Is Rainbow Six Siege a hard game?

Yes, Rainbow Six Siege is widely considered one of the most difficult competitive multiplayer shooters for beginners to pick up and master. The complex mechanics, emphasis on tactics, and steep learning curve make it extremely challenging compared to other FPS titles.

Why is Rainbow Six Siege so hard to learn?

Siege throws a lot at players from the start. Here are some of the key factors that contribute to its skill gap:

Completely Destructible Environments

  • Siege‘s destructible maps are dynamically changed during matches via breaches, grenades, bullets, etc. This adds an extra layer of complexity not found in other competitive shooters like CS:GO or Valorant where map layouts stay static.

  • Players must be constantly aware of potential new angles, lines of sight, and flanking routes opening up as walls/floors are destroyed. This massively raises the macro-positioning requirements.

  • Vertical destruction also allows enemies to shoot from above/below. Players must watch for killholes opened up in the ceiling or floor. Hard to master for newcomers.

Realistic Audio Propagation

  • Sound is realistically simulated – footsteps, ability triggers, reloads, etc can be heard based on surroundings. Players must listen closely and have good headset usage.

  • Identifying operator positions via subtle audio cues provides a big tactical advantage compared to other titles with less realistic sound design. Another layer of complexity for new players.

Specialist Operators with Unique Abilities

  • Siege has over 60 operators, each with special gadgets and abilities to learn such as breaching devices, intel gathering tools, bulletproof cams, etc.

  • Knowledge of every operator‘s unique role and gadget is key. This provides a strategic meta-layer with lots of complexity for new players to pick up compared to simpler character shooters.

  • The Operator Ban phase in Ranked requires knowledge of multiple operators since the best ones are often banned out.

Teamwork and Coordination are Mandatory

  • Siege is heavily focused on coordinated teamplay instead of solo carrying potential. Proper communication, efficient droning to gather intel, synchronized breach timing, etc are required.

  • Playing as a lone wolf is often detrimental. New players have to grasp team tactics which adds to the learning curve compared to titles with less reliance on strategy.

Methodical Gameplay is Rewarded

  • Siege‘s gunplay mechanics like recoil patterns punish run-and-gun. Careful aim, burst firing, and pre-aim is critical – especially for headshots.

  • New players often lose gunfights trying to play aggressively rather than slow and precise. Flanking is also key.

Extensive Map Knowledge Required

  • Learning camera spots, common angles, flank routes, key breach points, and proper callouts for Siege‘s large maps takes significant time.

  • New players are at a huge disadvantage versus seasoned players familiar with the ins and outs of every map.

Unforgiving One Life Per Round

  • Each 3 minute round has zero respawns. Once you die, that‘s it for the entire round putting tremendous pressure on each life.

  • Other titles allow respawning or have longer rounds. Siege‘s tension ramps up as rounds progress since you have one life per round. Newcomers often crack under pressure.

Steep Learning Curve

According to Ubisoft, the total learning time for a new player to grasp Siege is estimated at around 50 hours on average – one of the highest among competitive titles. This includes becoming familiar with mechanics, maps, operators, metas, team tactics and more.

In comparison, other popular competitive shooters have a lower time to proficiency:

GameAvg. Hours to Learn
CS:GO30 hours
Valorant35 hours
Overwatch40 hours
Call of Duty25 hours

Siege‘s unique destructible environments, operator abilities, and other complex mechanics ultimately provide unparalleled tactical depth. But it comes at the cost of a steep initial learning curve.

Does Rainbow Six Siege get easier?

It‘s true that Siege can be overwhelming for new players at first. But with time and practice, the knowledge needed to excel at Siege becomes second nature.

Ubisoft Initiatives

Developer Ubisoft has taken steps to smooth out the initial learning curve via:

  • Situations – PvE scenarios to safely learn mechanics against bots.
  • Newcomer Playlist – Only matches players under rank 50 against each other.
  • Operator Guides – Built-in videos overview gadgets and roles.
  • Unranked – Practice against humans in low-stakes matches.

Progression is Very Rewarding

While difficult at first, mastering Siege provides a great sense of accomplishment and progression. Playerscite the high ceilings for game sense, aim, strategy and teamwork as very fulfilling long-term.

Top squad H2O Esports player Bryan put it well: "Siege was so hard when I started. But after 200 hours it just clicked. The highs from clutch plays are so worth it."

So while brutal for beginners, Rainbow Six Siege becomes immensely enjoyable once its nuances are mastered. The skills gained also transfer nicely to other tactical shooters.

If you found this guide helpful, check out my other Siege posts like optimal settings, best operators for beginners, and map guides. I aim to provide new players with everything they need to excel. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

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