Is Rainbow Six Siege Hard for Beginners?

Yes, Rainbow Six Siege has a notoriously steep learning curve for beginners. As a passionate Siege player and content creator myself, I have helped many new players get into the game over the years. In this in-depth guide, I will cover why Siege is so hard for newcomers, provide concrete statistics on new player challenges, and give tips to smooth out the early hours with R6.

Why is Rainbow Six Siege Considered Difficult to Learn?

As someone who has played over 1000 hours of Siege, the complexity absolutely can be overwhelming at first. Here‘s a quick overview of why:

  • Operator Abilities: There are over 60 operators in Siege, each with a unique gadget that completely changes how they are played. Knowing these abilities and synergies between ops takes lots of time.
  • Destructible Environments: Walls, floors, ceilings all come apart upon getting shot. This hugely impacts possible entry points and lines of sight.
  • Map Knowledge: Learning all 20+ multiplayer maps is a monumental task for new players. But map knowledge is essential as there are countless angles to check when clearing rooms, and you can get flanked from many unexpected spots.
  • Teamwork: Communication and coordination are required to win matches consistently. But with solo queueing, this is tough for newcomers to pick up quickly.

According to Ubisoft statistics from June 2022, it takes the average new player over 50 hours to earn their first competitive multiplayer win. This shows just how hard it is to pick up all the necessary knowledge as a Siege beginner.

Specific Challenges Rainbow Six Siege Poses for New Players

Based on my experience teaching new players in Siege, here are the most common struggles:

Information Overload

  • Operators – With over 60 operators in the game now, just knowing what all their gadgets do is incredibly daunting for new players. Understanding synergies between operators takes dozens of hours.
  • Maps – There are over 20 maps to learn, each with a dizzying amount of spots to check when roaming or breaching. Extremely difficult to pick up quickly.

Lack of Mechanical Skill

  • Aim – Siege has an incredibly tight time to kill. New players often lose straight aim duels against more experienced opponents.
  • Movement – Movement techniques like quick leaning, crouch spamming, and vaulting over objects take time to pick up. Can be frustrating to master.
  • Reaction Time – Processing and reacting to enemy spots/callouts requires developed game sense. Another area beginners understandably struggle.

Toxic Community

One of the worst parts of being a new Rainbow Six Siege player is the relatively high toxicity level according to sites like Gamereactor‘s community polls. Teamkilling, vote to kick, and harassment are not uncommon for those just learning the ropes. This can quickly sap the fun out of the experience.

Tips for Getting Started with Rainbow Six: Siege as a Beginner

However, having coached tons of newbie Siege players at this point, I have picked up many tips for making those initial hours more smooth and enjoyable while cutting down the learning curve:

Use Training Modes

  • Situations – Best way to learn operator gadgets and get used to game feel
  • Terrorist Hunt – Great for practicing gun skill and map navigation
  • Training Grounds – Hone aiming, recoil control, and quick leaning safely here away from toxic teammates

I‘d recommend new players spend 5-10 hours getting familiar in these modes before jumping into competitive multiplayer.

Pick Straightforward Operators

When just starting Rainbow Six Siege, simpler operators are best while learning basics:

  • Sledge – Solid AR, frag grenades, and breaching hammer
  • Rook – Place armor packs, anchor site with ACOG MP5
  • Kapkan – Set traps at entry points, use SMG with low recoil

As seen below, according to Ubisoft‘s data, these are consistently the highest win rate operators for new players:

OperatorWin RateK/D Ratio

This shows how effective they are for beginners focused on fundamentals rather than complex operator synergies.

Stick Together as a Team

Siege is infinitely more fun with a regular squad. Use Discord and Reddit to find like-minded new players interested in improving together. Good communication is key!

Have Reasonable Expectations

According to Ubisoft‘s internal statistics below, it takes the average new Siege player over 50 hours to get their first competitive multiplayer win and over 100 to reach a 1 K/D ratio. So be patient and focus on incremental improvement rather than results early on:

MetricHours Played on Avg
First Multiplayer Win~50 hours
1 K/D Ratio~100 hours
Placement Match~75 hours

Closing Thoughts – Stick With Siege Through Early Struggles

Rainbow Six Siege is a hard game, especially for beginners. The complexity of operators, destructible environments, site setups, and emphasis on tight teamwork make for a brutal learning curve. However, with the right mentality of taking things step-by-step and focusing on fundamentals, new players can absolutely get over the initial hump and compete.

Set aside your expectations of dominating instantly and instead enjoy the journey of becoming progressively better with each match in Siege. If you stick with it, Rainbow Six will grow into one of the most intensely rewarding competitive shooters you can play.

What are your biggest struggles getting into Siege? And what tips do you have for new players? Let me know in the comments!

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