Is Raiden Shogun Really Evil in Genshin Impact? A Close Character Analysis

No, Raiden Shogun does not fit the archetype of an evil villain in Genshin Impact. However, she occupies a fascinating gray area inbetween hero and villain for much of her storyline introduction. Was the Raiden Shogun justified in her harsh methods to protect Inazuma, or did she cross the line into antagonistic tyrant? Let‘s analyze key developments in her quests.

First Impressions: The "Evil Shogun" Trope Subversion

When Raiden Shogun first debuted in the 2.0 update Archon Quests, many players assumed she would be Genshin‘s next major villain. This expectation aligned with common gacha game and anime tropes surrounding tyrannical archons drunk on power.

However, as fans completed the Inazuma storyline, opinion shifted on the Raiden Shogun‘s morality:

"Raiden is not evil, she’s incredibly misguided — she has good intentions but terrible methods. The Traveler was able to shift her perspective." – Reddit user analysis

While the Raiden Shogun began as an antagonist imposing harsh restrictions on Inazuma‘s Vision bearers, she was ultimately convinced that her methods were flawed, not her motives.

Raiden Shogun‘s Backstory and Motivations

To analyze Raiden Shogun‘s morality, we need to examine her origins and motivations driving her questionable actions as Inazuma‘s ruler.

Raiden Ei‘s Sister Makoto Held the Archon Role First

Many fans incorrectly conflate Raiden Shogun with Baal, the previous Electro Archon. But the publicly known history of Inazuma is inaccurate:

  • Makoto ruled as the Electro Archon and embodied the Raiden Shogun puppet
  • Makoto died during the Cataclysm 500 years ago
  • Ei, Makoto‘s sister, created the Plane of Euthymia and Puppet Shogun to rule Inazuma in Makoto‘s image
  • This maintained the deception that the Archon was still alive
Real IdentityPublic-Facing RoleAlive?
MakotoArchon Baal / ShogunNo
EiPlane of Euthymia / Shogun puppet masterYes

Ei crafted the Puppet Shogun with a singular focus on enforcing the Vision Hunt Decree and isolating Inazuma from outside influences. This limited perspective, combined with Ei‘s grief over Makoto, fueled the Raiden Shogun‘s extreme methods.

Raiden Ei Wanted to Protect Her People, But Went Too Far

While the Raiden Shogun came across as a tyrannical oppressor, Raiden Ei reveals that she was driven by protection rather than malice:

"I sought to protect them from the passage of time. For I suffered the same. But inevitability never waived. Only in facing life‘s transience can one discover true meaning…" – Raiden Ei in The Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act III

Raiden Ei created the Vision Hunt Decree because she believed casting aside ambitions would save mortals from their folly pursuing dangerous dreams that could doom themselves and Inazuma.

However, she took her methods much too far by:

  • Forcibly confiscating Visions rather than simply discouraging their use
  • Closing off Inazuma‘s borders and economy
  • Crushing any dissent with violence

This removed freedom and created suffering while trying to force Ei‘s ideals upon others. Even if her motives were more protective than malicious, her actions undermined moral goodness.

From Antagonist to Ally: The Shift in Perspective

While the Raiden Shogun was more extremist warden than cackling villain, she still occupied an antagonistic role limiting freedoms for a misguided purpose. So what changed her perspective?

The key turning point was her second duel with the Traveler. After losing, Ei emerges from the Plane of Euthymia, realizes the error of her ways, and begins lifting the decrees:

"I had imposed a superficial vision of eternity upon Inazuma. That was the folly of my arrogance." – Raiden Ei in Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act III

Raiden Ei allowed perspectives other than her own singular focus of the Shogun puppet to influence her policies for the betterment of Inazuma. She shifted from antagonist to ally in the span of her storyline.

So in summary of raidens development:

  • Act I: Tyrannical ruler confiscating Visions and isolating Inazuma
  • Act II: Perspective challenged by Traveler and resistance losses
  • Act III: Admits flaws in logic and lifts harsh decrees
  • Epilogue: Aids resistance and the Traveler against the Fatui

While Raiden Ei admits her wrongdoings, she is not suddenly the benevolent and infallible Archon trope either. This nuance makes her shift feel genuine: she is still processing grief and adjusting her worldview. Raiden occupys an intriguing in-between space.

Interpreting Raiden Shogun‘s Morality: Villain or Victim?

Amongst players, debate continues on how to evaluate Raiden Shogun‘s morality over the course of her introduction, boss fights, and quest conclusions. Is calling her a villain or a victim too simplistic?

In an interview with PCGamesN, lead producer Yu-Qi Lin acknowledges Raiden‘s nuances:

"I wouldn’t say she is a villain. It’s because each individual character has different intentions and motivations."

HoYoverse avoided definitive labels to emphasize Ei and the Shogun‘s complexities. The story does not portray them as justified, but helps players understand how they reached certain decisions.

Ultimately, Raiden Shogun‘s arch from morally questionable ruler to ally shows nuance surpasses tropes. Rather than seeing characters as good or evil, understanding their backstories allows us to see their multi-dimensions.

Conclusion: A Flawed but Compelling Character

So is Raiden Shogun evil in Genshin Impact? No – while she undertakes antagonistic actions, she is driven by tragedy and misguided protection rather than malice. Over time, she pivots from upholding harsh policies to reconsidering her methods.

Of all Genshin characters, Raiden Shogun subverts the typical gacha game villain tropes. We expect a tyrant drunk on power, but discover a grieving goddess trying to prevent her nation from succumbing to dangerous ambitions that led to her sister‘s death.

This makes Raiden Ei and her Shogun puppet one of the most complex, compelling characters in the Genshin Impact mythology thus far. She occupies a multifaceted gray area between good and evil – making her beliefs and subsequent evolution fascinating to analyze through her story quests.

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