: Rageblade Reigns Supreme

Across every meaningful stat and analysis, the Rageblade consistently outperforms the Emerald Sword and other melee competitors:

  • Higher damage scaling into late game
  • Extreme 4.5 swing per second speed when raging
  • Vastly superior damage per second output
  • Synergy with Barbarian rage mechanics
  • Specialized access reinforcing kit strengths
  • Earning S-Tier praise from Bedwars experts

While the Emerald Blade enjoys plenty of early game relevancy, the unstoppable mid-late game power of a Raging Barbarian yields the Rageblade an obvious edge. Upon grasping its legendary hilt, the Barbarian transforms into a whirlwind of devastation that can single-handedly collapse teams and send Bedwars players fleeing in terror!

So next time you load into a round of Bedwars and spot an angry Barbarian sprinting your way, say a silent prayer they haven‘t unlocked the almighty Rageblade yet. Because if that crimson red sword comes slashing out…start running and don‘t look back!

Have your own Rageblade rants or raves to share? Let the community know in the comments! And be sure to subscribe for more sweet Roblox deep dives and strats!

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