Is Rainbow Six Siege Worth Playing in 2024? Yes – And Here‘s Why

Rainbow Six Siege is absolutely still worth buying and playing in 2024. Despite normal post-launch player declines, Siege remains incredibly compelling for new and returning players alike thanks to strong ongoing support from Ubisoft plus the undefeated thrill of its tactical 5v5 multiplayer.

Rainbow Six Siege Player Count Remains Impressive

While Siege has seen declining player counts since its peak, the current numbers show there‘s no signs of the game "dying" any time soon.

As of February 2023, Siege enjoys ~65,000 peak concurrent players on Steam. Compare this to other successful multiplayer games:

GamePeak Concurrent Players
Rainbow Six Siege65,000
Counter-Strike: GO960,000
Apex Legends475,000
Destiny 2162,000

For a title nearly 8 years old, Siege sits comfortably among some of today‘s most played games. Matches start quickly and consistently at all skill levels – you won‘t be left waiting long or matched with the same players.

Of course, these numbers only reflect Steam and don‘t include consoles or Ubisoft Connect players. The full picture is likely much higher, keeping Siege‘s various queues populated day and night both in casual and ranked.

Ongoing Content Updates Reinvigorate The Meta

Siege first won fans for its refreshing take on tactical multiplayer combat blended with unique operator abilities. Ubisoft hasn‘t rested on these laurels – instead they continue supporting the game with massive amounts of new content through seasonal updates.

Beyond adding to the roster of over 60 wildly creative operators like Flores‘ exploding drones or Azami‘s wall reinforcements, these updates provide:

  • New and reworked maps adapting to an evolving meta
  • Limited-time events like April Fools‘ Day playlist craziness
  • Constant balance tweaks ensuring operators old and new get their chance to shine
  • Battle pass rewards to keep grinding for along with weekly challenges

This excellent post-launch support addresses player fatigue in two ways:

  1. Retention: Veterans are rewarded with reasons to keep playing and mastering new gameplay dynamics
  2. Discovery: New players can discover not just a "new" game, but one with 3+ years of exciting additions for them to experience

Siege in 2024 almost feels like a sequel – one where Ubisoft got to keep everything that worked while improving and building on every system.

Rainbow Six Esports Scene Shows No Signs of Slowing

Beyond updates and content reveals, one of Siege’s biggest events each year is the Six Invitational international tournament. The 2023 Invitational hosted teams from over 30 countries with a prize pool over $3 million dollars.

Viewership also remains impressive – the 2022 Six Mexico Major peaked at over 170 thousand concurrent viewers across Twitch and YouTube alone.

The continued investment from Ubisoft and consistent impressive viewership show Siege has planted deep grassroots as an esport. As long as the scene stays this healthy, Siege will keep attracting new waves of competitive players.

Nearly Endless Skill Ceiling Keeps You Coming Back

Even after hundreds of hours, Siege‘s skill ceiling can seem unreachable thanks to its sheer depth. Making smart use of:

  • Destructible environments
  • Vertical flanking
  • Operator synergies
  • Drone scouting
  • Map knowledge

All come together to reward creative tactical play, clutch moments and the feeling of pulling off the perfect attack. Just when you think you‘ve seen it all, a new player shows you an angle or flank you never considered before.

Few multiplayer games offer so many endless layers of strategic complexity. Just reviewing your own gameplay shows how much there is left to improve at nearly any skill level.

Siege avoids the feeling of "solved" gameplay – staying fresh even after 2000+ hours for its most dedicated fanatics.

An Excellent Community Welcomes Newcomers

Even with such deep mechanics, Siege manages to keep a reputation as a welcoming game for newcomers rather than a hyper-elite club. Veterans stay engaged partially through bringing friends into the fray and fostering new talent.

Between the myriad tutorials and training options plus an encouraged focus on communication in matches, new players have ample chances to learn the ropes from more experienced teammates.

The friendly community invites new faces instead of chasing them off, ensuring a healthy influx of newblood balancing out declining veteran numbers.

  • A large continuing playerbase means healthy matchmaking and active communities
  • Excellent ongoing content updates by Ubisoft address player fatigue issues
  • Impressive esports viewership statistics showcase competitive depth
  • Nearly unlimited skill-ceiling and replayability even after thousands of hours
  • A uniquely welcoming player community ripe for nurturing talent

Between these key strengths, Rainbow Six Siege is hands-down still worth buying and playing obsessively well into 2023 and beyond. Both newcomers and veterans will find plenty to love thanks to Ubisoft‘s staggering post-launch support and one of the highest skill ceilings in competitive gaming.

If you ever enjoyed tactical shooters, there has never been a better time to enlist for active duty in Rainbow Six Siege’s intensely satisfying 5v5 multiplayer combat playground. Siege remains a modern classic – forever one of the greats.

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